Anne Przewozny-Desriaux
Understanding Computational Models of Semantic Change: New Insights from the Speech Community
Filip Miletić
Anne Przewozny-Desriaux
Ludovic Tanguy
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
We investigate the descriptive relevance of widely used semantic change models in linguistic descriptions of present-day speech communities. We focus on the sociolinguistic issue of contact-induced semantic shifts in Quebec English, and analyze 40 target words using type-level and token-level word embeddings, empirical linguistic properties, and – crucially – acceptability ratings and qualitative remarks by 15 speakers from Montreal. Our results confirm the overall relevance of the computational approaches, but also highlight practical issues and the complementary nature of different semantic change estimates. To our knowledge, this is the first study to substantively engage with the speech community being described using semantic change models.
Detecting Contact-Induced Semantic Shifts: What Can Embedding-Based Methods Do in Practice?
Filip Miletic
Anne Przewozny-Desriaux
Ludovic Tanguy
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
This study investigates the applicability of semantic change detection methods in descriptively oriented linguistic research. It specifically focuses on contact-induced semantic shifts in Quebec English. We contrast synchronic data from different regions in order to identify the meanings that are specific to Quebec and potentially related to language contact. Type-level embeddings are used to detect new semantic shifts, and token-level embeddings to isolate regionally specific occurrences. We introduce a new 80-item test set and conduct both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. We demonstrate that diachronic word embedding methods can be applied to contact-induced semantic shifts observed in synchrony, obtaining results comparable to the state of the art on similar tasks in diachrony. However, we show that encouraging evaluation results do not translate to practical value in detecting new semantic shifts. Finally, our application of token-level embeddings accelerates manual data exploration and provides an efficient way of scaling up sociolinguistic analyses.
Collecting Tweets to Investigate Regional Variation in Canadian English
Filip Miletic
Anne Przewozny-Desriaux
Ludovic Tanguy
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
We present a 78.8-million-tweet, 1.3-billion-word corpus aimed at studying regional variation in Canadian English with a specific focus on the dialect regions of Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. Our data collection and filtering pipeline reflects complex design criteria, which aim to allow for both data-intensive modeling methods and user-level variationist sociolinguistic analysis. It specifically consists in identifying Twitter users from the three cities, crawling their entire timelines, filtering the collected data in terms of user location and tweet language, and automatically excluding near-duplicate content. The resulting corpus mirrors national and regional specificities of Canadian English, it provides sufficient aggregate and user-level data, and it maintains a reasonably balanced distribution of content across regions and users. The utility of this dataset is illustrated by two example applications: the detection of regional lexical and topical variation, and the identification of contact-induced semantic shifts using vector space models. In accordance with Twitter’s developer policy, the corpus will be publicly released in the form of tweet IDs.