Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) @ LREC-COLING-2024

Rachele Sprugnoli, Marco Passarotti (Editors)

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Torino, Italia
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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) @ LREC-COLING-2024
Rachele Sprugnoli | Marco Passarotti

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Goidelex: A Lexical Resource for Old Irish
Cormac Anderson | Sacha Beniamine | Theodorus Fransen

We introduce Goidelex, a new lexical database resource for Old Irish. Goidelex is an openly accessible relational database in CSV format, linked by formal relationships. The launch version documents 695 headwords with extensive linguistic annotations, including orthographic forms using a normalised orthography, automatically generated phonemic transcriptions, and information about morphosyntactic features, such as gender, inflectional class, etc. Metadata in JSON format, following the Frictionless standard, provides detailed descriptions of the tables and dataset. The database is designed to be fully compatible with the Paralex and CLDF standards and is interoperable with existing lexical resources for Old Irish such as CorPH and eDIL. It is suited to both qualitative and quantitative investigation into Old Irish morphology and lexicon, as well as to comparative research. This paper outlines the creation process, rationale, and resulting structure of the database.

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Developing a Part-of-speech Tagger for Diplomatically Edited Old Irish Text
Adrian Doyle | John P. McCrae

POS-tagging is typically considered a fundamental text preprocessing task, with a variety of downstream NLP tasks and techniques being dependent on the availability of POS-tagged corpora. As such, POS-taggers are important precursors to further NLP tasks, and their accuracy can impact the potential accuracy of these dependent tasks. While a variety of POS-tagging methods have been developed which work well with modern languages, historical languages present orthographic and editorial challenges which require special attention. The effectiveness of POS-taggers developed for modern languages is reduced when applied to Old Irish, with its comparatively complex orthography and morphology. This paper examines some of the obstacles to POS-tagging Old Irish text, and shows that inconsistencies between extant annotated corpora reduce the quantity of data available for use in training POS-taggers. The development of a multi-layer neural network model for POS-tagging Old Irish text is described, and an experiment is detailed which demonstrates that this model outperforms a variety of off-the-shelf POS-taggers. Moreover, this model sets a new benchmark for POS-tagging diplomatically edited Old Irish text.

From YCOE to UD: Rule-based Root Identification in Old English
Luca Brigada Villa | Martina Giarda

In this paper we apply a set of rules to identify the root of a dependency tree, following the Universal Dependencies formalism and starting from the constituency annotation of the York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (YCOE). This rule-based root-identification task represents the first step towards a rule-based automatic conversion of this valuable resource into the UD format. After presenting Old English and the annotated resources available for this language, we describe the different rules we applied and then we discuss the results and the errors.

Too Young to NER: Improving Entity Recognition on Dutch Historical Documents
Vera Provatorova | Marieke van Erp | Evangelos Kanoulas

Named entity recognition (NER) on historical texts is beneficial for the field of digital humanities, as it allows to easily search for the names of people, places and other entities in digitised archives. While the task of historical NER in different languages has been gaining popularity in recent years, Dutch historical NER remains an underexplored topic. Using a recently released historical dataset from the Dutch Language Institute, we train three BERT-based models and analyse the errors to identify main challenges. All three models outperform a contemporary multilingual baseline by a large margin on historical test data.

Towards Named-Entity and Coreference Annotation of the Hebrew Bible
Daniel G. Swanson | Bryce D. Bussert | Francis Tyers

Named-entity annotation refers to the process of specifying what real-world (or, at least, external-to-the-text) entities various names and descriptions within a text refer to. Coreference annotation, meanwhile, specifies what context-dependent words or phrases, such as pronouns refer to. This paper describes an ongoing project to apply both of these to the Hebrew Bible, so far covering most of the book of Genesis, fully marking every person, place, object, and point in time which occurs in the text. The annotation process and possible future uses for the data are covered, along with the challenges involved in applying existing annotation guidelines to the Hebrew text.

