Dan Moldovan
Also published as: D. Moldovan, Dan I. Moldovan
A Study on Entity Resolution for Email Conversations
Parag Pravin Dakle
Takshak Desai
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Joint Learning of Syntactic Features Helps Discourse Segmentation
Takshak Desai
Parag Pravin Dakle
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Affect inTweets: A Transfer Learning Approach
Linrui Zhang
Hsin-Lun Huang
Yang Yu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
CEREC: A Corpus for Entity Resolution in Email Conversations
Parag Pravin Dakle
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Generating Questions for Reading Comprehension using Coherence Relations
Takshak Desai
Parag Dakle
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications
Rule-based vs. Neural Net Approaches to Semantic Textual Similarity
Linrui Zhang
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing
Chinese Relation Classification using Long Short Term Memory Networks
Linrui Zhang
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)
Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to Infer Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Multilingual eXtended WordNet Knowledge Base: Semantic Parsing and Translation of Glosses
Tatiana Erekhinskaya
Meghana Satpute
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
A Semantically Enhanced Approach to Determine Textual Similarity
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
A Tool for Extracting Conversational Implicatures
Marta Tatu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
Polaris: Lymba’s Semantic Parser
Dan Moldovan
Eduardo Blanco
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
Fine-Grained Focus for Pinpointing Positive Implicit Meaning from Negated Statements
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
A Model for Composing Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
Semantic Representation of Negation Using Focus Detection
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relation Composition
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Composition of Semantic Relations: Model and Applications
Eduardo Blanco
Hakki C. Cankaya
Dan Moldovan
Coling 2010: Posters
Automatic Discovery of Manner Relations and its Applications
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Inducing Ontologies from Folksonomies using Natural Language Understanding
Marta Tatu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
Feasibility of Automatically Bootstrapping a Persian WordNet
Chris Irwin Davis
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Creation from Text Resources
Mithun Balakrishna
Dan Moldovan
Marta Tatu
Marian Olteanu
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
Causal Relation Extraction
Eduardo Blanco
Nuria Castell
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Marta Tatu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing
Automatic Discovery of Part-Whole Relations
Roxana Girju
Adriana Badulescu
Dan Moldovan
Computational Linguistics, Volume 32, Number 1, March 2006
Phramer - An Open Source Statistical Phrase-Based Translator
Marian Olteanu
Chris Davis
Ionut Volosen
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings on the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Language Models and Reranking for Machine Translation
Marian Olteanu
Pasin Suriyentrakorn
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings on the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Question Answering with Lexical Chains Propagating Verb Arguments
Adrian Novischi
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Speeding Up Full Syntactic Parsing by Leveraging Partial Parsing Decisions
Elliot Glaysher
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Main Conference Poster Sessions
A Logic-Based Semantic Approach to Recognizing Textual Entailment
Marta Tatu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Main Conference Poster Sessions
PP-attachment Disambiguation using Large Context
Marian Olteanu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
A Semantic Approach to Recognizing Textual Entailment
Marta Tatu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
A Semantic Scattering Model for the Automatic Interpretation of Genitives
Dan Moldovan
Adriana Badulescu
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Experiments with Interactive Question-Answering
Sanda Harabagiu
Andrew Hickl
John Lehmann
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’05)
Senseval-3 logic forms: A system and possible improvements
Altaf Mohammed
Dan Moldovan
Paul Parker
Proceedings of SENSEVAL-3, the Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text
SVM classification of FrameNet semantic roles
Dan Moldovan
Roxana Gîrju
Marian Olteanu
Ovidiu Fortu
Proceedings of SENSEVAL-3, the Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text
LCC’s WSD systems for Senseval-3
Adrian Novischi
Dan Moldovan
Paul Parker
Adriana Bădulescu
Bob Hauser
Proceedings of SENSEVAL-3, the Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text
Models for the Semantic Classification of Noun Phrases
Dan Moldovan
Adriana Badulescu
Marta Tatu
Daniel Antohe
Roxana Girju
