Takanori Mizowaki


Trados-to-Translog-II: Adding Gaze and Qualitivity data to the CRITT TPR-DB
Masaru Yamada | Takanori Mizowaki | Longhui Zou | Michael Carl
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

The CRITT (Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology) provides a Translation Process Research Database (TPR-DB) and a rich set of summary tables and tools that help to investigate translator behavior. In this paper, we describe a new tool in the TPR-DB that converts Trados Studio keylogging data (Qualitivity) into Translog-II format and adds the converted data to the CRITT TPR-DB. The tool is also able to synchronize with the output of various eye-trackers. We describe the components of the new TPR-DB tool and highlight some of the features that it produces in the TPR-DB tables.

Syntactic Cross and Reading Effort in English to Japanese Translation
Takanori Mizowaki | Haruka Ogawa | Masaru Yamada
Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Workshop 1: Empirical Translation Process Research)

In English to Japanese translation, a linear translation refers to a translation in which the word order of the source text is kept as unchanged as possible. Previous research suggests that linear translation reduces the cognitive effort for interpreters and translators compared to the non-linear case. In this study, we empirically tested whether this was also the case in a mon- olingual setting from the viewpoint of reception study. The difference between linear and non-linear translation was defined using Cross values, which quantify how much reordering was required in Japanese translation relative to an English source text. Reading effort was measured by the average total reading time on the target text. In a linear mixed-effects model analysis, variations in reading time per participant and text type were also considered random effects. The results revealed that the reading effort for the linear translation was smaller than that for the non-linear translation. In addition, the accuracy of text comprehension was also found to affect the reading time

Proficiency and External Aides: Impact of Translation Brief and Search Conditions on Post-editing Quality
Longhui Zou | Michael Carl | Masaru Yamada | Takanori Mizowaki
Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Workshop 1: Empirical Translation Process Research)

This study investigates the impact of translation briefs and search conditions on post-editing (PE) quality produced by participants with different levels of translation proficiency. We hired five Chinese student translators and seven Japanese professional translators to conduct full post-editing (FPE) and light post-editing (LPE), as described in the translation brief, while controlling two search conditions i.e., usage of a termbase (TB) and internet search (IS). Our results show that FPE versions of the final translations tend to have less errors than LPE ver- sions. The FPE translation brief improves participants’ performance on fluency as compared to LPE, whereas the search condition of TB helps to improve participants’ performance on accuracy as compared to IS. Our findings also indicate that the occurrences of fluency errors produced by experienced translators (i.e., the Japanese participants) are more in line with the specifications addressed in translation briefs, whereas the occurrences of accuracy errors pro- duced by inexperienced translators (i.e., our Chinese participants) depend more on the search conditions.