Paweł Bujnowski

Also published as: Pawel Bujnowski


Samsung Research Poland (SRPOL) at SemEval-2022 Task 9: Hybrid Question Answering Using Semantic Roles
Tomasz Dryjański | Monika Zaleska | Bartek Kuźma | Artur Błażejewski | Zuzanna Bordzicka | Paweł Bujnowski | Klaudia Firlag | Christian Goltz | Maciej Grabowski | Jakub Jończyk | Grzegorz Kłosiński | Bartłomiej Paziewski | Natalia Paszkiewicz | Jarosław Piersa | Piotr Andruszkiewicz
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

In this work we present an overview of our winning system for the R2VQ - Competence-based Multimodal Question Answering task, with the final exact match score of 92.53%.The task is structured as question-answer pairs, querying how well a system is capable of competence-based comprehension of recipes. We propose a hybrid of a rule-based system, Question Answering Transformer, and a neural classifier for N/A answers recognition. The rule-based system focuses on intent identification, data extraction and response generation.


SRPOL DIALOGUE SYSTEMS at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Automatic Generation of Training Data for Toxic Spans Detection
Michał Satława | Katarzyna Zamłyńska | Jarosław Piersa | Joanna Kolis | Klaudia Firląg | Katarzyna Beksa | Zuzanna Bordzicka | Christian Goltz | Paweł Bujnowski | Piotr Andruszkiewicz
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

This paper presents a system used for SemEval-2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection. Our system is an ensemble of BERT-based models for binary word classification, trained on a dataset extended by toxic comments modified and generated by two language models. For the toxic word classification, the prediction threshold value was optimized separately for every comment, in order to maximize the expected F1 value.


An Empirical Study on Multi-Task Learning for Text Style Transfer and Paraphrase Generation
Pawel Bujnowski | Kseniia Ryzhova | Hyungtak Choi | Katarzyna Witkowska | Jaroslaw Piersa | Tymoteusz Krumholc | Katarzyna Beksa
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Industry Track

The topic of this paper is neural multi-task training for text style transfer. We present an efficient method for neutral-to-style transformation using the transformer framework. We demonstrate how to prepare a robust model utilizing large paraphrases corpora together with a small parallel style transfer corpus. We study how much style transfer data is needed for a model on the example of two transformations: neutral-to-cute on internal corpus and modern-to-antique on publicly available Bible corpora. Additionally, we propose a synthetic measure for the automatic evaluation of style transfer models. We hope our research is a step towards replacing common but limited rule-based style transfer systems by more flexible machine learning models for both public and commercial usage.