Proceedings of the Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop at HLT-NAACL 2004
Support Vector Machines Applied to the Classification of Semantic Relations in Nominalized Noun Phrases
Roxana Girju
Ana-Maria Giuglea
Marian Olteanu
Ovidiu Fortu
Orest Bolohan
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop at HLT-NAACL 2004
Discovery of Manner Relations and Their Applicability to Question Answering
Roxana Girju
Manju Putcha
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop on Multilingual Summarization and Question Answering
Learning Semantic Constraints for the Automatic Discovery of Part-Whole Relations
Roxana Girju
Adriana Badulescu
Dan Moldovan
Proceedings of the 2003 Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
COGEX: A Logic Prover for Question Answering
Dan Moldovan
Christine Clark
Sanda Harabagiu
Steve Maiorano
Proceedings of the 2003 Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Lexical Chains for Question Answering
Dan Moldovan
Adrian Novischi
COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Open-Domain Voice-Activated Question Answering
Sanda Harabagiu
Dan Moldovan
Joe Picone
COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Performance Issues and Error Analysis in an Open-Domain Question Answering System
Dan Moldovan
Marius Pasca
Sanda Harabagiu
Mihai Surdeanu
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Pattern Learning and Active Feature Selection for Word Sense Disambiguation
Rada F. Mihalcea
Dan I. Moldovan
Proceedings of SENSEVAL-2 Second International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems
The Role of Lexico-Semantic Feedback in Open-Domain Textual Question-Answering
Sanda Harabagiu
Dan Moldovan
Marius Pasca
Rada Mihalcea
Mihai Surdeanu
Razvan Bunsecu
Roxana Girju
Vasile Rus
Paul Morarescu
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Logic Form Transformation of WordNet and its Applicability to Question Answering
Dan Moldovan
Vasile Rus
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
The Structure and Performance of an Open-Domain Question Answering System
Dan Moldovan
Sanda Harabagiu
Marius Pasca
Rada Mihalcea
Roxana Girju
Richard Goodrum
Vasile Rus
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition from Text
Dan Moldovan
Roxana Girju
Vasile Rus
Sixth Applied Natural Language Processing Conference
Semantic Indexing using WordNet Senses
Rada Mihalcea
Dan Moldovan
ACL-2000 Workshop on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval
A Method for Word Sense Disambiguation of Unrestricted Text
Rada Mihalcea
Dan I. Moldovan
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
WordNet 2 - A Morphologically and Semantically Enhanced Resource
Sanda M. Harabagiu
George A. Miller
Dan I. Moldovan
SIGLEX99: Standardizing Lexical Resources
Word Sense Disambiguation based on Semantic Density
Rada Mihalcea
Dan I. Moldovan
Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems
USC: Description of the SNAP System Used for MUC-5
Dan Moldovan
Seungho Cha
Minhwa Chung
Tony Gallippi
Kenneth J. Hendrickson
Jun-Tae Kim
Changhwa Lin
Chinyew Lin
Fifth Message Understanding Conference (MUC-5): Proceedings of a Conference Held in Baltimore, Maryland, August 25-27, 1993
Semantic Network Array Processor as a Massively Parallel Computing Platform for High Performance and Large-Scale Natural Language Processing
Hiroaki Kitano
Dan Moldovan
COLING 1992 Volume 2: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
USC: MUC-4 Test Results and Analysis
D. Moldovan
S. Cha
M. Chung
K. Hendrickson
J. Kim
S. Kowalski
Fourth Message Understanding Conference (MUC-4): Proceedings of a Conference Held in McLean, Virginia, June 16-18, 1992
USC: Description of the SNAP System Used for MUC-4
D. Moldovan
S. Chet
M. Chung
K. Hendrickson
J. Kim
S. Kowalski
Fourth Message Understanding Conference (MUC-4): Proceedings of a Conference Held in McLean, Virginia, June 16-18, 1992
Toward High Performance Machine Translation: Preliminary Results from Massively Parallel Memory-Based Translation on SNAP
Hiroaki Kitano
Dan Moldovan
Seungho Cha
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit III: Papers
- Eduardo Blanco 10
- Roxana Girju 9
- Sanda Harabagiu 7
- Marta Tatu 7
- Rada Mihalcea 6
- show all...
- Marian Olteanu 6
- Adriana Badulescu 5
- Vasile Rus 4
- Marius Pasca 3
- Adrian Novischi 3
- Seungho Cha 3
- Parag Pravin Dakle 3
- Takshak Desai 3
- Linrui Zhang 3
- Hiroaki Kitano 2
- M. Chung 2
- K. Hendrickson 2
- J. Kim 2
- S. Kowalski 2
- Chris Irwin Davis 2
- Paul Parker 2
- Ovidiu Fortu 2
- Mihai Surdeanu 2
- Richard Goodrum 1
- Manju Putcha 1
- Joe Picone 1
- S. Chet 1
- Hsin-Lun Huang 1
- Yang Yu 1
- Parag Dakle 1
- Ionut Volosen 1
- Pasin Suriyentrakorn 1
- Hakki C. Cankaya 1
- Chris Clark 1
- Steven J. Maiorano 1
- Minhwa Chung 1
- Tony Gallippi 1
- Kenneth J. Hendrickson 1
- Jun-Tae Kim 1
- Changhwa Lin 1
- Chinyew Lin 1
- Altaf Mohammed 1
- Bob Hauser 1
- Daniel Antohe 1
- Ana-Maria Giuglea 1
- Orest Bolohan 1
- Tatiana Erekhinskaya 1
- Meghana Satpute 1
- George A. Miller 1
- Razvan Bunsecu 1
- Paul Morarescu 1
- Mithun Balakrishna 1
- Elliot Glaysher 1
- Andrew Hickl 1
- John Lehmann 1
- Núria Castell 1