Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Haifeng Wang, David Yarowsky (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- I11-1
- Month:
- November
- Year:
- 2011
- Address:
- Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Haifeng Wang
David Yarowsky
Analyzing the Dynamics of Research by Extracting Key Aspects of Scientific Papers
Sonal Gupta
Christopher Manning
Dependency-directed Tree Kernel-based Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literature
Longhua Qian
Guodong Zhou
Learning Logical Structures of Paragraphs in Legal Articles
Ngo Xuan Bach
Nguyen Le Minh
Tran Thi Oanh
Akira Shimazu
Extracting Pre-ordering Rules from Predicate-Argument Structures
Xianchao Wu
Katsuhito Sudoh
Kevin Duh
Hajime Tsukada
Masaaki Nagata
Context-Sensitive Syntactic Source-Reordering by Statistical Transduction
Maxim Khalilov
Khalil Sima’an
Discriminative Phrase-based Lexicalized Reordering Models using Weighted Reordering Graphs
Wang Ling
João Graça
David Martins de Matos
Isabel Trancoso
Alan W Black
Active Learning Strategies for Support Vector Machines, Application to Temporal Relation Classification
Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel
Gholamreza Ghassem-Sani
Alexis Nasr
A Fast Accurate Two-stage Training Algorithm for L1-regularized CRFs with Heuristic Line Search Strategy
Jinlong Zhou
Xipeng Qiu
Xuanjing Huang
Automatic Topic Model Adaptation for Sentiment Analysis in Structured Domains
Geoffrey Levine
Gerald DeJong
Multi-modal Reference Resolution in Situated Dialogue by Integrating Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Clues
Ryu Iida
Masaaki Yasuhara
Takenobu Tokunaga
Single and multi-objective optimization for feature selection in anaphora resolution
Sriparna Saha
Asif Ekbal
Olga Uryupina
Massimo Poesio
A Unified Event Coreference Resolution by Integrating Multiple Resolvers
Bin Chen
Jian Su
Sinno Jialin Pan
Chew Lim Tan
Handling verb phrase morphology in highly inflected Indian languages for Machine Translation
Ankur Gandhe
Rashmi Gangadharaiah
Karthik Visweswariah
Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan
Japanese Pronunciation Prediction as Phrasal Statistical Machine Translation
Jun Hatori
Hisami Suzuki
Comparing Two Techniques for Learning Transliteration Models Using a Parallel Corpus
Hassan Sajjad
Nadir Durrani
Helmut Schmid
Alexander Fraser
A Semantic-Specific Model for Chinese Named Entity Translation
Yufeng Chen
Chengqing Zong
Mining Revision Log of Language Learning SNS for Automated Japanese Error Correction of Second Language Learners
Tomoya Mizumoto
Mamoru Komachi
Masaaki Nagata
Yuji Matsumoto
Modality Specific Meta Features for Authorship Attribution in Web Forum Posts
Thamar Solorio
Sangita Pillay
Sindhu Raghavan
Manuel Montes y Gómez
Keyphrase Extraction from Online News Using Binary Integer Programming
Zhuoye Ding
Qi Zhang
Xuanjing Huang
Improving Related Entity Finding via Incorporating Homepages and Recognizing Fine-grained Entities
Youzheng Wu
Chiori Hori
Hisashi Kawai
Hideki Kashioka
Enhancing Active Learning for Semantic Role Labeling via Compressed Dependency Trees
Chenhua Chen
Alexis Palmer
Caroline Sporleder
Semantic Role Labeling Without Treebanks?
