On the annotation of vague expressions: a case study on Romanian historical texts
Anca Dinu
Walther von Hahn
Cristina Vertan
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language technology for Digital Humanities in Central and (South-)Eastern Europe
Current approaches in Digital .Humanities tend to ignore a central as-pect of any hermeneutic introspection: the intrinsic vagueness of analyzed texts. Especially when dealing with his-torical documents neglecting vague-ness has important implications on the interpretation of the results. In this pa-per we present current limitation of an-notation approaches and describe a current methodology for annotating vagueness for historical Romanian texts.
Making historical texts accessible to everybody
Cristina Vertan
Walther von Hahn
Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Text Simplification - Methods and Applications in the Multilingual Society (ATS-MA 2014)
Language diversity and implications for Language technology in the Multilingual Europe
Cristina Vertan
Walther von Hahn
Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and Tools for Closely Related Languages and Language Variants
Same domain different discourse style - A case study on Language Resources for data-driven Machine Translation
Monica Gavrila
Walther v. Hahn
Cristina Vertan
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
Data-driven machine translation (MT) approaches became very popular during last years, especially for language pairs for which it is difficult to find specialists to develop transfer rules. Statistical (SMT) or example-based (EBMT) systems can provide reasonable translation quality for assimilation purposes, as long as a large amount of training data is available. Especially SMT systems rely on parallel aligned corpora which have to be statistical relevant for the given language pair. The construction of large domain specific parallel corpora is time- and cost-consuming; the current practice relies on one or two big such corpora per language pair. Recent developed strategies ensure certain portability to other domains through specialized lexicons or small domain specific corpora. In this paper we discuss the influence of different discourse styles on statistical machine translation systems. We investigate how a pure SMT performs when training and test data belong to same domain but the discourse style varies.
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
John Hutchins
Walther v. Hahn
Bente Maegaard
John Hutchins
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Challenges for the Multilingual Semantic Web
Walther v. Hahn
Cristina Vertan
Workshop on Semantic Web technologies for machine translation
In this paper we give an overview of Semantic Web technologies and the impact of these ones for multilingual Web. We present a possible solution for improving the quality of on-line translation systems, using mechanisms and standards from Semantic Web. We focus on Example based machine translation and the automatization of the translation examples extraction by means of RDF-repositories.
Menu choice translation: a flexible menu-based controlled natural language system
Cristina Vertan
Walther von Hahn
EAMT Workshop: Improving MT through other language technology tools: resources and tools for building MT
Specification and evaluation of machine translation toy systems - criteria for laboratory assignments
Cristina Vertan
Walther von Hahn
Workshop on Teaching Translation Technologies and Tools
Implementation of machine translation “toy” systems is a good practical exercise especially for computer science students. Our aim in a series of courses on MT in 2002 was to make students familiar both with typical problems of Machine Translation in particular and natural language processing in general, as well as with software implementation. In order to simulate a software implementation proc- ess as realistic as possible, we introduced more than 20 evaluation criteria to be filled by the students when they evaluated their own products. The criteria go far beyond such “toy” systems, but they should demonstrate the students, what a real software evaluation means, and which are the particularities of Machine Translation Evaluation.
Architectures of “toy” systems for teaching machine translation
Walther v. Hahn
Cristina Vertan
Proceedings of the 6th EAMT Workshop: Teaching Machine Translation
Providing multilingual term explanations in machine aided translation
Walther von Hahn
EAMT Workshop: Language Technology in your Organization?
Providing factual information in MAT
Walther v. Hahn
Galja Angelova
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Translation: Ten years on
Most translations are needed for technical documents in specific domains and often the domain knowledge available to the translator is crucial for the efficiency and quality of the translation task. Our project1 aims at the investigation of a MAT-paradigm where the human user is supported by linguistic as well as by subject information ([vHa90], [vHAn92]). The basic hypotheses of the approach are: - domain knowledge is not encoded in the lexicon entries, i.e. we clearly distinguish between the language layer and the conceptual layer; - the representation of domain knowledge is language independent and replaces most of the semantic entries in a traditional semantic lexicon of MT/MAT-systems; - the user accesses domain information by highlighting a sequence in the source text and specifying the type of query; - factual explanations to the user should be simple and transparent although the underlying formalisms for knowledge representation and processing might be very complex; - as a language for knowledge representation, conceptual graphs (CGs) of Sowa [Sow84] were chosen. In providing connections between the terms (lexical entries) and the knowledge base our approach will be compared to terminological knowledge bases (TKBs) which are hybrid systems between concept-oriented term banks and knowledge bases. This paper presents: - a contrastive view to knowledge based techniques in MAT, - mechanisms for mapping the "ordinary" linguistic lexicon and the terminological lexicon of two languages onto one knowledge base, - methods to access the domain knowledge in a flexible way without allowing completely free linguistic dialogues, - techniques to present the result of queries to the translator in restricted natural language, and - use of domain knowledge to solve specific translation difficulties.
Pragmatic Considerations in Man-Machine Discourse
Walther v. Hahn
Coling 1986 Volume 1: The 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics