William Soto Martinez


Generating from AMRs into High and Low-Resource Languages using Phylogenetic Knowledge and Hierarchical QLoRA Training (HQL)
William Soto Martinez | Yannick Parmentier | Claire Gardent
Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference

Multilingual generation from Abstract Meaning Representations (AMRs) verbalises AMRs into multiple languages. Previous work has focused on high- and medium-resource languages relying on large amounts of training data. In this work, we consider both high- and low-resource languages capping training data size at the lower bound set by our low-resource languages i.e. 31K. We propose a straightforward technique to enhance results on low-resource while preserving performance on high-resource languages. We iteratively refine a multilingua model to a set of monolingual models using Low-Rank Adaptation with a training curriculum based on a tree structure; this permits investigating how the languages used at each iteration impact generation performance on high and low-resource languages. We show an improvement over both mono and multilingual approaches. Comparing different ways of grouping languages at each iteration step we find two working configurations: grouping related languages which promotes transfer, or grouping distant languages which facilitates regularisation


Phylogeny-Inspired Soft Prompts For Data-to-Text Generation in Low-Resource Languages
William Soto Martinez | Yannick Parmentier | Claire Gardent
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The 2023 WebNLG Shared Task on Low Resource Languages. Overview and Evaluation Results (WebNLG 2023)
Liam Cripwell | Anya Belz | Claire Gardent | Albert Gatt | Claudia Borg | Marthese Borg | John Judge | Michela Lorandi | Anna Nikiforovskaya | William Soto Martinez
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal, Multilingual Natural Language Generation and Multilingual WebNLG Challenge (MM-NLG 2023)

The WebNLG task consists of mapping a knowledge graph to a text verbalising the con- tent of that graph. The 2017 WebNLG edi- tion required participating systems to gener- ate English text from a set of DBpedia triples, while the 2020 WebNLG+ challenge addition- ally included generation into Russian and se- mantic parsing of English and Russian texts. In contrast, WebNLG 2023 focuses on four under-resourced languages which are severely under-represented in research on text genera- tion, namely Breton, Irish, Maltese and Welsh. In addition, WebNLG 2023 once again includes Russian. In this paper, we present the organi- sation of the shared task (data, timeline, eval- uation), briefly describe the participating sys- tems and summarise results for participating systems.