LiMe: A Latin Corpus of Late Medieval Criminal Sentences
Alessanda Clara Carmela Bassani | Beatrice Giovanna Maria Del Bo | Alfio Ferrara | Marta Luigina Mangini | Sergio Picascia | Ambra Stefanello

The Latin language has received attention from the computational linguistics research community, which has built, over the years, several valuable resources, ranging from detailed annotated corpora to sophisticated tools for linguistic analysis. With the recent advent of large language models, researchers have also started developing models capable of generating vector representations of Latin texts. The performances of such models remain behind the ones for modern languages, given the disparity in available data. In this paper, we present the LiMe dataset, a corpus of 325 documents extracted from a series of medieval manuscripts called Libri sententiarum potestatis Mediolani, and thoroughly annotated by experts, in order to be employed for masked language model, as well as supervised natural language processing tasks.

The Rise and Fall of Dependency Parsing in Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy
Claudia Corbetta | Marco Passarotti | Giovanni Moretti

In this paper, we conduct parsing experiments on Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, an Old Italian poem composed between 1306-1321 and organized into three Cantiche —Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. We perform parsing on subsets of the poem using both a Modern Italian training set and sections of the Divine Comedy itself to evaluate under which scenarios parsers achieve higher scores. We find that employing in-domain training data supports better results, leading to an increase of approximately +17% in Unlabeled Attachment Score (UAS) and +25-30% in Labeled Attachment Score (LAS). Subsequently, we provide brief commentary on the differences in scores achieved among subsections of Cantiche, and we conduct experimental parsing on a text from the same period and style as the Divine Comedy.

Unsupervised Authorship Attribution for Medieval Latin Using Transformer-Based Embeddings
Loic De Langhe | Orphee De Clercq | Veronique Hoste

We explore the potential of employing transformer-based embeddings in an unsupervised authorship attribution task for medieval Latin. The development of Large Language Models (LLMs) and recent advances in transfer learning alleviate many of the traditional issues associated with authorship attribution in lower-resourced (ancient) languages. Despite this, these methods remain heavily understudied within this domain. Concretely, we generate strong contextual embeddings using a variety of mono -and multilingual transformer models and use these as input for two unsupervised clustering methods: a standard agglomerative clustering algorithm and a self-organizing map. We show that these transformer-based embeddings can be used to generate high-quality and interpretable clusterings, resulting in an attractive alternative to the traditional feature-based methods.

“To Have the ‘Million’ Readers Yet”: Building a Digitally Enhanced Edition of the Bilingual Irish-English Newspaper an Gaodhal (1881-1898)
Oksana Dereza | Deirdre Ní Chonghaile | Nicholas Wolf

This paper introduces the ‘An Gaodhal’ project, which aims to serve the historically under-resourced and endangered language of Irish (known as Gaeilge) by providing new digital tools and resources. The initial goal of the project was the extraction of full text of ‘An Gaodhal’, a monthly bilingual Irish-English newspaper produced from 1881 to 1898, to the highest possible degree of accuracy via Optical Character Recognition (OCR), with a view to making its printed content searchable. The methodology applied toward achieving this goal yielded additional digital outputs including: 1. a new OCR model for the Irish language as printed in Cló Gaelach type; 2. a new OCR model for bilingual Irish-English content printed in Cló Gaelach and Roman types respectively; 3. a BART-based OCR post-correction model for historical bilingual Irish-English data; 4. a historical Irish training set for Named Entity Recognition (NER). All but the first of these four additional outputs appear to be the first of their kind. Each of the project outputs, including the full-text OCR outputs in ALTO XML format, is set for public release to enable open-access research. The paper also identifies the challenges historical Irish data poses to Natural Language Processing (NLP) in general and OCR in particular, and reports on project results and outputs to date. Finally, it contextualises the project within the wider field of NLP and considers its potential impact on under-resourced languages worldwide.

