Erion Çano


CogMemLM: Human-Like Memory Mechanisms Improve Performance and Cognitive Plausibility of LLMs
Lukas Thoma | Ivonne Weyers | Erion Çano | Stefan Schweter | Jutta L Mueller | Benjamin Roth
Proceedings of the BabyLM Challenge at the 27th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning


Two Huge Title and Keyword Generation Corpora of Research Articles
Erion Çano | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Recent developments in sequence-to-sequence learning with neural networks have considerably improved the quality of automatically generated text summaries and document keywords, stipulating the need for even bigger training corpora. Metadata of research articles are usually easy to find online and can be used to perform research on various tasks. In this paper, we introduce two huge datasets for text summarization (OAGSX) and keyword generation (OAGKX) research, containing 34 million and 23 million records, respectively. The data were retrieved from the Open Academic Graph which is a network of research profiles and publications. We carefully processed each record and also tried several extractive and abstractive methods of both tasks to create performance baselines for other researchers. We further illustrate the performance of those methods previewing their outputs. In the near future, we would like to apply topic modeling on the two sets to derive subsets of research articles from more specific disciplines.


Keyphrase Generation: A Text Summarization Struggle
Erion Çano | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

Authors’ keyphrases assigned to scientific articles are essential for recognizing content and topic aspects. Most of the proposed supervised and unsupervised methods for keyphrase generation are unable to produce terms that are valuable but do not appear in the text. In this paper, we explore the possibility of considering the keyphrase string as an abstractive summary of the title and the abstract. First, we collect, process and release a large dataset of scientific paper metadata that contains 2.2 million records. Then we experiment with popular text summarization neural architectures. Despite using advanced deep learning models, large quantities of data and many days of computation, our systematic evaluation on four test datasets reveals that the explored text summarization methods could not produce better keyphrases than the simpler unsupervised methods, or the existing supervised ones.

Efficiency Metrics for Data-Driven Models: A Text Summarization Case Study
Erion Çano | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Using data-driven models for solving text summarization or similar tasks has become very common in the last years. Yet most of the studies report basic accuracy scores only, and nothing is known about the ability of the proposed models to improve when trained on more data. In this paper, we define and propose three data efficiency metrics: data score efficiency, data time deficiency and overall data efficiency. We also propose a simple scheme that uses those metrics and apply it for a more comprehensive evaluation of popular methods on text summarization and title generation tasks. For the latter task, we process and release a huge collection of 35 million abstract-title pairs from scientific articles. Our results reveal that among the tested models, the Transformer is the most efficient on both tasks.