Shuyang Li


EpiGEN: An Efficient Multi-Api Code GENeration Framework under Enterprise Scenario
Sijie Li | Sha Li | Hao Zhang | Shuyang Li | Kai Chen | Jianyong Yuan | Yi Cao | Lvqing Yang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional performance in code-generation tasks. However, under enterprise scenarios where private APIs are pre-built, general LLMs often fail to meet expectations. Existing approaches are confronted with drawbacks of high resource consumption and inadequate handling of multi-API tasks. To address these challenges, we propose EpiGEN, an Efficient multi-Api code GENeration framework under enterprise scenario. It consists of three core modules: Task Decomposition Module (TDM), API Retrieval Module (ARM), and Code Generation Module (CGM), in which Langchain played an important role. Through a series of experiments, EpiGEN shows good acceptability and readability, compared to fully fine-tuned LLM with a larger number of parameters. Particularly, in medium and hard level tasks, the performance of EpiGEN on a single-GPU machine even surpasses that of a fully fine-tuned LLM that requires multi-GPU configuration. Generally, EpiGEN is model-size agnostic, facilitating a balance between the performance of code generation and computational requirements.

SumCSE: Summary as a transformation for Contrastive Learning
Raghuveer Thirukovalluru | Xiaolan Wang | Jun Chen | Shuyang Li | Jie Lei | Rong Jin | Bhuwan Dhingra
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Sentence embedding models are typically trained using contrastive learning (CL), either using human annotations directly or by repurposing other annotated datasets. In this work, we explore the recently introduced paradigm of generating CL data using generative language models (LM). In CL for computer vision (CV), compositional transformations (series of operations applied over an image. e.g. cropping + color distortion) which modify the input/image to retain minimal information were shown to be very effective. We show that composition of a ‘Summary’ transformation with diverse paraphrasing/contradicting transformations accomplishes the same and works very well in CL for sentence embeddings. Our final generated dataset (using Vicuna-13B) significantly outperforms the previous best unsupervised method (using ChatGPT) by 1.8 points, and SimCSE, a strong supervised baseline by 0.3 points on the semantic text similarity (STS) benchmark.


Assistive Recipe Editing through Critiquing
Diego Antognini | Shuyang Li | Boi Faltings | Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

There has recently been growing interest in the automatic generation of cooking recipes that satisfy some form of dietary restrictions, thanks in part to the availability of online recipe data. Prior studies have used pre-trained language models, or relied on small paired recipe data (e.g., a recipe paired with a similar one that satisfies a dietary constraint). However, pre-trained language models generate inconsistent or incoherent recipes, and paired datasets are not available at scale. We address these deficiencies with RecipeCrit, a hierarchical denoising auto-encoder that edits recipes given ingredient-level critiques. The model is trained for recipe completion to learn semantic relationships within recipes. Our work’s main innovation is our unsupervised critiquing module that allows users to edit recipes by interacting with the predicted ingredients; the system iteratively rewrites recipes to satisfy users’ feedback. Experiments onthe Recipe1M recipe dataset show that our model can more effectively edit recipes compared to strong language-modeling baselines, creating recipes that satisfy user constraints and are more correct, serendipitous, coherent, and relevant as measured by human judges.


Instilling Type Knowledge in Language Models via Multi-Task QA
Shuyang Li | Mukund Sridhar | Chandana Satya Prakash | Jin Cao | Wael Hamza | Julian McAuley
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Understanding human language often necessitates understanding entities and their place in a taxonomy of knowledge—their types.Previous methods to learn entity types rely on training classifiers on datasets with coarse, noisy, and incomplete labels. We introduce a method to instill fine-grained type knowledge in language models with text-to-text pre-training on type-centric questions leveraging knowledge base documents and knowledge graphs.We create the WikiWiki dataset: entities and passages from 10M Wikipedia articles linked to the Wikidata knowledge graph with 41K types.Models trained on WikiWiki achieve state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot dialog state tracking benchmarks, accurately infer entity types in Wikipedia articles, and can discover new types deemed useful by human judges.

SHARE: a System for Hierarchical Assistive Recipe Editing
Shuyang Li | Yufei Li | Jianmo Ni | Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The large population of home cooks with dietary restrictions is under-served by existing cooking resources and recipe generation models. To help them, we propose the task of controllable recipe editing: adapt a base recipe to satisfy a user-specified dietary constraint. This task is challenging, and cannot be adequately solved with human-written ingredient substitution rules or existing end-to-end recipe generation models. We tackle this problem with SHARE: a System for Hierarchical Assistive Recipe Editing, which performs simultaneous ingredient substitution before generating natural-language steps using the edited ingredients. By decoupling ingredient and step editing, our step generator can explicitly integrate the available ingredients. Experiments on the novel RecipePairs dataset—83K pairs of similar recipes where each recipe satisfies one of seven dietary constraints—demonstrate that SHARE produces convincing, coherent recipes that are appropriate for a target dietary constraint. We further show through human evaluations and real-world cooking trials that recipes edited by SHARE can be easily followed by home cooks to create appealing dishes.


Zero-shot Generalization in Dialog State Tracking through Generative Question Answering
Shuyang Li | Jin Cao | Mukund Sridhar | Henghui Zhu | Shang-Wen Li | Wael Hamza | Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Dialog State Tracking (DST), an integral part of modern dialog systems, aims to track user preferences and constraints (slots) in task-oriented dialogs. In real-world settings with constantly changing services, DST systems must generalize to new domains and unseen slot types. Existing methods for DST do not generalize well to new slot names and many require known ontologies of slot types and values for inference. We introduce a novel ontology-free framework that supports natural language queries for unseen constraints and slots in multi-domain task-oriented dialogs. Our approach is based on generative question-answering using a conditional language model pre-trained on substantive English sentences. Our model improves joint goal accuracy in zero-shot domain adaptation settings by up to 9% (absolute) over the previous state-of-the-art on the MultiWOZ 2.1 dataset.


Interview: Large-scale Modeling of Media Dialog with Discourse Patterns and Knowledge Grounding
Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder | Shuyang Li | Jianmo Ni | Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

In this work, we perform the first large-scale analysis of discourse in media dialog and its impact on generative modeling of dialog turns, with a focus on interrogative patterns and use of external knowledge. Discourse analysis can help us understand modes of persuasion, entertainment, and information elicitation in such settings, but has been limited to manual review of small corpora. We introduce **Interview**—a large-scale (105K conversations) media dialog dataset collected from news interview transcripts—which allows us to investigate such patterns at scale. We present a dialog model that leverages external knowledge as well as dialog acts via auxiliary losses and demonstrate that our model quantitatively and qualitatively outperforms strong discourse-agnostic baselines for dialog modeling—generating more specific and topical responses in interview-style conversations.


Generating Personalized Recipes from Historical User Preferences
Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder | Shuyang Li | Jianmo Ni | Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Existing approaches to recipe generation are unable to create recipes for users with culinary preferences but incomplete knowledge of ingredients in specific dishes. We propose a new task of personalized recipe generation to help these users: expanding a name and incomplete ingredient details into complete natural-text instructions aligned with the user’s historical preferences. We attend on technique- and recipe-level representations of a user’s previously consumed recipes, fusing these ‘user-aware’ representations in an attention fusion layer to control recipe text generation. Experiments on a new dataset of 180K recipes and 700K interactions show our model’s ability to generate plausible and personalized recipes compared to non-personalized baselines.