Introducing PaVeDa – Pavia Verbs Database: Valency Patterns and Pattern Comparison in Ancient Indo-European Languages
Silvia Luraghi | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Chiara Zanchi | Martina Giuliani

The paper introduces [DATASET], a resource that builds on the ValPaL database of verbs’ valency patterns and alternations by adding a number of ancient languages (completely absent from ValPaL) and a number of new features that enable direct comparison, both diachronic and synchronic. For each verb, ValPaL contains the basic frame and ideally all possible valency alternations allowed by the verb (e.g. passive, causative, reflexive etc.). In order to enable comparison among alternations, an additional level has been added, the alternation class, that overcomes the issue of comparing language specific alternations which were added by individual contributors of ValPaL. The ValPaL had as its main aim typological comparison, and data collection was variously carried out using questionnaires, secondary sources and largely drawing on native speakers’ intuition by contributors. Working with ancient languages entails a methodological change, as the data is extracted from corpora. This has led to re-thinking the notion of valency as a usage-based feature of verbs and to planning future addition of corpus data to modern languages in the database. It further shows the impact of ancient languages on theoretical reflection.

Development of Robust NER Models and Named Entity Tagsets for Ancient Greek
Chiara Palladino | Tariq Yousef

This contribution presents a novel approach to the development and evaluation of transformer-based models for Named Entity Recognition and Classification in Ancient Greek texts. We trained two models with annotated datasets by consolidating potentially ambiguous entity types under a harmonized set of classes. Then, we tested their performance with out-of-domain texts, reproducing a real-world use case. Both models performed very well under these conditions, with the multilingual model being slightly superior on the monolingual one. In the conclusion, we emphasize current limitations due to the scarcity of high-quality annotated corpora and to the lack of cohesive annotation strategies for ancient languages.

Analysis of Glyph and Writing System Similarities Using Siamese Neural Networks
Claire Roman | Philippe Meyer

In this paper we use siamese neural networks to compare glyphs and writing systems. These deep learning models define distance-like functions and are used to explore and visualize the space of scripts by performing multidimensional scaling and clustering analyses. From 51 historical European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern alphabets, we use a Ward-linkage hierarchical clustering and obtain 10 clusters of scripts including three isolated writing systems. To collect the glyph database we use the Noto family fonts that encode in a standard form the Unicode character repertoire. This approach has the potential to reveal connections among scripts and civilizations and to help the deciphering of ancient scripts.

How to Annotate Emotions in Historical Italian Novels: A Case Study on I Promessi Sposi
Rachele Sprugnoli | Arianna Redaelli

This paper describes the annotation of a chapter taken from I Promessi Sposi, the most famous Italian novel of the 19th century written by Alessandro Manzoni, following 3 emotion classifications. The aim of this methodological paper is to understand: i) how the annotation procedure changes depending on the granularity of the classification, ii) how the different granularities impact the inter-annotator agreement, iii) which granularity allows good coverage of emotions, iv) if the chosen classifications are missing emotions that are important for historical literary texts. The opinion of non-experts is integrated in the present study through an online questionnaire. In addition, preliminary experiments are carried out using the new dataset as a test set to evaluate the performances of different approaches for emotion polarity detection and emotion classification respectively. Annotated data are released both as aggregated gold standard and with non-aggregated labels (that is labels before reconciliation between annotators) so to align with the perspectivist approach, that is an established practice in the Humanities and, more recently, also in NLP.

