Shasha Liao


pdf bib
Jargon-Term Extraction by Chunking
Adam Meyers | Zachary Glass | Angus Grieve-Smith | Yifan He | Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the COLING Workshop on Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Analyzing Technical Language


Using Prediction from Sentential Scope to Build a Pseudo Co-Testing Learner for Event Extraction
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Improving MT Word Alignment Using Aligned Multi-Stage Parses
Adam Meyers | Michiko Kosaka | Shasha Liao | Nianwen Xue
Proceedings of Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation

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Acquiring Topic Features to improve Event Extraction: in Pre-selected and Balanced Collections
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2011

Evaluating Human Correction Quality for Machine Translation from Crowdsourcing
Shasha Liao | Cheng Wu | Juan Huerta
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2011

Can Document Selection Help Semi-supervised Learning? A Case Study On Event Extraction
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies


Large Corpus-based Semantic Feature Extraction for Pronoun Coreference
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)

Using Document Level Cross-Event Inference to Improve Event Extraction
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Filtered Ranking for Bootstrapping in Event Extraction
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010)


Automatic Recognition of Logical Relations for English, Chinese and Japanese in the GLARF Framework
Adam Meyers | Michiko Kosaka | Nianwen Xue | Heng Ji | Ang Sun | Shasha Liao | Wei Xu
Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)

Transducing Logical Relations from Automatic and Manual GLARF
Adam Meyers | Michiko Kosaka | Heng Ji | Nianwen Xue | Mary Harper | Ang Sun | Wei Xu | Shasha Liao
Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW III)


Combining Source and Target Language Information for Name Tagging of Machine Translation Output
Shasha Liao
Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Student Research Workshop