Hsiu-Jui Chang

Also published as: Hsiu Jui Chang, Hsiu-jui Chang


The DMS-ASR System for the Formosa Speech Recognition Challenge 2023
Hsiu Jui Chang | Wei Yuan Chen
Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2023)


探究端對端混合模型架構於華語語音辨識 (An Investigation of Hybrid CTC-Attention Modeling in Mandarin Speech Recognition)
Hsiu-Jui Chang | Wei-Cheng Chao | Tien-Hong Lo | Berlin Chen
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 24, Number 1, June 2019

探究端對端語音辨識於發音檢測與診斷(Investigating on Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training Leveraging End-to-End Speech Recognition Techniques)
Hsiu-Jui Chang | Tien-Hong Lo | Tzu-En Liu | Berlin Chen
Proceedings of the 31st Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2019)


會議語音辨識使用語者資訊之語言模型調適技術 (On the Use of Speaker-Aware Language Model Adaptation Techniques for Meeting Speech Recognition ) [In Chinese]
Ying-wen Chen | Tien-hong Lo | Hsiu-jui Chang | Wei-Cheng Chao | Berlin Chen
Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2018)

探討鑑別式訓練聲學模型之類神經網路架構及優化方法的改進 (Discriminative Training of Acoustic Models Leveraging Improved Neural Network Architecture and Optimization Method) [In Chinese]
Wei-Cheng Chao | Hsiu-Jui Chang | Tien-Hong Lo | Berlin Chen
Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2018)

結合鑑別式訓練聲學模型之類神經網路架構及優化方法的改進 (Leveraging Discriminative Training and Improved Neural Network Architecture and Optimization Method)
Wei-Cheng Chao | Hsiu-Jui Chang | Tien-Hong Lo | Belin Chen
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 23, Number 2, December 2018