Leveraging LLMs for Post-OCR Correction of Historical Newspapers
Alan Thomas | Robert Gaizauskas | Haiping Lu

Poor OCR quality continues to be a major obstacle for humanities scholars seeking to make use of digitised primary sources such as historical newspapers. Typical approaches to post-OCR correction employ sequence-to-sequence models for a neural machine translation task, mapping erroneous OCR texts to accurate reference texts. We shift our focus towards the adaptation of generative LLMs for a prompt-based approach. By instruction-tuning Llama 2 and comparing it to a fine-tuned BART on BLN600, a parallel corpus of 19th century British newspaper articles, we demonstrate the potential of a prompt-based approach in detecting and correcting OCR errors, even with limited training data. We achieve a significant enhancement in OCR quality with Llama 2 outperforming BART, achieving a 54.51% reduction in the character error rate against BART’s 23.30%. This paves the way for future work leveraging generative LLMs to improve the accessibility and unlock the full potential of historical texts for humanities research.

LLM-based Machine Translation and Summarization for Latin
Martin Volk | Dominic Philipp Fischer | Lukas Fischer | Patricia Scheurer | Phillip Benjamin Ströbel

This paper presents an evaluation of machine translation for Latin. We tested multilingual Large Language Models, in particular GPT-4, on letters from the 16th century that are in Latin and Early New High German. Our experiments include translation and cross-language summarization for the two historical languages into modern English and German. We show that LLM-based translation for Latin is clearly superior to previous approaches. We also show that LLM-based paraphrasing of Latin paragraphs from the historical letters produces English and German summaries that are close to human summaries published in the edition.

Exploring Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Methodologies for Literary-Historical Research Purposes
Tess Dejaeghere | Pranaydeep Singh | Els Lefever | Julie Birkholz

This study explores aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) methodologies for literary-historical research, aiming to address the limitations of traditional sentiment analysis in understanding nuanced aspects of literature. It evaluates three ABSA toolchains: rule-based, machine learning-based (utilizing BERT and MacBERTh embeddings), and a prompt-based workflow with Mixtral 8x7B. Findings highlight challenges and potentials of ABSA for literary-historical analysis, emphasizing the need for context-aware annotation strategies and technical skills. The research contributes by curating a multilingual corpus of travelogues, publishing an annotated dataset for ABSA, creating openly available Jupyter Notebooks with Python code for each modeling approach, conducting pilot experiments on literary-historical texts, and proposing future endeavors to advance ABSA methodologies in this domain.

Early Modern Dutch Comedies and Farces in the Spotlight: Introducing EmDComF and Its Emotion Framework
Florian Debaene | Kornee van der Haven | Veronique Hoste

As computational drama studies are developing rapidly, the Dutch dramatic tradition is in need of centralisation still before it can benefit from state-of-the-art methodologies. This paper presents and evaluates EmDComF, a historical corpus of both manually curated and automatically digitised early modern Dutch comedies and farces authored between 1650 and 1725, and describes the refinement of a historically motivated annotation framework exploring sentiment and emotions in these two dramatic subgenres. Originating from Lodewijk Meyer’s philosophical writings on passions in the dramatic genre (±1670), published in Naauwkeurig onderwys in de tooneel-poëzy (Thorough instruction in the Poetics of Drama) by the literary society Nil Volentibus Arduum in 1765, a historical and genre-specific emotion framework is tested and operationalised for annotating emotions in the domain of early modern Dutch comedies and farces. Based on a frequency and cluster analysis of 782 annotated sentences by 2 expert annotators, the initial 38 emotion labels were restructured to a hierarchical label set of the 5 emotions Hatred, Anxiety, Sadness, Joy and Desire.

When Hieroglyphs Meet Technology: A Linguistic Journey through Ancient Egypt Using Natural Language Processing
Ricardo Muñoz Sánchez

Knowing our past can help us better understand our future. The explosive development of NLP in these past few decades has allowed us to study ancient languages and cultures in ways that we couldn’t have done in the past. However, not all languages have received the same level of attention. Despite its popularity in pop culture, the languages spoken in Ancient Egypt have been somewhat overlooked in terms of NLP research. In this paper we give an overview of how NLP has been used to study different variations of the Ancient Egyptian languages. This not only includes Old, Middle, and Late Egyptian but also Demotic and Coptic. We begin our survey paper by giving a short introduction to these languages and their writing systems, before talking about the corpora and lexical resources that are available digitally. We then show the different NLP tasks that have been tackled for different variations of Ancient Egyptian, as well as the approaches that have been used. We hope that our work can stoke interest in the study of these languages within the NLP community.

