Burghard B. Rieger
Semantic Relevance and Aspect Dependency in a Given Subject Domain: Contents-driven algorithmic processing of fuzzy wordmeanings to form dynamic stereotype representations
Burghard B. Rieger
10th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Procedural Meaning Representation by Connotative Dependency Structures. An Empirical Approach to Word Semantics for Analogical Referencing
Burghard B. Rieger
Coling 1982: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Fuzzy Word Meaning Analysis and Representation in Linguistic Semantics. An Empirical Approach to the Reconstruction of Lexical Meanings in East- and West-German Newspaper Texts.
Burghard B. Rieger
COLING 1980 Volume 1: The 8th International Conference on Computational Linguistics