Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems
- Anthology ID:
- W98-07
- Month:
- Year:
- 1998
- Address:
- Venue:
- WS
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems
General Word Sense Disambiguation Method Based on a Full Sentential Context
Jiri Stetina
Sadao Kurohashi
Makoto Nagao
Disambiguating Verbs with the WordNet Category of the Direct Object
Eric V. Siegel
Word Sense Disambiguation based on Semantic Density
Rada Mihalcea
Dan I. Moldovan
The Use of WordNet in Information Retrieval
Mandala Rila
Takenobu Tokunaga
Hozumi Tanaka
Indexing with WordNet synsets can improve text retrieval
Julio Gonzalo
Felisa Verdejo
Irina Chugur
Juan Cigarran
Text Classification Using WordNet Hypernyms
Sam Scott
Stan Matwin
Towards a Representation of Idioms in WordNet
Christiane Fellbaum
Linking WordNet Verb Classes to Semantic Interpretation
Fernando Gomez
Using WordNet for Building WordNets
Xavier Farreres
German Rigau
Horacio Rodffguez
Aligning WordNet with Additional Lexical Resources
Oi Yee Kwong
Automatic Adaptation of WordNet to Sublanguages and to Computational Tasks
Roberto Basili
Alessandro Cucchiarelli
Carlo Consoli
Maria Teresa Pazienza
Paola Velardi
Augmenting WordNet-like lexical resources with distributional evidence. An application-oriented perspective
Simonetta Montemagni
Vito Pirrelli
Lexical Acquisition with WordNet and the Mikrokosmos Ontology
Tom O’Hara
Kavi Mahesh
Sergei Nirenburg
Algorithms for Ontological Mediation
Alistair E. Campbell
Stuart C. Shapiro
Semi-automatic Induction of Systematic Polysemy from WordNet
Noriko Tomuro
A Comparison of WordNet and Roget’s Taxonomy for Measuring Semantic Similarity
Michael L. McHale
Incorporating Knowledge in Natural Language Learning: A Case Study
Yuval Krymolowski
Dan Roth
Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Generation
Hongyan Jing
Lexical Discovery with an Enriched Semantic Network
Doug Beeferman