Stephen Boxwell
Chris Brew
Jason Baldridge
Dennis Mehay
Sujith Ravi
Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis Exploiting Argument Position and Type
Yuta Hayashibe
Mamoru Komachi
Yuji Matsumoto
An Empirical Study on Compositionality in Compound Nouns
Siva Reddy
Diana McCarthy
Suresh Manandhar
Feature-Rich Log-Linear Lexical Model for Latent Variable PCFG Grammars
Zhongqiang Huang
Mary Harper
Improving Dependency Parsing with Fined-Grained Features
Guangyou Zhou
Li Cai
Kang Liu
Jun Zhao
Natural Language Programming Using Class Sequential Rules
Cohan Sujay Carlos
Treeblazing: Using External Treebanks to Filter Parse Forests for Parse Selection and Treebanking
Andrew MacKinlay
Rebecca Dridan
Dan Flickinger
Stephan Oepen
Timothy Baldwin
Cross-Language Entity Linking
Paul McNamee
James Mayfield
Dawn Lawrie
Douglas Oard
David Doermann
Generating Chinese Named Entity Data from a Parallel Corpus
Ruiji Fu
Bing Qin
Ting Liu
Learning the Latent Topics for Question Retrieval in Community QA
Li Cai
Guangyou Zhou
Kang Liu
Jun Zhao
Identifying Event Descriptions using Co-training with Online News Summaries
William Yang Wang
Kapil Thadani
Kathleen McKeown
Automatic Labeling of Voiced Consonants for Morphological Analysis of Modern Japanese Literature
Teruaki Oka
Mamoru Komachi
Toshinobu Ogiso
Yuji Matsumoto
S3 - Statistical Sandhi Splitting
Abhiram Natarajan
Eugene Charniak
Improving Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging with Semi-supervised Methods Using Large Auto-Analyzed Data
Yiou Wang
Jun’ichi Kazama
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Wenliang Chen
Yujie Zhang
Kentaro Torisawa
CODACT: Towards Identifying Orthographic Variants in Dialectal Arabic
Pradeep Dasigi
Mona Diab
Enhancing the HL-SOT Approach to Sentiment Analysis via a Localized Feature Selection Framework
Wei Wei
Jon Atle Gulla
Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis with Structural Features
Cäcilia Zirn
Mathias Niepert
Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Michael Strube
Predicting Opinion Dependency Relations for Opinion Analysis
Lun-Wei Ku
Ting-Hao Huang
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Detecting and Blocking False Sentiment Propagation
Hye-Jin Min
Jong C. Park
Efficient induction of probabilistic word classes with LDA
Grzegorz Chrupala
Quality-biased Ranking of Short Texts in Microblogging Services
Minlie Huang
Yi Yang
Xiaoyan Zhu
Labeling Unlabeled Data using Cross-Language Guided Clustering
Sachindra Joshi
Danish Contractor
Sumit Negi
Extracting Relation Descriptors with Conditional Random Fields
Yaliang Li
Jing Jiang
Hai Leong Chieu
Kian Ming A. Chai
Attribute Extraction from Synthetic Web Search Queries
Marius Paşca
Japanese Abbreviation Expansion with Query and Clickthrough Logs
Kei Uchiumi
Mamoru Komachi
Keigo Machinaga
Toshiyuki Maezawa
Toshinori Satou
Yoshinori Kobayashi
Mining Parallel Documents Using Low Bandwidth and High Precision CLIR from the Heterogeneous Web
Simon Shi
Pascale Fung
Emmanuel Prochasson
Chi-kiu Lo
Dekai Wu
Crawling Back and Forth: Using Back and Out Links to Locate Bilingual Sites
Luciano Barbosa
Srinivas Bangalore
Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar
Grammar Induction from Text Using Small Syntactic Prototypes
Prachya Boonkwan
Mark Steedman
Transferring Syntactic Relations from English to Hindi Using Alignments on Local Word Groups
Aswarth Dara
Prashanth Mannem
Hemanth Sagar Bayyarapu
Avinesh PVS
Generative Modeling of Coordination by Factoring Parallelism and Selectional Preferences
Daisuke Kawahara
Sadao Kurohashi
Syntactic Parsing for Ranking-Based Coreference Resolution
Altaf Rahman
Vincent Ng
TriS: A Statistical Sentence Simplifier with Log-linear Models and Margin-based Discriminative Training
Nguyen Bach
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Social Summarization via Automatically Discovered Social Context
Po Hu
Cheng Sun
Longfei Wu
Donghong Ji
Chong Teng
Simultaneous Clustering and Noise Detection for Theme-based Summarization
Xiaoyan Cai
Renxian Zhang
Dehong Gao
Wenjie Li
Extractive Summarization Method for Contact Center Dialogues based on Call Logs
Akihiro Tamura
Kai Ishikawa
Masahiro Saikou
Masaaki Tsuchida
Indexing Spoken Documents with Hierarchical Semantic Structures: Semantic Tree-to-string Alignment Models
Xiaodan Zhu
Colin Cherry
Gerald Penn
Structured and Extended Named Entity Evaluation in Automatic Speech Transcriptions
Olivier Galibert
Sophie Rosset
Cyril Grouin
Pierre Zweigenbaum
Ludovic Quintard
Normalising Audio Transcriptions for Unwritten Languages
Adel Foda
Steven Bird
Similarity Based Language Model Construction for Voice Activated Open-Domain Question Answering
István Varga
Kiyonori Ohtake
Kentaro Torisawa
Stijn De Saeger
Teruhisa Misu
Shigeki Matsuda
Jun’ichi Kazama
The application of chordal graphs to inferring phylogenetic trees of languages
Jessica Enright
Grzegorz Kondrak
Cross-domain Feature Selection for Language Identification
Marco Lui
Timothy Baldwin
A Wikipedia-LDA Model for Entity Linking with Batch Size Changing Instance Selection
Wei Zhang
Jian Su
Chew Lim Tan
Discovering Latent Concepts and Exploiting Ontological Features for Semantic Text Search
Vuong M. Ngo
Tru H. Cao
CLGVSM: Adapting Generalized Vector Space Model to Cross-lingual Document Clustering
Guoyu Tang
Yunqing Xia
Min Zhang
Haizhou Li
Fang Zheng
Thread Cleaning and Merging for Microblog Topic Detection
Jianfeng Zhang
Yunqing Xia
Bin Ma
Jianmin Yao
Yu Hong
Training a BN-based user model for dialogue simulation with missing data
Stéphane Rossignol
Olivier Pietquin
Michel Ianotto
Automatic identification of general and specific sentences by leveraging discourse annotations
Annie Louis
Ani Nenkova
A POS-based Ensemble Model for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification
Rui Xia
Chengqing Zong
Ensemble-style Self-training on Citation Classification
Cailing Dong
Ulrich Schäfer
Back to the Roots of Genres: Text Classification by Language Function
Henning Wachsmuth
Kathrin Bujna
Transductive Minimum Error Rate Training for Statistical Machine Translation
Yinggong Zhao
Shujie Liu
Yangsheng Ji
Jiajun Chen
Guodong Zhou
Distributed Minimum Error Rate Training of SMT using Particle Swarm Optimization
Jun Suzuki
Kevin Duh
Masaaki Nagata
Going Beyond Word Cooccurrences in Global Lexical Selection for Statistical Machine Translation using a Multilayer Perceptron
Alexandre Patry
Philippe Langlais
System Combination Using Discriminative Cross-Adaptation
Jacob Devlin
Antti-Veikko Rosti
Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan
Spyros Matsoukas
Word Sense Disambiguation by Combining Labeled Data Expansion and Semi-Supervised Learning Method
Sanae Fujita
Akinori Fujino
Combining ConceptNet and WordNet for Word Sense Disambiguation
Junpeng Chen
Juan Liu
It Takes Two to Tango: A Bilingual Unsupervised Approach for Estimating Sense Distributions using Expectation Maximization
Mitesh M. Khapra
Salil Joshi
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Dynamic and Static Prototype Vectors for Semantic Composition
Siva Reddy
Ioannis Klapaftis
Diana McCarthy
Suresh Manandhar
Using Prediction from Sentential Scope to Build a Pseudo Co-Testing Learner for Event Extraction
Shasha Liao
Ralph Grishman
Text Segmentation and Graph-based Method for Template Filling in Information Extraction
Ludovic Jean-Louis
Romaric Besançon
Olivier Ferret
Joint Distant and Direct Supervision for Relation Extraction
Truc-Vien T. Nguyen
Alessandro Moschitti
