Evaluation Scheme of Focal Translation for Japanese Partially Amended Statutes
Takahiro Yamakoshi
Takahiro Komamizu
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Katsuhiko Toyama
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2021)
For updating the translations of Japanese statutes based on their amendments, we need to consider the translation “focality;” that is, we should only modify expressions that are relevant to the amendment and retain the others to avoid misconstruing its contents. In this paper, we introduce an evaluation metric and a corpus to improve focality evaluations. Our metric is called an Inclusive Score for DIfferential Translation: (ISDIT). ISDIT consists of two factors: (1) the n-gram recall of expressions unaffected by the amendment and (2) the n-gram precision of the output compared to the reference. This metric supersedes an existing one for focality by simultaneously calculating the translation quality of the changed expressions in addition to that of the unchanged expressions. We also newly compile a corpus for Japanese partially amendment translation that secures the focality of the post-amendment translations, while an existing evaluation corpus does not. With the metric and the corpus, we examine the performance of existing translation methods for Japanese partially amendment translations.
Metric Learning for Synonym Acquisition
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Masato Hagiwara
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Katsuhiko Toyama
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008)
Context Feature Selection for Distributional Similarity
Masato Hagiwara
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Katsuhiko Toyama
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Volume-I
Selection of Effective Contextual Information for Automatic Synonym Acquisition
Masato Hagiwara
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Katsuhiko Toyama
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
PLSI Utilization for Automatic Thesaurus Construction
Masato Hagiwara
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Katsuhiko Toyama
Second International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Full Papers
An experiment on Japanese-Uighur machine translation and its evaluation
Muhtar Mahsut
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Kazue Sugino
Katsuhiko Toyama
Yasuyoshi Inagaki
Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Technical Papers
This paper describes an evaluation experiment about a Japanese-Uighur machine translation system which consists of verbal suffix processing, case suffix processing, phonetic change processing, and a Japanese-Uighur dictionary including about 20,000 words. Japanese and Uighur have many syntactical and language structural similarities, including word order, existence and same functions of case suffixes and verbal suffixes, morphological structure, etc. For these reasons, we can consider that we can translate Japanese into Uighur in such a manner as word-by-word aligning after morphological analysis of the input sentences without complicated syntactical analysis. From the point of view of practical usage, we have chosen three articles about environmental issue appeared in Nippon Keizai Shinbun, and conducted a translation experiment on the articles with our MT system, for clarifying our argument. Here, we have counted the correctness of phrases in the Output sentences to be evaluating criteria. As a results of the experiment, 84.8% of precision has been achieved.
Utilizing agglutinative features in Japanese-Uighur machine translation
Muhtar Mahsut
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Kazue Sugino
Yasuyoshi Inagaki
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit VIII
Japanese and Uighur languages are agglutinative languages and they have many syntactical and morphological similarities. And roughly speaking, we can translate Japanese into Uighur sequentially by replacing Japanese words with corresponding Uighur ones after morphological analysis. However, we should translate agglutinated suffixes carefully to make correct translation, because they play important roles on both languages. In this paper, we pay attention to them and propose a Japanese-Uighur machine translation utilizing the agglutinative features of both languages. To deal with the agglutinative features, we use the derivational grammar, which makes the similarities clearer between both languages. This makes our system proposed here simple and systematical. We have implemented the machine translation system and evaluated how effectively our system works.