Jingbo Shang


Towards Few-shot Entity Recognition in Document Images: A Graph Neural Network Approach Robust to Image Manipulation
Prashant Krishnan | Zilong Wang | Yangkun Wang | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent advances of incorporating layout information, typically bounding box coordinates, into pre-trained language models have achieved significant performance in entity recognition from document images. Using coordinates can easily model the position of each token, but they are sensitive to manipulations in document images (e.g., shifting, rotation or scaling) which are common in real scenarios. Such limitation becomes even worse when the training data is limited in few-shot settings. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, LAGER, which leverages the topological adjacency relationship among the tokens through learning their relative layout information with graph neural networks. Specifically, we consider the tokens in the documents as nodes and formulate the edges based on the topological heuristics. Such adjacency graphs are invariant to affine transformations, making it robust to the common image manipulations. We incorporate these graphs into the pre-trained language model by adding graph neural network layers on top of the language model embeddings. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that LAGER significantly outperforms strong baselines under different few-shot settings and also demonstrate better robustness to manipulations.

READ: Improving Relation Extraction from an ADversarial Perspective
Dawei Li | William Hogan | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Recent works in relation extraction (RE) have achieved promising benchmark accuracy; however, our adversarial attack experiments show that these works excessively rely on entities, making their generalization capability questionable. To address this issue, we propose an adversarial training method specifically designed for RE. Our approach introduces both sequence- and token-level perturbations to the sample and uses a separate perturbation vocabulary to improve the search for entity and context perturbations.Furthermore, we introduce a probabilistic strategy for leaving clean tokens in the context during adversarial training. This strategy enables a larger attack budget for entities and coaxes the model to leverage relational patterns embedded in the context. Extensive experiments show that compared to various adversarial training methods, our method significantly improves both the accuracy and robustness of the model. Additionally, experiments on different data availability settings highlight the effectiveness of our method in low-resource scenarios.We also perform in-depth analyses of our proposed method and provide further hints.We will release our code at https://github.com/David-Li0406/READ.

DOCMASTER: A Unified Platform for Annotation, Training, & Inference in Document Question-Answering
Alex Nguyen | Zilong Wang | Jingbo Shang | Dheeraj Mekala
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

The application of natural language processing models to PDF documents is pivotal for various business applications yet the challenge of training models for this purpose persists in businesses due to specific hurdles. These include the complexity of working with PDF formats that necessitate parsing text and layout information for curating training data and the lack of privacy-preserving annotation tools. This paper introduces DOCMASTER, a unified platform designed for annotating PDF documents, model training, and inference, tailored to document question-answering. The annotation interface enables users to input questions and highlight text spans within the PDF file as answers, saving layout information and text spans accordingly. Furthermore, DOCMASTER supports both state-of-the-art layout-aware and text models for comprehensive training purposes. Importantly, as annotations, training, and inference occur on-device, it also safeguards privacy. The platform has been instrumental in driving several research prototypes concerning document analysis such as the AI assistant utilized by University of California San Diego’s (UCSD) International Services and Engagement Office (ISEO) for processing a substantial volume of PDF documents.


PV2TEA: Patching Visual Modality to Textual-Established Information Extraction
Hejie Cui | Rongmei Lin | Nasser Zalmout | Chenwei Zhang | Jingbo Shang | Carl Yang | Xian Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Information extraction, e.g., attribute value extraction, has been extensively studied and formulated based only on text. However, many attributes can benefit from image-based extraction, like color, shape, pattern, among others. The visual modality has long been underutilized, mainly due to multimodal annotation difficulty. In this paper, we aim to patch the visual modality to the textual-established attribute in- formation extractor. The cross-modality integration faces several unique challenges: (C1) images and textual descriptions are loosely paired intra-sample and inter-samples; (C2) images usually contain rich backgrounds that can mislead the prediction; (C3) weakly supervised labels from textual-established ex- tractors are biased for multimodal training. We present PV2TEA, an encoder-decoder architecture equipped with three bias reduction schemes: (S1) Augmented label-smoothed contrast to improve the cross-modality alignment for loosely-paired image and text; (S2) Attention-pruning that adaptively distinguishes the visual foreground; (S3) Two-level neighborhood regularization that mitigates the label textual bias via reliability estimation. Empirical results on real-world e-Commerce datasets1 demonstrate up to 11.74% absolute (20.97% relatively) F1 increase over unimodal baselines.

