Benjamin Paassen


Fine-Grained Detection of Solidarity for Women and Migrants in 155 Years of German Parliamentary Debates
Aida Kostikova | Dominik Beese | Benjamin Paassen | Ole Pütz | Gregor Wiedemann | Steffen Eger
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Solidarity is a crucial concept to understand social relations in societies. In this study, we investigate the frequency of (anti-)solidarity towards women and migrants in German parliamentary debates between 1867 and 2022. Using 2,864 manually annotated text snippets, we evaluate large language models (LLMs) like Llama 3, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4. We find that GPT-4 outperforms other models, approaching human annotation accuracy. Using GPT-4, we automatically annotate 18,300 further instances and find that solidarity with migrants outweighs anti-solidarity but that frequencies and solidarity types shift over time. Most importantly, group-based notions of (anti-)solidarity fade in favor of compassionate solidarity, focusing on the vulnerability of migrant groups, and exchange-based anti-solidarity, focusing on the lack of (economic) contribution. This study highlights the interplay of historical events, socio-economic needs, and political ideologies in shaping migration discourse and social cohesion.

EdTec-QBuilder: A Semantic Retrieval Tool for Assembling Vocational Training Exams in German Language
Alonso Palomino | Andreas Fischer | Jakub Kuzilek | Jarek Nitsch | Niels Pinkwart | Benjamin Paassen
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

Selecting and assembling test items from a validated item database into comprehensive exam forms is an under-researched but significant challenge in education. Search and retrieval methods provide a robust framework to assist educators when filtering and assembling relevant test items. In this work, we present EdTec-QBuilder, a semantic search tool developed to assist vocational educators in assembling exam forms. To implement EdTec-QBuilder’s core search functionality, we evaluated eight retrieval strategies and twenty-five popular pre-trained sentence similarity models. Our evaluation revealed that employing cross-encoders to re-rank an initial list of relevant items is best for assisting vocational trainers in assembling examination forms. Beyond topic-based exam assembly, EdTec-QBuilder aims to provide a crowdsourcing infrastructure enabling manual exam assembly data collection, which is critical for future research and development in assisted and automatic exam assembly models.


Ontology-based Extraction of Structured Information from Publications on Preclinical Experiments for Spinal Cord Injury Treatments
Benjamin Paassen | Andreas Stöckel | Raphael Dickfelder | Jan Philip Göpfert | Nicole Brazda | Tarek Kirchhoffer | Hans Werner Müller | Roman Klinger | Matthias Hartung | Philipp Cimiano
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Semantic Web and Information Extraction