Yujie Lu


Visual Grounding for User Interfaces
Yijun Qian | Yujie Lu | Alexander Hauptmann | Oriana Riva
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 6: Industry Track)

Enabling autonomous language agents to drive application user interfaces (UIs) as humans do can significantly expand the capability of today’s API-based agents. Essential to this vision is the ability of agents to ground natural language commands to on-screen UI elements. Prior UI grounding approaches work by relaying on developer-provided UI metadata (UI trees, such as web DOM, and accessibility labels) to detect on-screen elements. However, such metadata is often unavailable or incomplete. Object detection techniques applied to UI screens remove this dependency, by inferring location and types of UI elements directly from the UI’s visual appearance. The extracted semantics, however, are too limited to directly enable grounding. We overcome the limitations of both approaches by introducing the task of visual UI grounding, which unifies detection and grounding. A model takes as input a UI screenshot and a free-form language expression, and must identify the referenced UI element. We propose a solution to this problem, LVG, which learns UI element detection and grounding using a new technique called layout-guided contrastive learning, where the semantics of individual UI objects are learned also from their visual organization. Due to the scarcity of UI datasets, LVG integrates synthetic data in its training using multi-context learning. LVG outperforms baselines pre-trained on much larger datasets by over 4.9 points in top-1 accuracy, thus demonstrating its effectiveness.


Visualize Before You Write: Imagination-Guided Open-Ended Text Generation
Wanrong Zhu | An Yan | Yujie Lu | Wenda Xu | Xin Wang | Miguel Eckstein | William Yang Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Recent advances in text-to-image synthesis make it possible to visualize machine imaginations for a given context. On the other hand, when generating text, human writers are gifted at creative visualization, which enhances their writings by forming imaginations as blueprints before putting down the stories in words. Inspired by such a cognitive process, we ask the natural question of whether we can endow machines with the same ability to utilize visual information and construct a general picture of the context to guide text generation. In this work, we propose iNLG that uses machine-generated images to guide language models (LM) in open-ended text generation. The experiments and analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of iNLG on open-ended text generation tasks, including text completion, story generation, and concept-to-text generation in both few-shot and full-data scenarios. Both automatic metrics and human evaluations verify that the text snippets generated by our iNLG are coherent and informative while displaying minor degeneration.

Empowering Psychotherapy with Large Language Models: Cognitive Distortion Detection through Diagnosis of Thought Prompting
Zhiyu Chen | Yujie Lu | William Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Mental illness remains one of the most critical public health issues of our time, due to the severe scarcity and accessibility limit of professionals. Psychotherapy requires high-level expertise to conduct deep, complex reasoning and analysis on the cognition modeling of the patients. In the era of Large Language Models, we believe it is the right time to develop AI assistance for computational psychotherapy. We study the task of cognitive distortion detection and propose the Diagnosis of Thought (DoT) prompting. DoT performs diagnosis on the patient’s speech via three stages: subjectivity assessment to separate the facts and the thoughts; contrastive reasoning to elicit the reasoning processes supporting and contradicting the thoughts; and schema analysis to summarize the cognition schemas. The generated diagnosis rationales through the three stages are essential for assisting the professionals. Experiments demonstrate that DoT obtains significant improvements over ChatGPT for cognitive distortion detection, while generating high-quality rationales approved by human experts.

Few-Shot Document-Level Event Argument Extraction
Xianjun Yang | Yujie Lu | Linda Petzold
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Event argument extraction (EAE) has been well studied at the sentence level but under-explored at the document level. In this paper, we study to capture event arguments that actually spread across sentences in documents. Prior works usually assume full access to rich document supervision, ignoring the fact that the available argument annotation is limited in production. To fill this gap, we present FewDocAE, a Few-Shot Document-Level Event Argument Extraction benchmark, based on the existing document-level event extraction dataset. We first define the new problem and reconstruct the corpus by a novel N-Way-D-Doc sampling instead of the traditional N-Way-K-Shot strategy. Then we adjust the current document-level neural models into the few-shot setting to provide baseline results under in- and cross-domain settings. Since the argument extraction depends on the context from multiple sentences and the learning process is limited to very few examples, we find this novel task to be very challenging with substantively low performance. Considering FewDocAE is closely related to practical use under low-resource regimes, we hope this benchmark encourages more research in this direction. Our data and codes will be available online.

Let’s Think Frame by Frame with VIP: A Video Infilling and Prediction Dataset for Evaluating Video Chain-of-Thought
Vaishnavi Himakunthala | Andy Ouyang | Daniel Rose | Ryan He | Alex Mei | Yujie Lu | Chinmay Sonar | Michael Saxon | William Wang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Despite exciting recent results showing vision-language systems’ capacity to reason about images using natural language, their capacity for video reasoning remains underexplored. We motivate framing video reasoning as the sequential understanding of a small number of keyframes, thereby leveraging the power and robustness of vision-language while alleviating the computational complexities of processing videos. To evaluate this novel application, we introduce VIP, an inference-time challenge dataset designed to explore models’ reasoning capabilities through video chain-of-thought. Inspired by visually descriptive scene plays, we propose two formats for keyframe description: unstructured dense captions and structured scene descriptions that identify the focus, action, mood, objects, and setting (FAMOuS) of the keyframe. To evaluate video reasoning, we propose two tasks: Video Infilling and Video Prediction, which test abilities to generate multiple intermediate keyframes and predict future keyframes, respectively. We benchmark GPT-4, GPT-3, and VICUNA on VIP, demonstrate the performance gap in these complex video reasoning tasks, and encourage future work to prioritize language models for efficient and generalized video reasoning.