A Benchmark on Extremely Weakly Supervised Text Classification: Reconcile Seed Matching and Prompting Approaches
Zihan Wang | Tianle Wang | Dheeraj Mekala | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Extremely Weakly Supervised Text Classification (XWS-TC) refers to text classification based on minimal high-level human guidance, such as a few label-indicative seed words or classification instructions. There are two mainstream approaches for XWS-TC, however, never being rigorously compared: (1) training classifiers based on pseudo-labels generated by (softly) matching seed words (Seed) and (2) prompting (and calibrating) language models using classification instruction (and raw texts) to decode label words (Prompt). This paper presents the first XWS-TC benchmark to compare the two approaches on fair grounds, where the datasets, supervisions, and hyperparameter choices are standardized across methods. Our benchmarking results suggest that (1) Both Seed and Prompt approaches are competitive and there is no clear winner; (2) Seed is empirically more tolerant than Prompt to human guidance (e.g., seed words, classification instructions, and label words) changes; (3) Seed is empirically more selective than Prompt to the pre-trained language models; (4) Recent Seed and Prompt methods have close connections and a clustering post-processing step based on raw in-domain texts is a strong performance booster to both. We hope this benchmark serves as a guideline in selecting XWS-TC methods in different scenarios and stimulate interest in developing guidance- and model-robust XWS-TC methods.

Concept2Box: Joint Geometric Embeddings for Learning Two-View Knowledge Graphs
Zijie Huang | Daheng Wang | Binxuan Huang | Chenwei Zhang | Jingbo Shang | Yan Liang | Zhengyang Wang | Xian Li | Christos Faloutsos | Yizhou Sun | Wei Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Knowledge graph embeddings (KGE) have been extensively studied to embed large-scale relational data for many real-world applications. Existing methods have long ignored the fact many KGs contain two fundamentally different views: high-level ontology-view concepts and fine-grained instance-view entities. They usually embed all nodes as vectors in one latent space. However, a single geometric representation fails to capture the structural differences between two views and lacks probabilistic semantics towards concepts’ granularity. We propose Concept2Box, a novel approach that jointly embeds the two views of a KG using dual geometric representations. We model concepts with box embeddings, which learn the hierarchy structure and complex relations such as overlap and disjoint among them. Box volumes can be interpreted as concepts’ granularity. Different from concepts, we model entities as vectors. To bridge the gap between concept box embeddings and entity vector embeddings, we propose a novel vector-to-box distance metric and learn both embeddings jointly. Experiments on both the public DBpedia KG and a newly-created industrial KG showed the effectiveness of Concept2Box.

Towards Zero-shot Relation Extraction in Web Mining: A Multimodal Approach with Relative XML Path
Zilong Wang | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

The rapid growth of web pages and the increasing complexity of their structure poses a challenge for web mining models. Web mining models are required to understand semi-structured web pages, particularly when little is known about the subject or template of a new page. Current methods migrate language models to web mining by embedding the XML source code into the transformer or encoding the rendered layout with graph neural networks. However, these approaches do not take into account the relationships between text nodes within and across pages. In this paper, we propose a new approach, ReXMiner, for zero-shot relation extraction in web mining. ReXMiner encodes the shortest relative paths in the Document Object Model (DOM) tree of the web page which is a more accurate and efficient signal for key-value pair extraction within a web page. It also incorporates the popularity of each text node by counting the occurrence of the same text node across different web pages. We use contrastive learning to address the issue of sparsity in relation extraction. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks show that our method, ReXMiner, outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in the task of zero-shot relation extraction in web mining.

