Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+12)
David Chiang, Alexander Koller (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W16-33
- Month:
- June
- Year:
- 2016
- Address:
- Düsseldorf, Germany
- Venue:
- TAG+
- SIGs:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+12)
David Chiang
Alexander Koller
Coordination in Minimalist Grammars: Excorporation and Across the Board (Head) Movement
John Torr
Edward P. Stabler
ArabTAG: from a Handcrafted to a Semi-automatically Generated TAG
Chérifa Ben Khelil
Denys Duchier
Yannick Parmentier
Chiraz Zribi
Fériel Ben Fraj
Interfacing Sentential and Discourse TAG-based Grammars
Laurence Danlos
Aleksandre Maskharashvili
Sylvain Pogodalla
Modelling Discourse in STAG: Subordinate Conjunctions and Attributing Phrases
Timothée Bernard
Laurence Danlos
Argument linking in LTAG: A constraint-based implementation with XMG
Laura Kallmeyer
Timm Lichte
Rainer Osswald
Simon Petitjean
Verbal fields in Hungarian simple sentences and infinitival clausal complements
Kata Balogh
Modelling the ziji Blocking Effect and Constraining Bound Variable Derivations in MC-TAG with Delayed Locality
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko
Node-based Induction of Tree-Substitution Grammars
Rose Sloan
Revisiting Supertagging and Parsing: How to Use Supertags in Transition-Based Parsing
Wonchang Chung
Suhas Siddhesh Mhatre
Alexis Nasr
Owen Rambow
Srinivas Bangalore
An Alternate View on Strong Lexicalization in TAG
Aniello De Santo
Alëna Aksënova
Thomas Graf
Hyperedge Replacement and Nonprojective Dependency Structures
Daniel Bauer
Owen Rambow
Parasitic Gaps and the Heterogeneity of Dependency Formation in STAG
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko
Robert Frank