Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Also published as: Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayovà
Chop and Change: Anaphora Resolution in Instructional Cooking Videos
Cennet Oguz
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Emmanuel Vincent
Pascal Denis
Josef van Genabith
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022
Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue: Description of the DFKI-TalkingRobots System for the CODI-CRAC 2021 Shared-Task
Tatiana Anikina
Cennet Oguz
Natalia Skachkova
Siyu Tao
Sharmila Upadhyaya
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Proceedings of the CODI-CRAC 2021 Shared Task on Anaphora, Bridging, and Discourse Deixis in Dialogue
Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue: Cross-Team Analysis of the DFKI-TalkingRobots Team Submissions for the CODI-CRAC 2021 Shared-Task
Natalia Skachkova
Cennet Oguz
Tatiana Anikina
Siyu Tao
Sharmila Upadhyaya
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Proceedings of the CODI-CRAC 2021 Shared Task on Anaphora, Bridging, and Discourse Deixis in Dialogue
Automatic Assignment of Semantic Frames in Disaster Response Team Communication Dialogues
Natalia Skachkova
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS)
Reference in Team Communication for Robot-Assisted Disaster Response: An Initial Analysis
Natalia Skachkova
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference
Dialogue Act Classification in Team Communication for Robot Assisted Disaster Response
Tatiana Anikina
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue
Multi-Task Learning of System Dialogue Act Selection for Supervised Pretraining of Goal-Oriented Dialogue Policies
Sarah McLeod
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Bernd Kiefer
Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue
Hierarchical Dialogue Policy Learning using Flexible State Transitions and Linear Function Approximation
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Nina Dethlefs
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers
An Interactive Humanoid Robot Exhibiting Flexible Sub-Dialogues
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Proceedings of the Demonstration Session at the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
A Situated Context Model for Resolution and Generation of Referring Expressions
Hendrik Zender
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2009)
The Effect of Dialogue System Output Style Variation on Users’ Evaluation Judgments and Input Style
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Olga Kukina
Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue
The Effect of Dialogue System Output Style Variation on Users’ Evaluation Judgments and Input Style
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Ciprian Gerstenberger
Olga Kukina
Jan Schehl
Proceedings of the Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference
Annotation Guidelines for Czech-English Word Alignment
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Klára Chvátalová
Oana Postolache
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
The SAMMIE Corpus of Multimodal Dialogues with an MP3 Player
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Tilman Becker
Nate Blaylock
Ciprian Gerstenberger
Michael Kaißer
Peter Poller
Verena Rieser
Jan Schehl
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
A corpus of tutorial dialogs on theorem proving; the influence of the presentation of the study-material
Christoph Benzmüller
Helmut Horacek
Henri Lesourd
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Marvin Schiller
Magdalena Wolska
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
The SAMMIE System: Multimodal In-Car Dialogue
Tilman Becker
Peter Poller
Jan Schehl
Nate Blaylock
Ciprian Gerstenberger
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Interactive Presentation Sessions
The SAMMIE Multimodal Dialogue Corpus Meets the Nite XML Toolkit
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Verena Rieser
Ciprian Gerstenberger
Jan Schehl
Tilman Becker
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2006): Multi-Dimensional Markup in Natural Language Processing
A Corpus Collection and Annotation Framework for Learning Multimodal Clarification Strategies
Verena Rieser
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Oliver Lemon
Proceedings of the 6th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue
Data-driven Approaches for Information Structure Identification
Oana Postolache
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Geert-Jan Kruijff
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
An Experiment Setup for Collecting Data for Adaptive Output Planning in a Multimodal Dialogue System
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Nate Blaylock
Ciprian Gerstenberger
Verena Rieser
Tilman Becker
Michael Kaisser
Peter Poller
Jan Schehl
Proceedings of the Tenth European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG-05)
The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English
Stefan Baumann
Caren Brinckmann
Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Geert-Jan Kruijff
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Stella Neumann
Erich Steiner
Elke Teich
Hans Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
An Annotated Corpus of Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Theorem Proving
Magdalena Wolska
Bao Quoc Vo
Dimitra Tsovaltzi
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Elena Karagjosova
Helmut Horacek
Armin Fiedler
Christoph Benzmüller
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Analysis of Mixed Natural and Symbolic Input in Mathematical Dialogs
Magdalena Wolska
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)
Discourse-level Annotation for Investigating Information Structure
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff
Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse Annotation
Lexical-semantic interpretation of language input in mathematical dialogs
Magdalena Wolska
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Helmut Horacek
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Text Meaning and Interpretation
Multi-dimensional annotation of linguistic corpora for investigating information structure
Stefan Baumann
Caren Brinckmann
Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Geert-Jan Kruijff
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Stella Neumann
Elke Teich
Proceedings of the Workshop Frontiers in Corpus Annotation at HLT-NAACL 2004
Producing Contextually Appropriate Intonation is an Information-State Based Dialogue System
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Stina Ericsson
Kepa J. Rodríguez
Elena Karagjosova
10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
A dialogue system with contextually appropriate spoken output intonation
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Elena Karagjosova
Kepa Joseba Rodriguez
Stina Ericsson
Conditional responses in information-seeking dialogues
Elena Karagjosova
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Proceedings of the Third SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue
Linear Order as Higher-Level Decision: Information Structure in Strategic and Tactical Generation
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayovà
John Bateman
Elke Teich
Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Eighth European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (EWNLG)
Multilinguality in a Text Generation System For Three Slavic Languages
Geert-Jan Kruijff
Elke Teich
John Bateman
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Hana Skoumalova
Serge Sharoff
Lena Sokolova
Tony Hartley
Kamenka Staykova
Jiri Hana
COLING 2000 Volume 1: The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Resources for Multilingual Text Generation in Three Slavic Languages
John Bateman
Elke Teich
Geert-Jan Kruijff
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Serge Sharoff
Hana Skoumalová
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
- Armin Fiedler 1
- Bao Quoc Vo 1
- Bernd Kiefer 1
- Caren Brinckmann 2
- Cennet Oguz 3
- show all...
- Christoph Benzmüller 2
- Ciprian Gerstenberger 5
- Dimitra Tsovaltzi 1
- Elena Karagjosova 4
- Elke Teich 5
- Emmanuel Vincent 1
- Erich H. Steiner 1
- Geert-Jan M. Kruijff 8
- Hana Skoumalova 2
- Hans Uszkoreit 1
- Helmut Horacek 3
- Hendrik Zender 1
- Henri Lesourd 1
- Heriberto Cuayáhuitl 2
- Jan Schehl 5
- Jiri Hana 1
- John Bateman 3
- Josef van Genabith 1
- Kamenka Staykova 1
- Kepa Joseba Rodriguez 2
- Klára Chvátalová 1
- Lena Sokolova 1
- Magdalena Wolska 4
- Marvin Schiller 1
- Michael Kaisser 2
- Natalia Skachkova 4
- Nate Blaylock 3
- Nina Dethlefs 1
- Oana Postolache 2
- Olga Kukina 2
- Oliver Lemon 1
- Pascal Denis 1
- Peter Poller 3
- Sarah McLeod 1
- Serge Sharoff 2
- Sharmila Upadhyaya 2
- Silvia Hansen-Schirra 2
- Siyu Tao 2
- Stefan Baumann 2
- Stella Neumann 2
- Stina Ericsson 2
- Tatiana Anikina 3
- Tilman Becker 4
- Tony Hartley 1
- Verena Rieser 4