ToxicChat: Unveiling Hidden Challenges of Toxicity Detection in Real-World User-AI Conversation
Zi Lin | Zihan Wang | Yongqi Tong | Yangkun Wang | Yuxin Guo | Yujia Wang | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Despite remarkable advances that large language models have achieved in chatbots nowadays, maintaining a non-toxic user-AI interactive environment has become increasingly critical nowadays. However, previous efforts in toxicity detection have been mostly based on benchmarks derived from social media contents, leaving the unique challenges inherent to real-world user-AI interactions insufficiently explored. In this work, we introduce ToxicChat, a novel benchmark constructed based on real user queries from an open-source chatbot. This benchmark contains the rich, nuanced phenomena that can be tricky for current toxicity detection models to identify, revealing a significant domain difference when compared to social media contents. Our systematic evaluation of models trained on existing toxicity datasets has shown their shortcomings when applied to this unique domain of ToxicChat. Our work illuminates the potentially overlooked challenges of toxicity detection in real-world user-AI conversations. In the future, ToxicChat can be a valuable resource to drive further advancements toward building a safe and healthy environment for user-AI interactions.

Retrieval-Augmented Parsing for Complex Graphs by Exploiting Structure and Uncertainty
Zi Lin | Quan Yuan | Panupong Pasupat | Jeremiah Liu | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Retrieval augmentation enhances generative language models by retrieving informative exemplars relevant for output prediction. However, in realistic graph parsing problems where the output space is large and complex, classic retrieval methods based on input-sentence similarity can fail to identify the most informative exemplars that target graph elements the model is most struggling about, leading to suboptimal retrieval and compromised prediction under limited retrieval budget. In this work, we improve retrieval-augmented parsing for complex graph problems by exploiting two unique sources of information (1) structural similarity and (2) model uncertainty. We propose Structure-aware and Uncertainty-Guided Adaptive Retrieval (SUGAR) that first quantify the model uncertainty in graph prediction and identify its most uncertain subgraphs, and then retrieve exemplars based on their structural similarity with the identified uncertain subgraphs. On a suite of real-world parsing benchmarks with non-trivial graph structure (SMCalflow and E-commerce), SUGAR exhibits a strong advantage over its classic counterparts that do not leverage structure or model uncertainty.

SELFOOD: Self-Supervised Out-Of-Distribution Detection via Learning to Rank
Dheeraj Mekala | Adithya Samavedhi | Chengyu Dong | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Deep neural classifiers trained with cross-entropy loss (CE loss) often suffer from poor calibration, necessitating the task of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. Traditional supervised OOD detection methods require expensive manual annotation of in-distribution and OOD samples. To address the annotation bottleneck, we introduce SELFOOD, a self-supervised OOD detection method that requires only in-distribution samples as supervision. We cast OOD detection as an inter-document intra-label (IDIL) ranking problem and train the classifier with our pairwise ranking loss, referred to as IDIL loss. Specifically, given a set of in-distribution documents and their labels, for each label, we train the classifier to rank the softmax scores of documents belonging to that label to be higher than the scores of documents that belong to other labels. Unlike CE loss, our IDIL loss function reaches zero when the desired confidence ranking is achieved and gradients are backpropagated to decrease probabilities associated with incorrect labels rather than continuously increasing the probability of the correct label. Extensive experiments with several classifiers on multiple classification datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in both coarse- and fine-grained settings.

