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Recently, large language models (LLMs) enhanced by self-reflection have achieved promising performance on machine transla004 tion. The key idea is guiding LLMs to generate translation with human-like feedback. However, existing self-reflection methods lack effective feedback information, limiting the translation performance. To address this, we introduce a DUAL-REFLECT framework, leveraging the dual learning of translation tasks to provide effective feedback, thereby enhancing the models’ self-reflective abilities and improving translation performance. The application of this method across various translation tasks has proven its effectiveness in improving translation accuracy and eliminating ambiguities, especially in translation tasks with low-resource language pairs.
Large language models (LLMs) have showcased their remarkable capabilities to handle various downstream tasks, including multilingual machine translation ability. Despite their impressive performance, decoder-only LLMs lack an explicit alignment between source and target contexts, leading to translation that may not faithfully represent the original content. To address this, we propose three learning strategies to encourage LLMs to pay more attention to the source context during translation: 1) adjusting attention weights on the source context by adaptive attention re-weighting; 2) suppressing the irrelevant target prefix using contrastive decoding; 3) avoiding excessive reliance on the target prefix through target-constrained tuning. To verify the effectiveness of our model, we curate a new dataset specifically focusing on unfaithful translations generated by LLMs. Experimental results on both human-collected and general test sets verify the effectiveness of our model across multiple language pairs. Further human evaluation demonstrates the efficacy of our method in reducing hallucinatory translation and improving the fidelity of translations.
Knowledge graph question answering (KGQA) involves answering natural language questions by leveraging structured information stored in a knowledge graph. Typically, KGQA initially retrieve a targeted subgraph from a large-scale knowledge graph, which serves as the basis for reasoning models to address queries. However, the retrieved subgraph inevitably brings distraction information for knowledge utilization, impeding the model’s ability to perform accurate reasoning. To address this issue, we propose a Question-guided Knowledge Graph Re-scoring method (Q-KGR) to eliminate noisy pathways for the input question, thereby focusing specifically on pertinent factual knowledge.Moreover, we introduce Knowformer, a parameter-efficient method for injecting the re-scored knowledge graph into large language models to enhance their ability to perform factual reasoning.Extensive experiments on multiple KGQA benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our method over existing systems.
Most existing cross-lingual summarization (CLS) work constructs CLS corpora by simply and directly translating pre-annotated summaries from one language to another, which can contain errors from both summarization and translation processes. To address this issue, we propose ConvSumX, a cross-lingual conversation summarization benchmark, through a new annotation schema that explicitly considers source input context. ConvSumX consists of 2 sub-tasks under different real-world scenarios, with each covering 3 language directions. We conduct thorough analysis on ConvSumX and 3 widely-used manually annotated CLS corpora and empirically find that ConvSumX is more faithful towards input text. Additionally, based on the same intuition, we propose a 2-Step method, which takes both conversation and summary as input to simulate human annotation process. Experimental results show that 2-Step method surpasses strong baselines on ConvSumX under both automatic and human evaluation. Analysis shows that both source input text and summary are crucial for modeling cross-lingual summaries.
“本文介绍了我们在第二十二届中文计算语言学大会中文抽象语义表示解析评测任务中提交的参赛系统。中文抽象语义表示(Chinese Abstract Meaning Representa-tion,CAMR)不仅以图的方式表示句子的语义,还保证了概念对齐和关系对齐。近期,生成式大规模语言模型在诸多自然语言处理任务上展现了优秀的生成能力和泛化能力。受此启发,我们选择微调Baichuan-7B模型来以端到端的形式从文本直接生成序列化的CAMR。实验结果表明,我们的系统能够在不依赖于词性、依存句法信息以及复杂规则的前提下取得了同现有方法可比的性能。”
The Open-Domain Question Answering (ODQA) task involves retrieving and subsequently generating answers from fine-grained relevant passages within a database. Current systems leverage Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) to model the relationship between questions and passages. However, the diversity in surface form expressions can hinder the model’s ability to capture accurate correlations, especially within complex contexts. Therefore, we utilize Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graphs to assist the model in understanding complex semantic information. We introduce a method known as Graph-as-Token (GST) to incorporate AMRs into PLMs. Results from Natural Questions (NQ) and TriviaQA (TQ) demonstrate that our GST method can significantly improve performance, resulting in up to 2.44/3.17 Exact Match score improvements on NQ/TQ respectively. Furthermore, our method enhances robustness and outperforms alternative Graph Neural Network (GNN) methods for integrating AMRs. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to employ semantic graphs in ODQA.