Towards a Readability Formula for Latin
Thomas Laurs

This research focuses on the development of a readability formula for Latin texts, a much-needed tool to assess the difficulty of Latin texts in educational settings. This study takes a comprehensive approach, exploring more than 100 linguistic variables, including lexical, morphological, syntactical, and discourse-related factors, to capture the multifaceted nature of text difficulty. The study incorporates a corpus of Latin texts that were assessed for difficulty, and their evaluations were used to establish the basis for the model. The research utilizes natural language processing tools to derive linguistic predictors, resulting in a multiple linear regression model that explains about 70% of the variance in text difficulty. While the model’s precision can be enhanced by adding further variables and a larger corpus, it already provides valuable insights into the readability of Latin texts and offers the opportunity to examine how different text genres and contents influence text accessibility. Additionally, the formula’s focus on objective text difficulty paves the way for future research on personal predictors, particularly in educational contexts.

Automatic Normalisation of Middle French and Its Impact on Productivity
Raphael Rubino | Sandra Coram-Mekkey | Johanna Gerlach | Jonathan David Mutal | Pierrette Bouillon

This paper presents a study on automatic normalisation of 16th century documents written in Middle French. These documents present a large variety of wordforms which require spelling normalisation to facilitate downstream linguistic and historical studies. We frame the normalisation process as a machine translation task starting with a strong baseline leveraging a pre-trained encoder–decoder model. We propose to improve this baseline by combining synthetic data generation methods and producing artificial training data, thus tackling the lack of parallel corpora relevant to our task. The evaluation of our approach is twofold, in addition to automatic metrics relying on gold references, we evaluate our models through post-editing of their outputs. This evaluation method directly measures the productivity gain brought by our models to experts conducting the normalisation task manually. Results show a 20+ token per minute increase in productivity when using automatic normalisation compared to normalising text from scratch. The manually post-edited dataset resulting from our study is the first parallel corpus of normalised 16th century Middle French to be publicly released, along with the synthetic data and the automatic normalisation models used and trained in the presented work.

Overview of the EvaLatin 2024 Evaluation Campaign
Rachele Sprugnoli | Federica Iurescia | Marco Passarotti

This paper describes the organization and the results of the third edition of EvaLatin, the campaign for the evaluation of Natural Language Processing tools for Latin. The two shared tasks proposed in EvaLatin 2024, i.,e., Dependency Parsing and Emotion Polarity Detection, are aimed to foster research in the field of language technologies for Classical languages. The shared datasets are described and the results obtained by the participants for each task are presented and discussed.

Behr at EvaLatin 2024: Latin Dependency Parsing Using Historical Sentence Embeddings
Rufus Behr

This paper identifies the system used for my submission to EvaLatin’s shared dependency parsing task as part of the LT4HALA 2024 workshop. EvaLatin presented new Latin prose and poetry dependency test data from potentially different time periods, and imposed no restriction on training data or model selection for the task. This paper, therefore, sought to build a general Latin dependency parser that would perform accurately regardless of the Latin age to which the test data belongs. To train a general parser, all of the available Universal Dependencies treebanks were used, but in order to address the changes in the Latin language over time, this paper introduces historical sentence embeddings. A model was trained to encode sentences of the same Latin age into vectors of high cosine similarity, which are referred to as historical sentence embeddings. The system introduces these historical sentence embeddings into a biaffine dependency parser with the hopes of enabling training across the Latin treebanks in a more efficacious manner, but their inclusion shows no improvement over the base model.

