Norah Alshahrani


Performance Implications of Using Unrepresentative Corpora in Arabic Natural Language Processing
Saied Alshahrani | Norah Alshahrani | Soumyabrata Dey | Jeanna Matthews
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023

Wikipedia articles are a widely used source of training data for Natural Language Processing (NLP) research, particularly as corpora for low-resource languages like Arabic. However, it is essential to understand the extent to which these corpora reflect the representative contributions of native speakers, especially when many entries in a given language are directly translated from other languages or automatically generated through automated mechanisms. In this paper, we study the performance implications of using inorganic corpora that are not representative of native speakers and are generated through automated techniques such as bot generation or automated template-based translation. The case of the Arabic Wikipedia editions gives a unique case study of this since the Moroccan Arabic Wikipedia edition (ARY) is small but representative, the Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia edition (ARZ) is large but unrepresentative, and the Modern Standard Arabic Wikipedia edition (AR) is both large and more representative. We intrinsically evaluate the performance of two main NLP upstream tasks, namely word representation and language modeling, using word analogy evaluations and fill-mask evaluations using our two newly created datasets: Arab States Analogy Dataset (ASAD) and Masked Arab States Dataset (MASD). We demonstrate that for good NLP performance, we need both large and organic corpora; neither alone is sufficient. We show that producing large corpora through automated means can be a counter-productive, producing models that both perform worse and lack cultural richness and meaningful representation of the Arabic language and its native speakers.

DEPTH+: An Enhanced Depth Metric for Wikipedia Corpora Quality
Saied Alshahrani | Norah Alshahrani | Jeanna Matthews
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (TrustNLP 2023)

Wikipedia articles are a common source of training data for Natural Language Processing (NLP) research, especially as a source for corpora in languages other than English. However, research has shown that not all Wikipedia editions are produced organically by native speakers, and there are substantial levels of automation and translation activities in the Wikipedia project that could negatively impact the degree to which they truly represent the language and the culture of native speakers. To encourage transparency in the Wikipedia project, Wikimedia Foundation introduced the depth metric as an indication of the degree of collaboration or how frequently users edit a Wikipedia edition’s articles. While a promising start, this depth metric suffers from a few serious problems, like a lack of adequate handling of inflation of edits metric and a lack of full utilization of users-related metrics. In this paper, we propose the DEPTH+ metric, provide its mathematical definitions, and describe how it reflects a better representation of the depth of human collaborativeness. We also quantify the bot activities in Wikipedia and offer a bot-free depth metric after the removal of the bot-created articles and the bot-made edits on the Wikipedia articles.