Less than One-shot: Named Entity Recognition via Extremely Weak Supervision
Letian Peng | Zihan Wang | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

We study the named entity recognition (NER) problem under the extremely weak supervision (XWS) setting, where only one example entity per type is given in a context-free way. While one can see that XWS is lighter than one-shot in terms of the amount of supervision, we propose a novel method X-NER that can outperform the state-of-the-art one-shot NER methods. We first mine entity spans that are similar to the example entities from an unlabelled training corpus. Instead of utilizing entity span representations from language models, we find it more effective to compare the context distributions before and after the span is replaced by the entity example. We then leverage the top-ranked spans as pseudo-labels to train an NER tagger. Extensive experiments and analyses on 4 NER datasets show the superior end-to-end NER performance of X-NER, outperforming the state-of-the-art few-shot methods with 1-shot supervision and ChatGPT annotations significantly. Finally, our X-NER possesses several notable properties, such as inheriting the cross-lingual abilities of the underlying language models.

Towards Open-World Product Attribute Mining: A Lightly-Supervised Approach
Liyan Xu | Chenwei Zhang | Xian Li | Jingbo Shang | Jinho D. Choi
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present a new task setting for attribute mining on e-commerce products, serving as a practical solution to extract open-world attributes without extensive human intervention. Our supervision comes from a high-quality seed attribute set bootstrapped from existing resources, and we aim to expand the attribute vocabulary of existing seed types, and also to discover any new attribute types automatically. A new dataset is created to support our setting, and our approach Amacer is proposed specifically to tackle the limited supervision. Especially, given that no direct supervision is available for those unseen new attributes, our novel formulation exploits self-supervised heuristic and unsupervised latent attributes, which attains implicit semantic signals as additional supervision by leveraging product context. Experiments suggest that our approach surpasses various baselines by 12 F1, expanding attributes of existing types significantly by up to 12 times, and discovering values from 39% new types.

Debiasing Made State-of-the-art: Revisiting the Simple Seed-based Weak Supervision for Text Classification
Chengyu Dong | Zihan Wang | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent advances in weakly supervised text classification mostly focus on designing sophisticated methods to turn high-level human heuristics into quality pseudo-labels. In this paper, we revisit the seed matching-based method, which is arguably the simplest way to generate pseudo-labels, and show that its power was greatly underestimated. We show that the limited performance of seed matching is largely due to the label bias injected by the simple seed-match rule, which prevents the classifier from learning reliable confidence for selecting high-quality pseudo-labels. Interestingly, simply deleting the seed words present in the matched input texts can mitigate the label bias and help learn better confidence. Subsequently, the performance achieved by seed matching can be improved significantly, making it on par with or even better than the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, to handle the case when the seed words are not made known, we propose to simply delete the word tokens in the input text randomly with a high deletion ratio. Remarkably, seed matching equipped with this random deletion method can often achieve even better performance than that with seed deletion.

Goal-Driven Explainable Clustering via Language Descriptions
Zihan Wang | Jingbo Shang | Ruiqi Zhong
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Unsupervised clustering is widely used to explore large corpora, but existing formulations neither consider the users’ goals nor explain clusters’ meanings. We propose a new task formulation, “Goal-Driven Clustering with Explanations” (GoalEx), which represents both the goal and the explanations as free-form language descriptions. For example, to categorize the errors made by a summarization system, the input to GoalEx is a corpus of annotator-written comments for system-generated summaries and a goal description “cluster the comments based on why the annotators think the summary is imperfect.”; the outputs are text clusters each with an explanation (“this cluster mentions that the summary misses important context information.”), which relates to the goal and accurately explains which comments should (not) belong to a cluster. To tackle GoalEx, we prompt a language model with “[corpus subset] + [goal] + Brainstorm a list of explanations each representing a cluster.”; then we classify whether each sample belongs to a cluster based on its explanation; finally, we use integer linear programming to select a subset of candidate clusters to cover most samples while minimizing overlaps. Under both automatic and human evaluation on corpora with or without labels, our method produces more accurate and goal-related explanations than prior methods.