Collaborative Generative AI: Integrating GPT-k for Efficient Editing in Text-to-Image Generation
Wanrong Zhu | Xinyi Wang | Yujie Lu | Tsu-Jui Fu | Xin Wang | Miguel Eckstein | William Wang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The field of text-to-image (T2I) generation has garnered significant attention both within the research community and among everyday users. Despite the advancements of T2I models, a common issue encountered by users is the need for repetitive editing of input prompts in order to receive a satisfactory image, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Given the demonstrated text generation power of large-scale language models, such as GPT-k, we investigate the potential of utilizing such models to improve the prompt editing process for T2I generation. We conduct a series of experiments to compare the common edits made by humans and GPT-k, evaluate the performance of GPT-k in prompting T2I, and examine factors that may influence this process. We found that GPT-k models focus more on inserting modifiers while humans tend to replace words and phrases, which includes changes to the subject matter. Experimental results show that GPT-k are more effective in adjusting modifiers rather than predicting spontaneous changes in the primary subject matters. Adopting the edit suggested by GPT-k models may reduce the percentage of remaining edits by 20-30%.


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AstBERT: Enabling Language Model for Financial Code Understanding with Abstract Syntax Trees
Rong Liang | Tiehua Zhang | Yujie Lu | Yuze Liu | Zhen Huang | Xin Chen
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP)

Using the pre-trained language models to understand source codes has attracted increasing attention from financial institutions owing to the great potential to uncover financial risks. However, there are several challenges in applying these language models to solve programming language related problems directly. For instance, the shift of domain knowledge between natural language (NL) and programming language (PL) requires understanding the semantic and syntactic information from the data from different perspectives. To this end, we propose the AstBERT model, a pre-trained PL model aiming to better understand the financial codes using the abstract syntax tree (AST). Specifically, we collect a sheer number of source codes (both Java and Python) from the Alipay code repository and incorporate both syntactic and semantic code knowledge into our model through the help of code parsers, in which AST information of the source codes can be interpreted and integrated. We evaluate the performance of the proposed model on three tasks, including code question answering, code clone detection and code refinement. Experiment results show that our AstBERT achieves promising performance on three different downstream tasks.

Not All Errors are Equal: Learning Text Generation Metrics using Stratified Error Synthesis
Wenda Xu | Yi-Lin Tuan | Yujie Lu | Michael Saxon | Lei Li | William Yang Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Is it possible to build a general and automatic natural language generation (NLG) evaluation metric? Existing learned metrics either perform unsatisfactorily or are restricted to tasks where large human rating data is already available. We introduce SESCORE, a model-based metric that is highly correlated with human judgements without requiring human annotation, by utilizing a novel, iterative error synthesis and severity scoring pipeline. This pipeline applies a series of plausible errors to raw text and assigns severity labels by simulating human judgements with entailment. We evaluate SESCORE against existing metrics by comparing how their scores correlate with human ratings. SESCORE outperforms all prior unsupervised metrics on multiple diverse NLG tasks including machine translation, image captioning, and WebNLG text generation. For WMT 20/21En-De and Zh-En, SESCORE improve the average Kendall correlation with human judgement from 0.154 to 0.195. SESCORE even achieves comparable performance to the best supervised metric COMET, despite receiving no human annotated training data.

Imagination-Augmented Natural Language Understanding
Yujie Lu | Wanrong Zhu | Xin Wang | Miguel Eckstein | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Human brains integrate linguistic and perceptual information simultaneously to understand natural language, and hold the critical ability to render imaginations. Such abilities enable us to construct new abstract concepts or concrete objects, and are essential in involving practical knowledge to solve problems in low-resource scenarios. However, most existing methods for Natural Language Understanding (NLU) are mainly focused on textual signals. They do not simulate human visual imagination ability, which hinders models from inferring and learning efficiently from limited data samples. Therefore, we introduce an Imagination-Augmented Cross-modal Encoder (iACE) to solve natural language understanding tasks from a novel learning perspective—imagination-augmented cross-modal understanding. iACE enables visual imagination with external knowledge transferred from the powerful generative and pre-trained vision-and-language models. Extensive experiments on GLUE and SWAG show that iACE achieves consistent improvement over visually-supervised pre-trained models. More importantly, results in extreme and normal few-shot settings validate the effectiveness of iACE in low-resource natural language understanding circumstances.

ULN: Towards Underspecified Vision-and-Language Navigation
Weixi Feng | Tsu-Jui Fu | Yujie Lu | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) is a task to guide an embodied agent moving to a target position using language instructions. Despite the significant performance improvement, the wide use of fine-grained instructions fails to characterize more practical linguistic variations in reality. To fill in this gap, we introduce a new setting, namely Underspecified vision-and-Language Navigation (ULN), and associated evaluation datasets. ULN evaluates agents using multi-level underspecified instructions instead of purely fine-grained or coarse-grained, which is a more realistic and general setting. As a primary step toward ULN, we propose a VLN framework that consists of a classification module, a navigation agent, and an Exploitation-to-Exploration (E2E) module. Specifically, we propose to learn Granularity Specific Sub-networks (GSS) for the agent to ground multi-level instructions with minimal additional parameters. Then, our E2E module estimates grounding uncertainty and conducts multi-step lookahead exploration to improve the success rate further. Experimental results show that existing VLN models are still brittle to multi-level language underspecification. Our framework is more robust and outperforms the baselines on ULN by ~10% relative success rate across all levels.


Deep Learning Paradigm with Transformed Monolingual Word Embeddings for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis
Yujie Lu | Boyi Ni | Qijin Ji | Kotaro Sakamoto | Hideyuki Shibuki | Tatsunori Mori
Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation


Predicting Sector Index Movement with Microblogging Public Mood Time Series on Social Issues
Yujie Lu | Jinlong Guo | Kotaro Sakamoto | Hideyuki Shibuki | Tatsunori Mori
Proceedings of the 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation