We present NOMOS, an open-source software framework for annotation, processing, and analysis of multimodal corpora. NOMOS is designed for use by annotators, corpus developers, and corpus consumers, emphasizing configurability for a variety of specific annotation tasks. Its features include synchronized multi-channel audio and video playback, compatibility with several corpora, platform independence, and mixed display of capabilities and a well-defined method for layering datasets. Second, we describe how the system is used. For corpus development and annotation we present a typical use scenario involving the creation of a schema and specialization of the user interface. For processing and analysis we describe the GUI- and Java-based methods available, including a GUI for query construction and execution, and an automatically generated schema-conforming Java API for processing of annotations. Additionally, we present some specific annotation and research tasks for which NOMOS has been specialized and used, annotation and research tasks for which NOMOS has been specialized and used, including topic segmentation and decision-point annotation of meetings.