ClusterLLM: Large Language Models as a Guide for Text Clustering
Yuwei Zhang | Zihan Wang | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We introduce ClusterLLM, a novel text clustering framework that leverages feedback from an instruction-tuned large language model, such as ChatGPT. Compared with traditional unsupervised methods that builds upon “small” embedders, ClusterLLM exhibits two intriguing advantages: (1) it enjoys the emergent capability of LLM even if its embeddings are inaccessible; and (2) it understands the user’s preference on clustering through textual instruction and/or a few annotated data. First, we prompt ChatGPT for insights on clustering perspective by constructing hard triplet questions <does A better correspond to B than C>, where A, B and C are similar data points that belong to different clusters according to small embedder. We empirically show that this strategy is both effective for fine-tuning small embedder and cost-efficient to query ChatGPT. Second, we prompt ChatGPT for helps on clustering granularity by carefully designed pairwise questions <do A and B belong to the same category>, and tune the granularity from cluster hierarchies that is the most consistent with the ChatGPT answers. Extensive experiments on 14 datasets show that ClusterLLM consistently improves clustering quality, at an average cost of ~$0.6 per dataset.

Open-world Semi-supervised Generalized Relation Discovery Aligned in a Real-world Setting
William Hogan | Jiacheng Li | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Open-world Relation Extraction (OpenRE) has recently garnered significant attention. However, existing approaches tend to oversimplify the problem by assuming that all instances of unlabeled data belong to novel classes, thereby limiting the practicality of these methods. We argue that the OpenRE setting should be more aligned with the characteristics of real-world data. Specifically, we propose two key improvements: (a) unlabeled data should encompass known and novel classes, including negative instances; and (b) the set of novel classes should represent long-tail relation types. Furthermore, we observe that popular relations can often be implicitly inferred through specific patterns, while long-tail relations tend to be explicitly expressed. Motivated by these insights, we present a method called KNoRD (Known and Novel Relation Discovery), which effectively classifies explicitly and implicitly expressed relations from known and novel classes within unlabeled data. Experimental evaluations on several Open-world RE benchmarks demonstrate that KNoRD consistently outperforms other existing methods, achieving significant performance gains.


Towards Comprehensive Patent Approval Predictions:Beyond Traditional Document Classification
Xiaochen Gao | Zhaoyi Hou | Yifei Ning | Kewen Zhao | Beilei He | Jingbo Shang | Vish Krishnan
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Predicting the approval chance of a patent application is a challenging problem involving multiple facets. The most crucial facet is arguably the novelty — 35 U.S. Code § 102 rejects more recent applications that have very similar prior arts. Such novelty evaluations differ the patent approval prediction from conventional document classification — Successful patent applications may share similar writing patterns; however, too-similar newer applications would receive the opposite label, thus confusing standard document classifiers (e.g., BERT). To address this issue, we propose a novel framework that unifies the document classifier with handcrafted features, particularly time-dependent novelty scores. Specifically, we formulate the novelty scores by comparing each application with millions of prior arts using a hybrid of efficient filters and a neural bi-encoder. Moreover, we impose a new regularization term into the classification objective to enforce the monotonic change of approval prediction w.r.t. novelty scores. From extensive experiments on a large-scale USPTO dataset, we find that standard BERT fine-tuning can partially learn the correct relationship between novelty and approvals from inconsistent data. However, our time-dependent novelty features offer a boost on top of it. Also, our monotonic regularization, while shrinking the search space, can drive the optimizer to better local optima, yielding a further small performance gain.

