Ben Hagag


The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth: A New Benchmark Dataset for Hebrew Text Credibility Assessment
Ben Hagag | Reut Tsarfaty
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

In the age of information overload, it is more important than ever to discern fact from fiction. From the internet to traditional media, we are constantly confronted with a deluge of information, much of which comes from politicians and other public figures who wield significant influence. In this paper, we introduce HeTrue: a new, publicly available dataset for evaluating the credibility of statements made by Israeli public figures and politicians. This dataset consists of 1021 statements, manually annotated by Israeli professional journalists, for their credibility status. Using this corpus, we set out to assess whether the credibility of statements can be predicted based on the text alone. To establish a baseline, we compare text-only methods with others using additional data like metadata, context, and evidence. Furthermore, we develop several credibility assessment models, including a feature-based model that utilizes linguistic features, and state-of-the-art transformer-based models with contextualized embeddings from a pre-trained encoder. Empirical results demonstrate improved performance when models integrate statement and context, outperforming those relying on the statement text alone. Our best model, which also integrates evidence, achieves a 48.3 F1 Score, suggesting that HeTrue is a challenging benchmark, calling for further work on this task.


ClassActionPrediction: A Challenging Benchmark for Legal Judgment Prediction of Class Action Cases in the US
Gil Semo | Dor Bernsohn | Ben Hagag | Gila Hayat | Joel Niklaus
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022

The research field of Legal Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been very active recently, with Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) becoming one of the most extensively studied tasks. To date, most publicly released LJP datasets originate from countries with civil law. In this work, we release, for the first time, a challenging LJP dataset focused on class action cases in the US. It is the first dataset in the common law system that focuses on the harder and more realistic task involving the complaints as input instead of the often used facts summary written by the court. Additionally, we study the difficulty of the task by collecting expert human predictions, showing that even human experts can only reach 53% accuracy on this dataset. Our Longformer model clearly outperforms the human baseline (63%), despite only considering the first 2,048 tokens. Furthermore, we perform a detailed error analysis and find that the Longformer model is significantly better calibrated than the human experts. Finally, we publicly release the dataset and the code used for the experiments.