Joel Niklaus


Automatic Anonymization of Swiss Federal Supreme Court Rulings
Joel Niklaus | Robin Mamié | Matthias Stürmer | Daniel Brunner | Marcel Gygli
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2023

Releasing court decisions to the public relies on proper anonymization to protect all involved parties, where necessary. The Swiss Federal Supreme Court relies on an existing system that combines different traditional computational methods with human experts. In this work, we enhance the existing anonymization software using a large dataset annotated with entities to be anonymized. We compared BERT-based models with models pre-trained on in-domain data. Our results show that using in-domain data to pre-train the models further improves the F1-score by more than 5% compared to existing models. Our work demonstrates that combining existing anonymization methods, such as regular expressions, with machine learning can further reduce manual labor and enhance automatic suggestions.

LEXTREME: A Multi-Lingual and Multi-Task Benchmark for the Legal Domain
Joel Niklaus | Veton Matoshi | Pooja Rani | Andrea Galassi | Matthias Stürmer | Ilias Chalkidis
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Lately, propelled by phenomenal advances around the transformer architecture, the legal NLP field has enjoyed spectacular growth. To measure progress, well-curated and challenging benchmarks are crucial. Previous efforts have produced numerous benchmarks for general NLP models, typically based on news or Wikipedia. However, these may not fit specific domains such as law, with its unique lexicons and intricate sentence structures. Even though there is a rising need to build NLP systems for languages other than English, many benchmarks are available only in English and no multilingual benchmark exists in the legal NLP field. We survey the legal NLP literature and select 11 datasets covering 24 languages, creating LEXTREME. To fairly compare models, we propose two aggregate scores, i.e., dataset aggregate score and language aggregate score. Our results show that even the best baseline only achieves modest results, and also ChatGPT struggles with many tasks. This indicates that LEXTREME remains a challenging task with ample room for improvement. To facilitate easy use for researchers and practitioners, we release LEXTREME on huggingface along with a public leaderboard and the necessary code to evaluate models. We also provide a public Weights and Biases project containing all runs for transparency.

Can we Pretrain a SotA Legal Language Model on a Budget From Scratch?
Joel Niklaus | Daniele Giofre
Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)


An Empirical Study on Cross-X Transfer for Legal Judgment Prediction
Joel Niklaus | Matthias Stürmer | Ilias Chalkidis
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Cross-lingual transfer learning has proven useful in a variety of Natural Language (NLP) tasks, but it is understudied in the context of legal NLP, and not at all in Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP). We explore transfer learning techniques on LJP using the trilingual Swiss-Judgment-Prediction (SJP) dataset, including cases written in three languages. We find that Cross-Lingual Transfer (CLT) improves the overall results across languages, especially when we use adapter-based fine-tuning. Finally, we further improve the model’s performance by augmenting the training dataset with machine-translated versions of the original documents, using a 3× larger training corpus. Further on, we perform an analysis exploring the effect of cross-domain and cross-regional transfer, i.e., train a model across domains (legal areas), or regions. We find that in both settings (legal areas, origin regions), models trained across all groups perform overall better, while they also have improved results in the worst-case scenarios. Finally, we report improved results when we ambitiously apply cross-jurisdiction transfer, where we further augment our dataset with Indian legal cases.

ClassActionPrediction: A Challenging Benchmark for Legal Judgment Prediction of Class Action Cases in the US
Gil Semo | Dor Bernsohn | Ben Hagag | Gila Hayat | Joel Niklaus
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022

The research field of Legal Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been very active recently, with Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) becoming one of the most extensively studied tasks. To date, most publicly released LJP datasets originate from countries with civil law. In this work, we release, for the first time, a challenging LJP dataset focused on class action cases in the US. It is the first dataset in the common law system that focuses on the harder and more realistic task involving the complaints as input instead of the often used facts summary written by the court. Additionally, we study the difficulty of the task by collecting expert human predictions, showing that even human experts can only reach 53% accuracy on this dataset. Our Longformer model clearly outperforms the human baseline (63%), despite only considering the first 2,048 tokens. Furthermore, we perform a detailed error analysis and find that the Longformer model is significantly better calibrated than the human experts. Finally, we publicly release the dataset and the code used for the experiments.


Swiss-Judgment-Prediction: A Multilingual Legal Judgment Prediction Benchmark
Joel Niklaus | Ilias Chalkidis | Matthias Stürmer
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021

In many jurisdictions, the excessive workload of courts leads to high delays. Suitable predictive AI models can assist legal professionals in their work, and thus enhance and speed up the process. So far, Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) datasets have been released in English, French, and Chinese. We publicly release a multilingual (German, French, and Italian), diachronic (2000-2020) corpus of 85K cases from the Federal Supreme Court of Switzer- land (FSCS). We evaluate state-of-the-art BERT-based methods including two variants of BERT that overcome the BERT input (text) length limitation (up to 512 tokens). Hierarchical BERT has the best performance (approx. 68-70% Macro-F1-Score in German and French). Furthermore, we study how several factors (canton of origin, year of publication, text length, legal area) affect performance. We release both the benchmark dataset and our code to accelerate future research and ensure reproducibility.