Abstract meaning representation (AMR) highlights the core semantic information of text in a graph structure. Recently, pre-trained language models (PLMs) have advanced tasks of AMR parsing and AMR-to-text generation, respectively. However, PLMs are typically pre-trained on textual data, thus are sub-optimal for modeling structural knowledge. To this end, we investigate graph self-supervised training to improve the structure awareness of PLMs over AMR graphs. In particular, we introduce two graph auto-encoding strategies for graph-to-graph pre-training and four tasks to integrate text and graph information during pre-training. We further design a unified framework to bridge the gap between pre-training and fine-tuning tasks. Experiments on both AMR parsing and AMR-to-text generation show the superiority of our model. To our knowledge, we are the first to consider pre-training on semantic graphs.
Pre-trained language models have made great progress on dialogue tasks. However, these models are typically trained on surface dialogue text, thus are proven to be weak in understanding the main semantic meaning of a dialogue context. We investigate Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) as explicit semantic knowledge for pre-training models to capture the core semantic information in dialogues during pre-training. In particular, we propose a semantic-based pre-training framework that extends the standard pre-training framework (Devlin et al.,2019) by three tasks for learning 1) core semantic units, 2) semantic relations and 3) the overall semantic representation according to AMR graphs. Experiments on the understanding of both chit-chats and task-oriented dialogues show the superiority of our model. To our knowledge, we are the first to leverage a deep semantic representation for dialogue pre-training.
Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing aims to predict an AMR graph from textual input. Recently, there has been notable growth in AMR parsing performance. However, most existing work focuses on improving the performance in the specific domain, ignoring the potential domain dependence of AMR parsing systems. To address this, we extensively evaluate five representative AMR parsers on five domains and analyze challenges to cross-domain AMR parsing. We observe that challenges to cross-domain AMR parsing mainly arise from the distribution shift of words and AMR concepts. Based on our observation, we investigate two approaches to reduce the domain distribution divergence of text and AMR features, respectively. Experimental results on two out-of-domain test sets show the superiority of our method.
We propose the shared task of cross-lingual conversation summarization, ConvSumX Challenge, opening new avenues for researchers to investigate solutions that integrate conversation summarization and machine translation. This task can be particularly useful due to the emergence of online meetings and conferences. We use a new benchmark, covering 2 real-world scenarios and 3 language directions, including a low-resource language, for evaluation. We hope that ConvSumX can motivate research to go beyond English and break the barrier for non-English speakers to benefit from recent advances of conversation summarization.
Although neural models have achieved competitive results in dialogue systems, they have shown limited ability in representing core semantics, such as ignoring important entities. To this end, we exploit Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) to help dialogue modeling. Compared with the textual input, AMR explicitly provides core semantic knowledge and reduces data sparsity. We develop an algorithm to construct dialogue-level AMR graphs from sentence-level AMRs and explore two ways to incorporate AMRs into dialogue systems. Experimental results on both dialogue understanding and response generation tasks show the superiority of our model. To our knowledge, we are the first to leverage a formal semantic representation into neural dialogue modeling.
AMR-to-text generation aims to recover a text containing the same meaning as an input AMR graph. Current research develops increasingly powerful graph encoders to better represent AMR graphs, with decoders based on standard language modeling being used to generate outputs. We propose a decoder that back predicts projected AMR graphs on the target sentence during text generation. As the result, our outputs can better preserve the input meaning than standard decoders. Experiments on two AMR benchmarks show the superiority of our model over the previous state-of-the-art system based on graph Transformer.