Muhammad ElNokrashy


Rosetta Stone at KSAA-RD Shared Task: A Hop From Language Modeling To Word–Definition Alignment
Ahmed Elbakry | Mohamed Gabr | Muhammad ElNokrashy | Badr AlKhamissi
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023

A Reverse Dictionary is a tool enabling users to discover a word based on its provided definition, meaning, or description. Such a technique proves valuable in various scenarios, aiding language learners who possess a description of a word without its identity, and benefiting writers seeking precise terminology. These scenarios often encapsulate what is referred to as the “Tip-of-the-Tongue” (TOT) phenomena. In this work, we present our winning solution for the Arabic Reverse Dictionary shared task. This task focuses on deriving a vector representation of an Arabic word from its accompanying description. The shared task encompasses two distinct subtasks: the first involves an Arabic definition as input, while the second employs an English definition. For the first subtask, our approach relies on an ensemble of finetuned Arabic BERT-based models, predicting the word embedding for a given definition. The final representation is obtained through averaging the output embeddings from each model within the ensemble. In contrast, the most effective solution for the second subtask involves translating the English test definitions into Arabic and applying them to the finetuned models originally trained for the first subtask. This straightforward method achieves the highest score across both subtasks.

eBLEU: Unexpectedly Good Machine Translation Evaluation Using Simple Word Embeddings
Muhammad ElNokrashy | Tom Kocmi
Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Machine Translation

We propose eBLEU, a metric inspired by BLEU metric that uses embedding similarities instead of string matches. We introduce meaning diffusion vectors to enable matching n-grams of semantically similar words in a BLEU-like algorithm, using efficient, non-contextual word embeddings like fastText. On WMT23 data, eBLEU beats BLEU and ChrF by around 3.8% system-level score, approaching BERTScore at −0.9% absolute difference. In WMT22 scenarios, eBLEU outperforms f101spBLEU and ChrF in MQM by 2.2%−3.6%. Curiously, on MTurk evaluations, eBLEU surpasses past methods by 3.9%−8.2% (f200spBLEU, COMET-22). eBLEU presents an interesting middle-ground between traditional metrics and pretrained metrics.


The Shared Task on Gender Rewriting
Bashar Alhafni | Nizar Habash | Houda Bouamor | Ossama Obeid | Sultan Alrowili | Daliyah AlZeer | Kawla Mohmad Shnqiti | Ahmed Elbakry | Muhammad ElNokrashy | Mohamed Gabr | Abderrahmane Issam | Abdelrahim Qaddoumi | Vijay Shanker | Mahmoud Zyate
Proceedings of the The Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP)

In this paper, we present the results and findings of the Shared Task on Gender Rewriting, which was organized as part of the Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop. The task of gender rewriting refers to generating alternatives of a given sentence to match different target user gender contexts (e.g., a female speaker with a male listener, a male speaker with a male listener, etc.). This requires changing the grammatical gender (masculine or feminine) of certain words referring to the users. In this task, we focus on Arabic, a gender-marking morphologically rich language. A total of five teams from four countries participated in the shared task.


Adapting MARBERT for Improved Arabic Dialect Identification: Submission to the NADI 2021 Shared Task
Badr AlKhamissi | Mohamed Gabr | Muhammad ElNokrashy | Khaled Essam
Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

In this paper, we tackle the Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification (NADI) shared task (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2021) and demonstrate state-of-the-art results on all of its four subtasks. Tasks are to identify the geographic origin of short Dialectal (DA) and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) utterances at the levels of both country and province. Our final model is an ensemble of variants built on top of MARBERT that achieves an F1-score of 34.03% for DA at the country-level development set—an improvement of 7.63% from previous work.


Score Combination for Improved Parallel Corpus Filtering for Low Resource Conditions
Muhammad ElNokrashy | Amr Hendy | Mohamed Abdelghaffar | Mohamed Afify | Ahmed Tawfik | Hany Hassan Awadalla
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper presents the description of our submission to WMT20 sentence filtering task. We combine scores from custom LASER built for each source language, a classifier built to distinguish positive and negative pairs and the original scores provided with the task. For the mBART setup, provided by the organizers, our method shows 7% and 5% relative improvement, over the baseline, in sacreBLEU score on the test set for Pashto and Khmer respectively.

Deep Diacritization: Efficient Hierarchical Recurrence for Improved Arabic Diacritization
Badr AlKhamissi | Muhammad ElNokrashy | Mohamed Gabr
Proceedings of the Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

We propose a novel architecture for labelling character sequences that achieves state-of-the-art results on the Tashkeela Arabic diacritization benchmark. The core is a two-level recurrence hierarchy that operates on the word and character levels separately—enabling faster training and inference than comparable traditional models. A cross-level attention module further connects the two and opens the door for network interpretability. The task module is a softmax classifier that enumerates valid combinations of diacritics. This architecture can be extended with a recurrent decoder that optionally accepts priors from partially diacritized text, which improves results. We employ extra tricks such as sentence dropout and majority voting to further boost the final result. Our best model achieves a WER of 5.34%, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art with a 30.56% relative error reduction.