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To extract the ‘meaning’ of a gloss phrase, we build a list of sense-IDs for each word in the phrase which is in our vocabulary. We choose one sense-ID from each list so as to maximise similarity of all the IDs in the chosen subset. We take the meaning of the phrase in semantic space to be the weighted sum of the embedding vectors of the IDs.
In this paper, we describe our method for detection of lexical semantic change, i.e., word sense changes over time. We examine semantic differences between specific words in two corpora, chosen from different time periods, for English, German, Latin, and Swedish. Our method was created for the SemEval 2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. We ranked 1st in Sub-task 1: binary change detection, and 4th in Sub-task 2: ranked change detection. We present our method which is completely unsupervised and language independent. It consists of preparing a semantic vector space for each corpus, earlier and later; computing a linear transformation between earlier and later spaces, using Canonical Correlation Analysis and orthogonal transformation;and measuring the cosines between the transformed vector for the target word from the earlier corpus and the vector for the target word in the later corpus.
In this paper, we present our systems for the MADAR Shared Task: Arabic Fine-Grained Dialect Identification. The shared task consists of two subtasks. The goal of Subtask– 1 (S-1) is to detect an Arabic city dialect in a given text and the goal of Subtask–2 (S-2) is to predict the country of origin of a Twitter user by using tweets posted by the user. In S-1, our proposed systems are based on language modelling. We use language models to extract features that are later used as an input for other machine learning algorithms. We also experiment with recurrent neural networks (RNN), but these experiments showed that simpler machine learning algorithms are more successful. Our system achieves 0.658 macro F1-score and our rank is 6th out of 19 teams in S-1 and 7th in S-2 with 0.475 macro F1-score.
We describe several systems for identifying short samples of Arabic or Swiss-German dialects, which were prepared for the shared task of the 2017 DSL Workshop (Zampieri et al., 2017). The Arabic data comprises both text and acoustic files, and our best run combined both. The Swiss-German data is text-only. Coincidently, our best runs achieved a accuracy of nearly 63% on both the Swiss-German and Arabic dialects tasks.
We describe several systems for identifying short samples of Arabic dialects. The systems were prepared for the shared task of the 2016 DSL Workshop. Our best system, an SVM using character tri-gram features, achieved an accuracy on the test data for the task of 0.4279, compared to a baseline of 0.20 for chance guesses or 0.2279 if we had always chosen the same most frequent class in the test set. This compares with the results of the team with the best weighted F1 score, which was an accuracy of 0.5117. The team entries seem to fall into cohorts, with all the teams in a cohort within a standard-deviation of each other, and our three entries are in the third cohort, which is about seven standard deviations from the top.