A Cross-lingual Annotation Projection-based Self-supervision Approach for Open Information Extraction
Seokhwan Kim
Minwoo Jeong
Jonghoon Lee
Gary Geunbae Lee
Exploring Difficulties in Parsing Imperatives and Questions
Tadayoshi Hara
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
A Discriminative Approach to Japanese Zero Anaphora Resolution with Large-scale Lexicalized Case Frames
Ryohei Sasano
Sadao Kurohashi
An Empirical Comparison of Unknown Word Prediction Methods
Kostadin Cholakov
Gertjan van Noord
Valia Kordoni
Yi Zhang
Training Dependency Parsers from Partially Annotated Corpora
Daniel Flannery
Yusuke Miayo
Graham Neubig
Shinsuke Mori
A Breadth-First Representation for Tree Matching in Large Scale Forest-Based Translation
Sumukh Ghodke
Steven Bird
Rui Zhang
Bayesian Subtree Alignment Model based on Dependency Trees
Toshiaki Nakazawa
Sadao Kurohashi
Enriching SMT Training Data via Paraphrasing
Wei He
Shiqi Zhao
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Translation Quality Indicators for Pivot-based Statistical MT
Michael Paul
Eiichiro Sumita
Source Error-Projection for Sample Selection in Phrase-Based SMT for Resource-Poor Languages
Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan
Shiv Vitaladevuni
Rohit Prasad
Prem Natarajan
A Named Entity Recognition Method based on Decomposition and Concatenation of Word Chunks
Tomoya Iwakura
Hiroya Takamura
Manabu Okumura
Extract Chinese Unknown Words from a Large-scale Corpus Using Morphological and Distributional Evidences
Kaixu Zhang
Ruining Wang
Ping Xue
Maosong Sun
Entity Disambiguation Using a Markov-Logic Network
Hong-Jie Dai
Richard Tzong-Han Tsai
Wen-Lian Hsu
Named Entity Recognition in Chinese News Comments on the Web
Xiaojun Wan
Liang Zong
Xiaojiang Huang
Tengfei Ma
Houping Jia
Yuqian Wu
Jianguo Xiao
Clustering Semantically Equivalent Words into Cognate Sets in Multilingual Lists
Bradley Hauer
Grzegorz Kondrak
Extending WordNet with Hypernyms and Siblings Acquired from Wikipedia
Ichiro Yamada
Jong-Hoon Oh
Chikara Hashimoto
Kentaro Torisawa
Jun’ichi Kazama
Stijn De Saeger
Takuya Kawada
What Psycholinguists Know About Chemistry: Aligning Wiktionary and WordNet for Increased Domain Coverage
Christian M. Meyer
Iryna Gurevych
From News to Comment: Resources and Benchmarks for Parsing the Language of Web 2.0
Jennifer Foster
Özlem Çetinoğlu
Joachim Wagner
Joseph Le Roux
Joakim Nivre
Deirdre Hogan
Josef van Genabith
Toward Finding Semantic Relations not Written in a Single Sentence: An Inference Method using Auto-Discovered Rules
Masaaki Tsuchida
Kentaro Torisawa
Stijn De Saeger
Jong-Hoon Oh
Jun’ichi Kazama
Chikara Hashimoto
Hayato Ohwada
Fleshing it out: A Supervised Approach to MWE-token and MWE-type Classification
Richard Fothergill
Timothy Baldwin
Identification of relations between answers with global constraints for Community-based Question Answering services
Hikaru Yokono
Takaaki Hasegawa
Genichiro Kikui
Manabu Okumura
Automatically Generating Questions from Queries for Community-based Question Answering
Shiqi Zhao
Haifeng Wang
Chao Li
Ting Liu
Yi Guan
Question classification based on an extended class sequential rule model
Zijing Hui
Juan Liu
Lumei Ouyang
K2Q: Generating Natural Language Questions from Keywords with User Refinements
Zhicheng Zheng
Xiance Si
Edward Chang
Xiaoyan Zhu
Answering Complex Questions via Exploiting Social Q&A Collection
Youzheng Wu
Chiori Hori
Hisashi Kawai
Hideki Kashioka
Safety Information Mining — What can NLP do in a disaster—
Graham Neubig
Yuichiroh Matsubayashi
Masato Hagiwara
Koji Murakami
A Character-Level Machine Translation Approach for Normalization of SMS Abbreviations
Deana Pennell
Yang Liu
Using Text Reviews for Product Entity Completion
Mrinmaya Sachan
Tanveer Faruquie
L. V. Subramaniam
Mukesh Mohania
