Derui Zhu


PoLLMgraph: Unraveling Hallucinations in Large Language Models via State Transition Dynamics
Derui Zhu | Dingfan Chen | Qing Li | Zongxiong Chen | Lei Ma | Jens Grossklags | Mario Fritz
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Despite tremendous advancements in large language models (LLMs) over recent years, a notably urgent challenge for their practical deployment is the phenomenon of "hallucination”, where the model fabricates facts and produces non-factual statements. In response, we propose PoLLMgraph—a Polygraph for LLMs—as an effective model-based white-box detection and forecasting approach. PoLLMgraph distinctly differs from the large body of existing research that concentrates on addressing such challenges through black-box evaluations. In particular, we demonstrate that hallucination can be effectively detected by analyzing the LLM’s internal state transition dynamics during generation via tractable probabilistic models. Experimental results on various open-source LLMs confirm the efficacy of PoLLMgraph, outperforming state-of-the-art methods by a considerable margin, evidenced by over 20% improvement in AUC-ROC on common benchmarking datasets like TruthfulQA. Our work paves a new way for model-based white-box analysis of LLMs, motivating the research community to further explore, understand, and refine the intricate dynamics of LLM behaviors.


Neural Hidden Markov Model for Machine Translation
Weiyue Wang | Derui Zhu | Tamer Alkhouli | Zixuan Gan | Hermann Ney
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Attention-based neural machine translation (NMT) models selectively focus on specific source positions to produce a translation, which brings significant improvements over pure encoder-decoder sequence-to-sequence models. This work investigates NMT while replacing the attention component. We study a neural hidden Markov model (HMM) consisting of neural network-based alignment and lexicon models, which are trained jointly using the forward-backward algorithm. We show that the attention component can be effectively replaced by the neural network alignment model and the neural HMM approach is able to provide comparable performance with the state-of-the-art attention-based models on the WMT 2017 German↔English and Chinese→English translation tasks.


Hybrid Neural Network Alignment and Lexicon Model in Direct HMM for Statistical Machine Translation
Weiyue Wang | Tamer Alkhouli | Derui Zhu | Hermann Ney
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Recently, the neural machine translation systems showed their promising performance and surpassed the phrase-based systems for most translation tasks. Retreating into conventional concepts machine translation while utilizing effective neural models is vital for comprehending the leap accomplished by neural machine translation over phrase-based methods. This work proposes a direct HMM with neural network-based lexicon and alignment models, which are trained jointly using the Baum-Welch algorithm. The direct HMM is applied to rerank the n-best list created by a state-of-the-art phrase-based translation system and it provides improvements by up to 1.0% Bleu scores on two different translation tasks.