KU Leuven / Brepols-CTLO at EvaLatin 2024: Span Extraction Approaches for Latin Dependency Parsing
Wouter Mercelis

This report describes the KU Leuven / Brepols-CTLO submission to EvaLatin 2024. We present the results of two runs, both of which try to implement a span extraction approach. The first run implements span-span prediction, rooted in Machine Reading Comprehension, while making use of LaBERTa, a RoBERTa model pretrained on Latin texts. The first run produces meaningful results. The second, more experimental run operates on the token-level with a span-extraction approach based on the Question Answering task. This model finetuned a DeBERTa model, pretrained on Latin texts. The finetuning was set up in the form of a Multitask Model, with classification heads for each token’s part-of-speech tag and dependency relation label, while a question answering head handled the dependency head predictions. Due to the shared loss function, this paper tried to capture the link between part-of-speech tag, dependency relation and dependency heads, that follows the human intuition. The second run did not perform well.

ÚFAL LatinPipe at EvaLatin 2024: Morphosyntactic Analysis of Latin
Milan Straka | Jana Straková | Federica Gamba

We present LatinPipe, the winning submission to the EvaLatin 2024 Dependency Parsing shared task. Our system consists of a fine-tuned concatenation of base and large pre-trained LMs, with a dot-product attention head for parsing and softmax classification heads for morphology to jointly learn both dependency parsing and morphological analysis. It is trained by sampling from seven publicly available Latin corpora, utilizing additional harmonization of annotations to achieve a more unified annotation style. Before fine-tuning, we train the system for a few initial epochs with frozen weights. We also add additional local relative contextualization by stacking the BiLSTM layers on top of the Transformer(s). Finally, we ensemble output probability distributions from seven randomly instantiated networks for the final submission. The code is available at

Nostra Domina at EvaLatin 2024: Improving Latin Polarity Detection through Data Augmentation
Stephen Bothwell | Abigail Swenor | David Chiang

This paper describes submissions from the team Nostra Domina to the EvaLatin 2024 shared task of emotion polarity detection. Given the low-resource environment of Latin and the complexity of sentiment in rhetorical genres like poetry, we augmented the available data through automatic polarity annotation. We present two methods for doing so on the basis of the k-means algorithm, and we employ a variety of Latin large language models (LLMs) in a neural architecture to better capture the underlying contextual sentiment representations. Our best approach achieved the second highest macro-averaged Macro-F1 score on the shared task’s test set.

TartuNLP at EvaLatin 2024: Emotion Polarity Detection
Aleksei Dorkin | Kairit Sirts

The technical report for our submission at EvaLatin 2024 shared task. We apply knowledge transfer techniques and two distinct approaches to data annotation: based on heuristics and based on LLMs.

Overview of EvaHan2024: The First International Evaluation on Ancient Chinese Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation
Bin Li | Bolin Chang | Zhixing Xu | Minxuan Feng | Chao Xu | Weiguang Qu | Si Shen | Dongbo Wang

Ancient Chinese texts have no sentence boundaries and punctuation. Adding modern Chinese punctuation to theses texts requires expertise, time and efforts. Automatic sentence segmentation and punctuation is considered as a basic task for Ancient Chinese processing, but there is no shared task to evaluate the performances of different systems. This paper presents the results of the first ancient Chinese sentence segmentation and punctuation bakeoff, which is held at the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) 2024. The contest uses metrics for detailed evaluations of 4 genres of unpublished texts with 11 punctuation types. Six teams submitted 32 running results. In the closed modality, the participants are only allowed to use the training data, the highest obtained F1 scores are respectively 88.47% and 75.29% in sentence segmentation and sentence punctuation. The perfermances on the unseen data is 10 percent lower than the published common data, which means there is still space for further improvement. The large language models outperform the traditional models, but LLM changes the original characters around 1-2%, due to over-generation. Thus, post-processing is needed to keep the text consistancy.

