Evgeniia Razumovskaia


Transfer-Free Data-Efficient Multilingual Slot Labeling
Evgeniia Razumovskaia | Ivan Vulić | Anna Korhonen
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Slot labeling (SL) is a core component of task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems, where slots and corresponding values are usually language-, task- and domain-specific. Therefore, extending the system to any new language-domain-task configuration requires (re)running an expensive and resource-intensive data annotation process. To mitigate the inherent data scarcity issue, current research on multilingual ToD assumes that sufficient English-language annotated data are always available for particular tasks and domains, and thus operates in a standard cross-lingual transfer setup. In this work, we depart from this often unrealistic assumption. We examine challenging scenarios where such transfer-enabling English annotated data cannot be guaranteed, and focus on bootstrapping multilingual data-efficient slot labelers in transfer-free scenarios directly in the target languages without any English-ready data. We propose a two-stage slot labeling approach (termed TWOSL) which transforms standard multilingual sentence encoders into effective slot labelers. In Stage 1, relying on SL-adapted contrastive learning with only a handful of SL-annotated examples, we turn sentence encoders into task-specific span encoders. In Stage 2, we recast SL from a token classification into a simpler, less data-intensive span classification task. Our results on two standard multilingual TOD datasets and across diverse languages confirm the effectiveness and robustness of TWOSL. It is especially effective for the most challenging transfer-free few-shot setups, paving the way for quick and data-efficient bootstrapping of multilingual slot labelers for TOD.

Multi3NLU++: A Multilingual, Multi-Intent, Multi-Domain Dataset for Natural Language Understanding in Task-Oriented Dialogue
Nikita Moghe | Evgeniia Razumovskaia | Liane Guillou | Ivan Vulić | Anna Korhonen | Alexandra Birch
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Task-oriented dialogue (ToD) systems have been widely deployed in many industries as they deliver more efficient customer support. These systems are typically constructed for a single domain or language and do not generalise well beyond this. To support work on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) in ToD across multiple languages and domains simultaneously, we constructed Multi3NLU++, a multilingual, multi-intent, multi-domain dataset. Multi3NLU++ extends the English-only NLU++ dataset to include manual translations into a range of high, medium, and low resource languages (Spanish, Marathi, Turkish and Amharic), in two domains (banking and hotels). Because of its multi-intent property, Multi3NLU++ represents complex and natural user goals, and therefore allows us to measure the realistic performance of ToD systems in a varied set of the world’s languages. We use Multi3NLU++ to benchmark state-of-the-art multilingual models for the NLU tasks of intent detection and slot labeling for ToD systems in the multilingual setting. The results demonstrate the challenging nature of the dataset, particularly in the low-resource language setting, offering ample room for future experimentation in multi-domain multilingual ToD setups.

Cross-Lingual Dialogue Dataset Creation via Outline-Based Generation
Olga Majewska | Evgeniia Razumovskaia | Edoardo M. Ponti | Ivan Vulić | Anna Korhonen
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

Multilingual task-oriented dialogue (ToD) facilitates access to services and information for many (communities of) speakers. Nevertheless, its potential is not fully realized, as current multilingual ToD datasets—both for modular and end-to-end modeling—suffer from severe limitations. 1) When created from scratch, they are usually small in scale and fail to cover many possible dialogue flows. 2) Translation-based ToD datasets might lack naturalness and cultural specificity in the target language. In this work, to tackle these limitations we propose a novel outline-based annotation process for multilingual ToD datasets, where domain-specific abstract schemata of dialogue are mapped into natural language outlines. These in turn guide the target language annotators in writing dialogues by providing instructions about each turn’s intents and slots. Through this process we annotate a new large-scale dataset for evaluation of multilingual and cross-lingual ToD systems. Our Cross-lingual Outline-based Dialogue dataset (cod) enables natural language understanding, dialogue state tracking, and end-to-end dialogue evaluation in 4 diverse languages: Arabic, Indonesian, Russian, and Kiswahili. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of cod versus an equivalent translation-based dataset demonstrate improvements in data quality, unlocked by the outline-based approach. Finally, we benchmark a series of state-of-the-art systems for cross-lingual ToD, setting reference scores for future work and demonstrating that cod prevents over-inflated performance, typically met with prior translation-based ToD datasets.


Natural Language Processing for Multilingual Task-Oriented Dialogue
Evgeniia Razumovskaia | Goran Glavaš | Olga Majewska | Edoardo Ponti | Ivan Vulić
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts

Recent advances in deep learning have also enabled fast progress in the research of task-oriented dialogue (ToD) systems. However, the majority of ToD systems are developed for English and merely a handful of other widely spoken languages, e.g., Chinese and German. This hugely limits the global reach and, consequently, transformative socioeconomic potential of such systems. In this tutorial, we will thus discuss and demonstrate the importance of (building) multilingual ToD systems, and then provide a systematic overview of current research gaps, challenges and initiatives related to multilingual ToD systems, with a particular focus on their connections to current research and challenges in multilingual and low-resource NLP. The tutorial will aim to provide answers or shed new light to the following questions: a) Why are multilingual dialogue systems so hard to build: what makes multilinguality for dialogue more challenging than for other NLP applications and tasks? b) What are the best existing methods and datasets for multilingual and cross-lingual (task-oriented) dialog systems? How are (multilingual) ToD systems usually evaluated? c) What are the promising future directions for multilingual ToD research: where can one draw inspiration from related NLP areas and tasks?

Data Augmentation and Learned Layer Aggregation for Improved Multilingual Language Understanding in Dialogue
Evgeniia Razumovskaia | Ivan Vulić | Anna Korhonen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Scaling dialogue systems to a multitude of domains, tasks and languages relies on costly and time-consuming data annotation for different domain-task-language configurations. The annotation efforts might be substantially reduced by the methods that generalise well in zero- and few-shot scenarios, and also effectively leverage external unannotated data sources (e.g., Web-scale corpora). We propose two methods to this aim, offering improved dialogue natural language understanding (NLU) across multiple languages: 1) Multi-SentAugment, and 2) LayerAgg. Multi-SentAugment is a self-training method which augments available (typically few-shot) training data with similar (automatically labelled) in-domain sentences from large monolingual Web-scale corpora. LayerAgg learns to select and combine useful semantic information scattered across different layers of a Transformer model (e.g., mBERT); it is especially suited for zero-shot scenarios as semantically richer representations should strengthen the model’s cross-lingual capabilities. Applying the two methods with state-of-the-art NLU models obtains consistent improvements across two standard multilingual NLU datasets covering 16 diverse languages. The gains are observed in zero-shot, few-shot, and even in full-data scenarios. The results also suggest that the two methods achieve a synergistic effect: the best overall performance in few-shot setups is attained when the methods are used together.


Pretraining Methods for Dialog Context Representation Learning
Shikib Mehri | Evgeniia Razumovskaia | Tiancheng Zhao | Maxine Eskenazi
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

This paper examines various unsupervised pretraining objectives for learning dialog context representations. Two novel methods of pretraining dialog context encoders are proposed, and a total of four methods are examined. Each pretraining objective is fine-tuned and evaluated on a set of downstream dialog tasks using the MultiWoz dataset and strong performance improvement is observed. Further evaluation shows that our pretraining objectives result in not only better performance, but also better convergence, models that are less data hungry and have better domain generalizability.