Mining bilingual topic hierarchies from unaligned text
Sumit Negi
Efficient Near-Duplicate Detection for Q&A Forum
Yan Wu
Qi Zhang
Xuanjing Huang
A Graph-based Method for Entity Linking
Yuhang Guo
Wanxiang Che
Ting Liu
Sheng Li
Harvesting Related Entities with a Search Engine
Shuqi Sun
Shiqi Zhao
Muyun Yang
Haifeng Wang
Sheng Li
Acquiring Strongly-related Events using Predicate-argument Co-occurring Statistics and Case Frames
Tomohide Shibata
Sadao Kurohashi
Relevance Feedback using Latent Information
Jun Harashima
Sadao Kurohashi
Passage Retrieval for Information Extraction using Distant Supervision
Wei Xu
Ralph Grishman
Le Zhao
Using Context Inference to Improve Sentence Ordering for Multi-document Summarization
Peifeng Li
Guangxi Deng
Qiaoming Zhu
Enhancing extraction based summarization with outside word space
Christian Smith
Arne Jönsson
Shallow Discourse Parsing with Conditional Random Fields
Sucheta Ghosh
Richard Johansson
Giuseppe Riccardi
Sara Tonelli
Relational Lasso —An Improved Method Using the Relations Among Features—
Kotaro Kitagawa
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii
Enhance Top-down method with Meta-Classification for Very Large-scale Hierarchical Classification
Xiao-Lin Wang
Hai Zhao
Bao-Liang Lu
Using Syntactic and Shallow Semantic Kernels to Improve Multi-Modality Manifold-Ranking for Topic-Focused Multi-Document Summarization
Yllias Chali
Sadid A. Hasan
Kaisar Imam
Automatic Determination of a Domain Adaptation Method for Word Sense Disambiguation Using Decision Tree Learning
Kanako Komiya
Manabu Okumura
Learning from Chinese-English Parallel Data for Chinese Tense Prediction
Feifan Liu
Fei Liu
Yang Liu
Jointly Extracting Japanese Predicate-Argument Relation with Markov Logic
Katsumasa Yoshikawa
Masayuki Asahara
Yuji Matsumoto
Word Meaning in Context: A Simple and Effective Vector Model
Stefan Thater
Hagen Fürstenau
Manfred Pinkal
Automatic Analysis of Semantic Coherence in Academic Abstracts Written in Portuguese
Vinícius Mourão Alves de Souza
Valéria Delisandra Feltrim
Sentence Subjectivity Detection with Weakly-Supervised Learning
Chenghua Lin
Yulan He
Richard Everson
Opinion Expression Mining by Exploiting Keyphrase Extraction
Gábor Berend
Extracting Resource Terms for Sentiment Analysis
Lei Zhang
Bing Liu
Towards Context-Based Subjectivity Analysis
Farah Benamara
Baptiste Chardon
Yannick Mathieu
Vladimir Popescu
Compression Methods by Code Mapping and Code Dividing for Chinese Dictionary Stored in a Double-Array Trie
Huidan Liu
Minghua Nuo
Longlong Ma
Jian Wu
Yeping He
Functional Elements and POS Categories
Qiuye Zhao
Mitch Marcus
Joint Alignment and Artificial Data Generation: An Empirical Study of Pivot-based Machine Transliteration
Min Zhang
Xiangyu Duan
Ming Liu
Yunqing Xia
Haizhou Li
Incremental Joint POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing in Chinese
Jun Hatori
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Extending the adverbial coverage of a NLP oriented resource for French
Elsa Tolone
Stavroula Voyatzi
Linguistic Phenomena, Analyses, and Representations: Understanding Conversion between Treebanks
Rajesh Bhatt
Owen Rambow
Fei Xia
Automatic Transformation of the Thai Categorial Grammar Treebank to Dependency Trees
Christian Rishøj
Taneth Ruangrajitpakorn
Prachya Boonkwan
Thepchai Supnithi
Parse Reranking Based on Higher-Order Lexical Dependencies
Zhiguo Wang
Chengqing Zong
Improving Part-of-speech Tagging for Context-free Parsing
Xiao Chen
Chunyu Kit
Models Cascade for Tree-Structured Named Entity Detection
Marco Dinarelli
Sophie Rosset
Clausal parsing helps data-driven dependency parsing: Experiments with Hindi
Samar Husain
Phani Gadde
Joakim Nivre
Rajeev Sangal
Word-reordering for Statistical Machine Translation Using Trigram Language Model
Jing He
Hongyu Liang
Extracting Hierarchical Rules from a Weighted Alignment Matrix
Zhaopeng Tu
Yang Liu
Qun Liu
Shouxun Lin
Integration of Reduplicated Multiword Expressions and Named Entities in a Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation System
Thoudam Doren Singh
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Regularizing Mono- and Bi-Word Models for Word Alignment
Thomas Schoenemann
Parametric Weighting of Parallel Data for Statistical Machine Translation
Kashif Shah
Loïc Barrault
Holger Schwenk
An Effective and Robust Framework for Transliteration Exploration
Ea-Ee Jan
Niyu Ge
Shih-Hsiang Lin
Berlin Chen
An Evaluation of Alternative Strategies for Implementing Dialogue Policies Using Statistical Classification and Hand-Authored Rules
David DeVault
Anton Leuski
Kenji Sagae
Reducing Asymmetry between language-pairs to Improve Alignment and Translation Quality
Rashmi Gangadharaiah
Clause-Based Reordering Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation
Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Karthik Visweswariah
Kushal Ladha
Ankur Gandhe
Generalized Minimum Bayes Risk System Combination
Kevin Duh
Katsuhito Sudoh
Xianchao Wu
Hajime Tsukada
Masaaki Nagata
Enhancing scarce-resource language translation through pivot combinations
Marta R. Costa-jussà
Carlos Henríquez
Rafael E. Banchs
A Baseline System for Chinese Near-Synonym Choice
Liang-Chih Yu
Wei-Nan Chien
Shih-Ting Chen
Cluster Labelling based on Concepts in a Machine-Readable Dictionary
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Yoshimi Suzuki
Text Patterns and Compression Models for Semantic Class Learning
Chung-Yao Chuang
Yi-Hsun Lee
Wen-Lian Hsu
Potts Model on the Case Fillers for Word Sense Disambiguation
Hiroya Takamura
Manabu Okumura
Improving Word Sense Induction by Exploiting Semantic Relevance
Zhenzhong Zhang
Le Sun
Predicting Word Clipping with Latent Semantic Analysis
Julian Brooke
Tong Wang
Graeme Hirst
A Semantic Relatedness Measure Based on Combined Encyclopedic, Ontological and Collocational Knowledge
Yannis Haralambous
Vitaly Klyuev
Going Beyond Text: A Hybrid Image-Text Approach for Measuring Word Relatedness
Chee Wee Leong
Rada Mihalcea
Domain Independent Model for Product Attribute Extraction from User Reviews using Wikipedia
Sudheer Kovelamudi
Sethu Ramalingam
Arpit Sood
Vasudeva Varma
Finding Problem Solving Threads in Online Forum
Zhonghua Qu
Yang Liu
Compiling Learner Corpus Data of Linguistic Output and Language Processing in Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading
Katsunori Kotani
Takehiko Yoshimi
Hiroaki Nanjo
Hitoshi Isahara
Mining the Sentiment Expectation of Nouns Using Bootstrapping Method
Miaomiao Wen
Yunfang Wu
An Analysis of Questions in a Q&A Site Resubmitted Based on Indications of Unclear Points of Original Questions
Masahiro Kojima
Yasuhiko Watanabe
Yoshihiro Okada
Diversifying Information Needs in Results of Question Retrieval
Yaoyun Zhang
Xiaolong Wang
Xuan Wang
Ruifeng Xu
Jun Xu
ShiXi Fan
Beyond Normalization: Pragmatics of Word Form in Text Messages
Tyler Baldwin
Joyce Chai
Chinese Discourse Relation Recognition
Hen-Hsen Huang
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Improving Chinese POS Tagging with Dependency Parsing
Zhenghua Li
Wanxiang Che
Ting Liu
Exploring self training for Hindi dependency parsing
Rahul Goutam
Bharat Ram Ambati
Reduction of Search Space to Annotate Monolingual Corpora
Prajol Shrestha
Christine Jacquin
Beatrice Daille
Toward a Parallel Corpus of Spoken Cantonese and Written Chinese
John Lee
Query Expansion for IR using Knowledge-Based Relatedness
Arantxa Otegi
Xabier Arregi
Eneko Agirre
Word Sense Disambiguation Corpora Acquisition via Confirmation Code
Wanxiang Che
Ting Liu