Jie Gao


EmRel: Joint Representation of Entities and Embedded Relations for Multi-triple Extraction
Benfeng Xu | Quan Wang | Yajuan Lyu | Yabing Shi | Yong Zhu | Jie Gao | Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Multi-triple extraction is a challenging task due to the existence of informative inter-triple correlations, and consequently rich interactions across the constituent entities and relations. While existing works only explore entity representations, we propose to explicitly introduce relation representation, jointly represent it with entities, and novelly align them to identify valid triples.We perform comprehensive experiments on document-level relation extraction and joint entity and relation extraction along with ablations to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method.


RP-DNN: A Tweet Level Propagation Context Based Deep Neural Networks for Early Rumor Detection in Social Media
Jie Gao | Sooji Han | Xingyi Song | Fabio Ciravegna
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Early rumor detection (ERD) on social media platform is very challenging when limited, incomplete and noisy information is available. Most of the existing methods have largely worked on event-level detection that requires the collection of posts relevant to a specific event and relied only on user-generated content. They are not appropriate to detect rumor sources in the very early stages, before an event unfolds and becomes widespread. In this paper, we address the task of ERD at the message level. We present a novel hybrid neural network architecture, which combines a task-specific character-based bidirectional language model and stacked Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to represent textual contents and social-temporal contexts of input source tweets, for modelling propagation patterns of rumors in the early stages of their development. We apply multi-layered attention models to jointly learn attentive context embeddings over multiple context inputs. Our experiments employ a stringent leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) evaluation setup on seven publicly available real-life rumor event data sets. Our models achieve state-of-the-art(SoA) performance for detecting unseen rumors on large augmented data which covers more than 12 events and 2,967 rumors. An ablation study is conducted to understand the relative contribution of each component of our proposed model.


Learning Translations via Matrix Completion
Derry Tanti Wijaya | Brendan Callahan | John Hewitt | Jie Gao | Xiao Ling | Marianna Apidianaki | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Bilingual Lexicon Induction is the task of learning word translations without bilingual parallel corpora. We model this task as a matrix completion problem, and present an effective and extendable framework for completing the matrix. This method harnesses diverse bilingual and monolingual signals, each of which may be incomplete or noisy. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance for both high and low resource languages.


JATE 2.0: Java Automatic Term Extraction with Apache Solr
Ziqi Zhang | Jie Gao | Fabio Ciravegna
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

Automatic Term Extraction (ATE) or Recognition (ATR) is a fundamental processing step preceding many complex knowledge engineering tasks. However, few methods have been implemented as public tools and in particular, available as open-source freeware. Further, little effort is made to develop an adaptable and scalable framework that enables customization, development, and comparison of algorithms under a uniform environment. This paper introduces JATE 2.0, a complete remake of the free Java Automatic Term Extraction Toolkit (Zhang et al., 2008) delivering new features including: (1) highly modular, adaptable and scalable ATE thanks to integration with Apache Solr, the open source free-text indexing and search platform; (2) an extended collection of state-of-the-art algorithms. We carry out experiments on two well-known benchmarking datasets and compare the algorithms along the dimensions of effectiveness (precision) and efficiency (speed and memory consumption). To the best of our knowledge, this is by far the only free ATE library offering a flexible architecture and the most comprehensive collection of algorithms.