Jiale Han


Generative Prompt Tuning for Relation Classification
Jiale Han | Shuai Zhao | Bo Cheng | Shengkun Ma | Wei Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Using prompts to explore the knowledge contained within pre-trained language models for downstream tasks has now become an active topic. Current prompt tuning methods mostly convert the downstream tasks to masked language modeling problems by adding cloze-style phrases and mapping all labels to verbalizations with fixed length, which has proven effective for tasks with simple label spaces. However, when applied to relation classification exhibiting complex label spaces, vanilla prompt tuning methods may struggle with label verbalizations with arbitrary lengths due to rigid prompt restrictions. Inspired by the text infilling task for pre-training generative models that can flexibly predict missing spans, we propose a novel generative prompt tuning method to reformulate relation classification as an infilling problem, which frees our approach from limitations of current prompt based approaches and thus fully exploits rich semantics of entity and relation types. In addition, we design entity-guided decoding and discriminative relation scoring to generate and align relations effectively and efficiently during inference. Extensive experiments under fully supervised settings and low-resource settings demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.


Exploring Task Difficulty for Few-Shot Relation Extraction
Jiale Han | Bo Cheng | Wei Lu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Few-shot relation extraction (FSRE) focuses on recognizing novel relations by learning with merely a handful of annotated instances. Meta-learning has been widely adopted for such a task, which trains on randomly generated few-shot tasks to learn generic data representations. Despite impressive results achieved, existing models still perform suboptimally when handling hard FSRE tasks, where the relations are fine-grained and similar to each other. We argue this is largely because existing models do not distinguish hard tasks from easy ones in the learning process. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach based on contrastive learning that learns better representations by exploiting relation label information. We further design a method that allows the model to adaptively learn how to focus on hard tasks. Experiments on two standard datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


Modelling Long-distance Node Relations for KBQA with Global Dynamic Graph
Xu Wang | Shuai Zhao | Jiale Han | Bo Cheng | Hao Yang | Jianchang Ao | Zhenzi Li
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The structural information of Knowledge Bases (KBs) has proven effective to Question Answering (QA). Previous studies rely on deep graph neural networks (GNNs) to capture rich structural information, which may not model node relations in particularly long distance due to oversmoothing issue. To address this challenge, we propose a novel framework GlobalGraph, which models long-distance node relations from two views: 1) Node type similarity: GlobalGraph assigns each node a global type label and models long-distance node relations through the global type label similarity; 2) Correlation between nodes and questions: we learn similarity scores between nodes and the question, and model long-distance node relations through the sum score of two nodes. We conduct extensive experiments on two widely used multi-hop KBQA datasets to prove the effectiveness of our method.

Open Domain Question Answering based on Text Enhanced Knowledge Graph with Hyperedge Infusion
Jiale Han | Bo Cheng | Xu Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

The incompleteness of knowledge base (KB) is a vital factor limiting the performance of question answering (QA). This paper proposes a novel QA method by leveraging text information to enhance the incomplete KB. The model enriches the entity representation through semantic information contained in the text, and employs graph convolutional networks to update the entity status. Furthermore, to exploit the latent structural information of text, we treat the text as hyperedges connecting entities among it to complement the deficient relations in KB, and hypergraph convolutional networks are further applied to reason on the hypergraph-formed text. Extensive experiments on the WebQuestionsSP benchmark with different KB settings prove the effectiveness of our model.