Two Sequence Labeling Approaches to Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation Prediction for Classic Chinese Texts
Xuebin Wang | Zhenghua Li

This paper describes our system for the EvaHan2024 shared task. We design and experiment with two sequence labeling approaches, i.e., one-stage and two-stage approaches. The one-stage approach directly predicts a label for each character, and the label may contain multiple punctuation marks. The two-stage approach divides punctuation marks into two classes, i.e., pause and non-pause, and separately handles them via two sequence labeling processes. The labels contain at most one punctuation marks. We use pre-trained SikuRoBERTa as a key component of the encoder and employ a conditional random field (CRF) layer on the top. According to the evaluation metrics adopted by the organizers, the two-stage approach is superior to the one-stage approach, and our system achieves the second place among all participant systems.

Ancient Chinese Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation on Xunzi LLM
Shitu Huo | Wenhui Chen

This paper describes the system submitted for the EvaHan 2024 Task on ancient Chinese sentence segmentation and punctuation. Our study utillizes the Xunzi large language model as the base model to evaluate the overall performance and the performance by record type. The applied methodologies and the prompts utilized in our study have shown to be helpful and effective in aiding the model’s performance evaluation.

Sentence Segmentation and Sentence Punctuation Based on XunziALLM
Zihong Chen

In ancient Chinese books, punctuation marks are typically absent in engraved texts. Sentence segmentation and punctuation heavily rely on the meticulous efforts of experts and scholars. Therefore, the work of automatic punctuation and sentence segmentation plays a very important role in promoting ancient books, as well as the inheritance of Chinese culture. In this paper, we present a method for fine-tuning downstream tasks for large language model using the LoRA approach, leveraging the EvaHan2024 dataset. This method ensures robust output and high accuracy while inheriting the knowledge from the large pre-trained language model Xunzi.

Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation for Ancient Books Based on Supervised In-context Training
Shiquan Wang | Weiwei Fu | Mengxiang Li | Zhongjiang He | Yongxiang Li | Ruiyu Fang | Li Guan | Shuangyong Song

This paper describes the participation of team “TeleAI” in the third International Chinese Ancient Chinese Language Information Processing Evaluation (EvalHan24). The competition comprises a joint task of sentence segmentation and punctuation, categorized into open and closed tracks based on the models and data used. In the final evaluation, our system achieved significantly better results than the baseline. Specifically, in the closed-track sentence segmentation task, we obtained an F1 score of 0.8885, while in the sentence punctuation task, we achieved an F1 score of 0.7129.

SPEADO: Segmentation and Punctuation for Ancient Chinese Texts via Example Augmentation and Decoding Optimization
Tian Xia | Kai Yu | Qianrong Yu | Xinran Peng

The SPEADO model for sentence segmentation and punctuation tasks in ancient Chinese texts is proposed, which incorporates text chunking and MinHash indexing techniques to realise example argumentation. Additionally, decoding optimization strategies are introduced to direct the attention of the LLM model towards punctuation errors and address the issue of uncontrollable output. Experimental results show that the F1 score of the proposed method exceeds the baseline model by 14.18%, indicating a significant improvement in performance.

Ancient Chinese Punctuation via In-Context Learning
Jie Huang

EvaHan2024 focuses on sentence punctuation in ancient Chinese. Xunzi large language base model, which is specifically trained for ancient Chinese processing, is advised in the campaign. In general, we adopted the in-context learning (ICL) paradigm for this task and designed a post-processing scheme to ensure the standardability of final results. When constructing ICL prompts, we did feature extraction by LLM QA and selected demonstrations based on non-parametric metrics. We used Xunzi in two stages and neither did further training, so the model was generic and other fundamental abilities remained unaffected. Moreover, newly acquired training data can be directly utilized after identical feature extraction, showcasing the scalability of our system. As for the result, we achieved an F1-score of 67.7% on a complex test dataset consisting of multiple types of documents and 77.98% on Zuozhuan data.