Chacha Chen
Contextual Dynamic Prompting for Response Generation in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
Sandesh Swamy
Narges Tabari
Chacha Chen
Rashmi Gangadharaiah
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Response generation is one of the critical components in task-oriented dialog systems. Existing studies have shown that large pre-trained language models can be adapted to this task. The typical paradigm of adapting such extremely large language models would be by fine-tuning on the downstream tasks which is not only time-consuming but also involves significant resources and access to fine-tuning data. Prompting (Schick and Schütze, 2020) has been an alternative to fine-tuning in many NLP tasks. In our work, we explore the idea of using prompting for response generation in task-oriented dialog systems. Specifically, we propose an approach that performs contextual dynamic prompting where the prompts are learnt from dialog contexts. We aim to distill useful prompting signals from the dialog context. On experiments with MultiWOZ 2.2 dataset (Zang et al., 2020), we show that contextual dynamic prompts improve response generation in terms of combined score (Mehri et al., 2019) by 3 absolute points, and an additional 17 points when dialog states are incorporated. Furthermore, we carried out human annotation on these conversations and found that agents which incorporate context are preferred over agents with vanilla prefix-tuning.
Learning to Rank Visual Stories From Human Ranking Data
Chi-Yang Hsu
Yun-Wei Chu
Vincent Chen
Kuan-Chieh Lo
Chacha Chen
Ting-Hao Huang
Lun-Wei Ku
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Visual storytelling (VIST) is a typical vision and language task that has seen extensive development in the natural language generation research domain. However, it remains unclear whether conventional automatic evaluation metrics for text generation are applicable on VIST. In this paper, we present the VHED (VIST Human Evaluation Data) dataset, which first re-purposes human evaluation results for automatic evaluation; hence we develop Vrank (VIST Ranker), a novel reference-free VIST metric for story evaluation. We first show that the results from commonly adopted automatic metrics for text generation have little correlation with those obtained from human evaluation, which motivates us to directly utilize human evaluation results to learn the automatic evaluation model. In the experiments, we evaluate the generated texts to predict story ranks using our model as well as other reference-based and reference-free metrics. Results show that Vrank prediction is significantly more aligned to human evaluation than other metrics with almost 30% higher accuracy when ranking story pairs. Moreover, we demonstrate that only Vrank shows human-like behavior in its strong ability to find better stories when the quality gap between two stories is high. Finally, we show the superiority of Vrank by its generalizability to pure textual stories, and conclude that this reuse of human evaluation results puts Vrank in a strong position for continued future advances.
TEST_POSITIVE at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: Cross-task modeling
Chacha Chen
Chieh-Yang Huang
Yaqi Hou
Yang Shi
Enyan Dai
Jiaqi Wang
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)
The competition of extracting COVID-19 events from Twitter is to develop systems that can automatically extract related events from tweets. The built system should identify different pre-defined slots for each event, in order to answer important questions (e.g., Who is tested positive? What is the age of the person? Where is he/she?). To tackle these challenges, we propose the Joint Event Multi-task Learning (JOELIN) model. Through a unified global learning framework, we make use of all the training data across different events to learn and fine-tune the language model. Moreover, we implement a type-aware post-processing procedure using named entity recognition (NER) to further filter the predictions. JOELIN outperforms the BERT baseline by 17.2% in micro F1.
- Chi-Yang Hsu 1
- Chieh-Yang Huang 1
- Enyan Dai 1
- Jiaqi Wang 1
- Kuan-Chieh Lo 1
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