Elizabeth Shriberg
Also published as: E. Shriberg
Detecting Inappropriate Clarification Requests in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Alex Liu
Rose Sloan
Mei-Vern Then
Svetlana Stoyanchev
Julia Hirschberg
Elizabeth Shriberg
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL)
Using Out-of-Domain Data for Lexical Addressee Detection in Human-Human-Computer Dialog
Heeyoung Lee
Andreas Stolcke
Elizabeth Shriberg
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Using Conditional Random Fields for Sentence Boundary Detection in Speech
Yang Liu
Andreas Stolcke
Elizabeth Shriberg
Mary Harper
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’05)
Identifying Agreement and Disagreement in Conversational Speech: Use of Bayesian Networks to Model Pragmatic Dependencies
Michel Galley
Kathleen McKeown
Julia Hirschberg
Elizabeth Shriberg
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)
Improving Automatic Sentence Boundary Detection with Confusion Networks
D. Hillard
M. Ostendorf
A. Stolcke
Y. Liu
E. Shriberg
Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2004: Short Papers
The ICSI Meeting Recorder Dialog Act (MRDA) Corpus
Elizabeth Shriberg
Raj Dhillon
Sonali Bhagat
Jeremy Ang
Hannah Carvey
Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue at HLT-NAACL 2004
Comparing and Combining Generative and Posterior Probability Models: Some Advances in Sentence Boundary Detection in Speech
Yang Liu
Andreas Stolcke
Elizabeth Shriberg
Mary Harper
Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Detection Of Agreement vs. Disagreement In Meetings: Training With Unlabeled Data
Dustin Hillard
Mari Ostendorf
Elizabeth Shriberg
Companion Volume of the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003 - Short Papers
Integrating Prosodic and Lexical Cues for Automatic Topic Segmentation
G. Tur
D. Hakkani-Tur
A. Stolcke
E. Shriberg
Computational Linguistics, Volume 27, Number 1, March 2001
The Meeting Project at ICSI
Nelson Morgan
Don Baron
Jane Edwards
Dan Ellis
David Gelbart
Adam Janin
Thilo Pfau
Elizabeth Shriberg
Andreas Stolcke
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research
Dialogue act modeling for automatic tagging and recognition of conversational speech
Andreas Stolcke
Klaus Ries
Noah Coccaro
Elizabeth Shriberg
Rebecca Bates
Daniel Jurafsky
Paul Taylor
Rachel Martin
Carol Van Ess-Dykema
Marie Meteer
Computational Linguistics, Volume 26, Number 3, September 2000
Lexical, Prosodic, and Syntactic Cues for Dialog Acts
Daniel Jurafsky
Elizabeth Shriberg
Barbara Fox
Traci Curl
Discourse Relations and Discourse Markers
Expanding the Scope of the ATIS Task: The ATIS-3 Corpus
Deborah A. Dahl
Madeleine Bates
Michael Brown
William Fisher
Kate Hunicke-Smith
David Pallett
Christine Pao
Alexander Rudnicky
Elizabeth Shriberg
Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, March 8-11, 1994
Subject-Based Evaluation Measures for Interactive Spoken Language Systems
Patti Price
Lynette Hirschman
Elizabeth Shriberg
Elizabeth Wade
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Harriman, New York, February 23-26, 1992
Human-Machine Problem Solving Using Spoken Language Systems (SLS): Factors Affecting Performance and User Satisfaction
Elizabeth Shriberg
Elizabeth Wade
Patti Price
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Harriman, New York, February 23-26, 1992
Spontaneous Speech Effects In Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition Applications
John Butzberger
Hy Murveit
Elizabeth Shriberg
Patti Price
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Harriman, New York, February 23-26, 1992
Automatic Detection and Correction of Repairs in Human-Computer Dialog
Elizabeth Shriberg
John Bear
John Dowding
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Harriman, New York, February 23-26, 1992
Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources for Detection and Correction of Repairs in Human-Computer Dialog
John Bear
John Dowding
Elizabeth Shriberg
30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Andreas Stolcke 7
- Patti Price 3
- Yang Liu 3
- Julia Hirschberg 2
- Dan Jurafsky 2
- show all...
- Elizabeth Wade 2
- John Bear 2
- John Dowding 2
- Dustin Hillard 2
- Mari Ostendorf 2
- Mary Harper 2
- Deborah A. Dahl 1
- Madeleine Bates 1
- Michael K. Brown 1
- William M. Fisher 1
- Kate Hunicke-Smith 1
- David S. Pallett 1
- Christine Pao 1
- Alexander Rudnicky 1
- Michel Galley 1
- Kathleen Mckeown 1
- Barbara Fox 1
- Traci Curl 1
- Heeyoung Lee 1
- Alex Liu 1
- Rose Sloan 1
- Mei-Vern Then 1
- Svetlana Stoyanchev 1
- Lynette Hirschman 1
- John Butzberger 1
- Hy Murveit 1
- Raj Dhillon 1
- Sonali Bhagat 1
- Jeremy Ang 1
- Hannah Carvey 1
- Gökhan Tür 1
- Dilek Hakkani-Tur 1
- Klaus Ries 1
- Noah Coccaro 1
- Rebecca Bates 1
- Paul Taylor 1
- Rachel Martin 1
- Carol Van Ess-Dykema 1
- Marie Meteer 1
- Nelson Morgan 1
- Don Baron 1
- Jane Edwards 1
- Dan Ellis 1
- David Gelbart 1
- Adam Janin 1
- Thilo Pfau 1