Bhavdeep Singh Sachdeva
Real-Time Visual Feedback to Guide Benchmark Creation: A Human-and-Metric-in-the-Loop Workflow
Anjana Arunkumar
Swaroop Mishra
Bhavdeep Singh Sachdeva
Chitta Baral
Chris Bryan
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Recent research has shown that language models exploit ‘artifacts’ in benchmarks to solve tasks, rather than truly learning them, leading to inflated model performance. In pursuit of creating better benchmarks, we propose VAIDA, a novel benchmark creation paradigm for NLP, that focuses on guiding crowdworkers, an under-explored facet of addressing benchmark idiosyncrasies. VAIDA facilitates sample correction by providing realtime visual feedback and recommendations to improve sample quality. Our approach is domain, model, task, and metric agnostic, and constitutes a paradigm shift for robust, validated, and dynamic benchmark creation via human-and-metric-in-the-loop workflows. We evaluate via expert review and a user study with NASA TLX. We find that VAIDA decreases effort, frustration, mental, and temporal demands of crowdworkers and analysts, simultaneously increasing the performance of both user groups with a 45.8% decrease in the level of artifacts in created samples. As a by product of our user study, we observe that created samples are adversarial across models, leading to decreases of 31.3% (BERT), 22.5% (RoBERTa), 14.98% (GPT-3 fewshot) in performance.
Do We Need to Create Big Datasets to Learn a Task?
Swaroop Mishra
Bhavdeep Singh Sachdeva
Proceedings of SustaiNLP: Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing
Deep Learning research has been largely accelerated by the development of huge datasets such as Imagenet. The general trend has been to create big datasets to make a deep neural network learn. A huge amount of resources is being spent in creating these big datasets, developing models, training them, and iterating this process to dominate leaderboards. We argue that the trend of creating bigger datasets needs to be revised by better leveraging the power of pre-trained language models. Since the language models have already been pre-trained with huge amount of data and have basic linguistic knowledge, there is no need to create big datasets to learn a task. Instead, we need to create a dataset that is sufficient for the model to learn various task-specific terminologies, such as ‘Entailment’, ‘Neutral’, and ‘Contradiction’ for NLI. As evidence, we show that RoBERTA is able to achieve near-equal performance on 2% data of SNLI. We also observe competitive zero-shot generalization on several OOD datasets. In this paper, we propose a baseline algorithm to find the optimal dataset for learning a task.