Bhattacharyya Pushpak


NLI to the Rescue: Mapping Entailment Classes to Hallucination Categories in Abstractive Summarization
Badathala Naveen | Saxena Ashita | Bhattacharyya Pushpak
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

In this paper, we detect hallucinations in summaries generated by abstractive summarization models. We focus on three types of hallucination viz. intrinsic, extrinsic, and nonhallucinated. The method used for detecting hallucination is based on textual entailment. Given a premise and a hypothesis, textual entailment classifies the hypothesis as contradiction, neutral, or entailment. These three classes of textual entailment are mapped to intrinsic, extrinsic, and non-hallucinated respectively. We fine-tune a RoBERTa-large model on NLI datasets and use it to detect hallucinations on the XSumFaith dataset. We demonstrate that our simple approach using textual entailment outperforms the existing factuality inconsistency detection systems by 12% and we provide insightful analysis of all types of hallucination. To advance research in this area, we create and release a dataset, XSumFaith++, which contains balanced instances of hallucinated and non-hallucinated summaries.

KITLM: Domain-Specific Knowledge InTegration into Language Models for Question Answering
Agarwal Ankush | Gawade Sakharam | Azad Amar Prakash | Bhattacharyya Pushpak
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

Large language models (LLMs) have demon- strated remarkable performance in a wide range of natural language tasks. However, as these models continue to grow in size, they face sig- nificant challenges in terms of computational costs. Additionally, LLMs often lack efficient domain-specific understanding, which is par- ticularly crucial in specialized fields such as aviation and healthcare. To boost the domain- specific understanding, we propose, KITLM 1 , a novel knowledge base integration approach into language model through relevant informa- tion infusion. By integrating pertinent knowl- edge, not only the performance of the lan- guage model is greatly enhanced, but the model size requirement is also significantly reduced while achieving comparable performance. Our proposed knowledge-infused model surpasses the performance of both GPT-3.5-turbo and the state-of-the-art knowledge infusion method, SKILL, achieving over 1.5 times improvement in exact match scores on the MetaQA. KITLM showed a similar performance boost in the avi- ation domain with AeroQA. The drastic perfor- mance improvement of KITLM over the exist- ing methods can be attributed to the infusion of relevant knowledge while mitigating noise. In addition, we release two curated datasets to accelerate knowledge infusion research in specialized fields: a) AeroQA, a new bench- mark dataset designed for multi-hop question- answering within the aviation domain, and b) Aviation Corpus, a dataset constructed from unstructured text extracted from the National Transportation Safety Board reports. Our re- search contributes to advancing the field of domain-specific language understanding and showcases the potential of knowledge infusion techniques in improving the performance.

Comparing DAE-based and MASS-based UNMT: Robustness to Word-Order Divergence in English–>Indic Language Pairs
Banerjee Tamali | Murthy Rudra | Bhattacharyya Pushpak
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

The proliferation of fake news poses a significant challenge in the digital era. Detecting false information, especially in non-English languages, is crucial to combating misinformation effectively. In this research, we introduce a novel approach for Dravidian fake news detection by harnessing the capabilities of the MuRIL transformer model, further enhanced by gradient accumulation techniques. Our study focuses on the Dravidian languages, a diverse group of languages spoken in South India, which are often underserved in natural language processing research. We optimize memory usage, stabilize training, and improve the model’s overall performance by accumulating gradients over multiple batches. The proposed model exhibits promising results in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. Our findings underline the significance of adapting state-of-the-art techniques, such as MuRIL-based models and gradient accumulation, to non-English language.

Kurosawa: A Script Writer’s Assistant
Gandhi Prerak | Pramanik Vishal | Bhattacharyya Pushpak
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

Storytelling is the lifeline of the entertainment industrymovies, TV shows, and stand-up comedies, all need stories. A good and gripping script is the lifeline of storytelling and demands creativity and resource investment. Good scriptwriters are rare to find and often work under severe time pressure. Consequently, entertainment media are actively looking for automation. In this paper, we present an AIbased script-writing workbench called KUROSAWA which addresses the tasks of plot generation and script generation. Plot generation aims to generate a coherent and creative plot (600–800 words) given a prompt (15–40 words). Script generation, on the other hand, generates a scene (200–500 words) in a screenplay format from a brief description (15–40 words). Kurosawa needs data to train. We use a 4-act structure of storytelling to annotate the plot dataset manually. We create a dataset of 1000 manually annotated plots and their corresponding prompts/storylines and a gold-standard dataset of 1000 scenes with four main elements — scene headings, action lines, dialogues, and character names — tagged individually. We fine-tune GPT-3 with the above datasets to generate plots and scenes. These plots and scenes are first evaluated and then used by the scriptwriters of a large and famous media platform ErosNow. We release the annotated datasets and the models trained on these datasets as a working benchmark for automatic movie plot and script generation.