Text-Picture Relations in Multimodal Instructions
Ielka van der Sluis
Anne Nienke Eppinga
Gisela Redeker
Proceedings of the IWCS workshop on Foundations of Situated and Multimodal Communication
PAT workbench: Annotation and Evaluation of Text and Pictures in Multimodal Instructions
Ielka van der Sluis
Lennart Kloppenburg
Gisela Redeker
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH)
This paper presents a tool to investigate the design of multimodal instructions (MIs), i.e., instructions that contain both text and pictures. The benefit of including pictures in information presentation has been established, but the characteristics of those pictures and of their textual counterparts and the rela-tion(s) between them have not been researched in a systematic manner. We present the PAT Work-bench, a tool to store, annotate and retrieve MIs based on a validated coding scheme with currently 42 categories that describe instructions in terms of textual features, pictorial elements, and relations be-tween text and pictures. We describe how the PAT Workbench facilitates collaborative annotation and inter-annotator agreement calculation. Future work on the tool includes expanding its functionality and usability by (i) making the MI annotation scheme dynamic for adding relevant features based on empirical evaluations of the MIs, (ii) implementing algorithms for automatic tagging of MI features, and (iii) implementing automatic MI evaluation algorithms based on results obtained via e.g. crowdsourced assessments of MIs.
The Automatic Identification of Discourse Units in Dutch Text
Nynke van der Vliet
Gosse Bouma
Gisela Redeker
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013)
Multi-Layer Discourse Annotation of a Dutch Text Corpus
Gisela Redeker
Ildikó Berzlánovich
Nynke van der Vliet
Gosse Bouma
Markus Egg
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
We have compiled a corpus of 80 Dutch texts from expository and persuasive genres, which we annotated for rhetorical and genre-specific discourse structure, and lexical cohesion with the goal of creating a gold standard for further research. The annota¬tions are based on a segmentation of the text in elementary discourse units that takes into account cues from syntax and punctuation. During the labor-intensive discourse-structure annotation (RST analysis), we took great care to thoroughly reconcile the initial analyses. That process and the availability of two independent initial analyses for each text allows us to analyze our disagreements and to assess the confusability of RST relations, and thereby improve the annotation guidelines and gather evidence for the classification of these relations into larger groups. We are using this resource for corpus-based studies of discourse relations, discourse markers, cohesion, and genre differences, e.g., the question of how discourse structure and lexical cohesion interact for different genres in the overall organization of texts. We are also exploring automatic text segmentation and semi-automatic discourse annotation.
How Complex is Discourse Structure?
Markus Egg
Gisela Redeker
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
This paper contributes to the question of which degree of complexity is called for in representations of discourse structure. We review recent claims that tree structures do not suffice as a model for discourse structure, with a focus on the work done on the Discourse Graphbank (DGB) of Wolf and Gibson (2005, 2006). We will show that much of the additional complexity in the DGB is not inherent in the data, but due to specific design choices that underlie W&Gs annotation. Three kinds of configuration are identified whose DGB analysis violates tree-structure constraints, but for which an analysis in terms of tree structures is possible, viz., crossed dependencies that are eventually based on lexical or referential overlap, multiple-parent structures that could be handled in terms of Marcus (1996) Nuclearity Principle, and potential list structures, in which whole lists of segments are related to a preceding segment in the same way. We also discuss the recent results which Lee et al. (2008) adduce as evidence for a complexity of discourse structure that cannot be handled in terms of tree structures.
Same and Elaboration Relations in the Discourse Graphbank
Irina Borisova
Gisela Redeker
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2010 Conference