UCTopic: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning for Phrase Representations and Topic Mining
Jiacheng Li | Jingbo Shang | Julian McAuley
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

High-quality phrase representations are essential to finding topics and related terms in documents (a.k.a. topic mining). Existing phrase representation learning methods either simply combine unigram representations in a context-free manner or rely on extensive annotations to learn context-aware knowledge. In this paper, we propose UCTopic, a novel unsupervised contrastive learning framework for context-aware phrase representations and topic mining. UCTopic is pretrained in a large scale to distinguish if the contexts of two phrase mentions have the same semantics. The key to the pretraining is positive pair construction from our phrase-oriented assumptions. However, we find traditional in-batch negatives cause performance decay when finetuning on a dataset with small topic numbers. Hence, we propose cluster-assisted contrastive learning (CCL) which largely reduces noisy negatives by selecting negatives from clusters and further improves phrase representations for topics accordingly. UCTopic outperforms the state-of-the-art phrase representation model by 38.2% NMI in average on four entity clustering tasks. Comprehensive evaluation on topic mining shows that UCTopic can extract coherent and diverse topical phrases.

Phrase-aware Unsupervised Constituency Parsing
Xiaotao Gu | Yikang Shen | Jiaming Shen | Jingbo Shang | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent studies have achieved inspiring success in unsupervised grammar induction using masked language modeling (MLM) as the proxy task. Despite their high accuracy in identifying low-level structures, prior arts tend to struggle in capturing high-level structures like clauses, since the MLM task usually only requires information from local context. In this work, we revisit LM-based constituency parsing from a phrase-centered perspective. Inspired by the natural reading process of human, we propose to regularize the parser with phrases extracted by an unsupervised phrase tagger to help the LM model quickly manage low-level structures. For a better understanding of high-level structures, we propose a phrase-guided masking strategy for LM to emphasize more on reconstructing non-phrase words. We show that the initial phrase regularization serves as an effective bootstrap, and phrase-guided masking improves the identification of high-level structures. Experiments on the public benchmark with two different backbone models demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our method.

Learning Adaptive Axis Attentions in Fine-tuning: Beyond Fixed Sparse Attention Patterns
Zihan Wang | Jiuxiang Gu | Jason Kuen | Handong Zhao | Vlad Morariu | Ruiyi Zhang | Ani Nenkova | Tong Sun | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

We present a comprehensive study of sparse attention patterns in Transformer models. We first question the need for pre-training with sparse attention and present experiments showing that an efficient fine-tuning only approach yields a slightly worse but still competitive model. Then we compare the widely used local attention pattern and the less-well-studied global attention pattern, demonstrating that global patterns have several unique advantages. We also demonstrate that a flexible approach to attention, with different patterns across different layers of the model, is beneficial for some tasks. Drawing on this insight, we propose a novel Adaptive Axis Attention method, which learns—during fine-tuning—different attention patterns for each Transformer layer depending on the downstream task. Rather than choosing a fixed attention pattern, the adaptive axis attention method identifies important tokens—for each task and model layer—and focuses attention on those. It does not require pre-training to accommodate the sparse patterns and demonstrates competitive and sometimes better performance against fixed sparse attention patterns that require resource-intensive pre-training.

Towards Collaborative Neural-Symbolic Graph Semantic Parsing via Uncertainty
Zi Lin | Jeremiah Zhe Liu | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Recent work in task-independent graph semantic parsing has shifted from grammar-based symbolic approaches to neural models, showing strong performance on different types of meaning representations. However, it is still unclear that what are the limitations of these neural parsers, and whether these limitations can be compensated by incorporating symbolic knowledge into model inference. In this paper, we address these questions by taking English Resource Grammar (ERG) parsing as a case study. Specifically, we first develop a state-of-the-art, T5-based neural ERG parser, and conduct detail analyses of parser performance within fine-grained linguistic categories. The neural parser attains superior performance on in-distribution test set, but degrades significantly on long-tail situations, while the symbolic parser performs more robustly. To address this, we further propose a simple yet principled collaborative framework for neural-symbolic semantic parsing, by designing a decision criterion for beam search that incorporates the prior knowledge from a symbolic parser and accounts for model uncertainty. Experimental results show that the proposed framework yields comprehensive improvement over neural baseline across long-tail categories, yielding the best known Smatch score (97.01) on the well-studied DeepBank benchmark.

Towards Few-shot Entity Recognition in Document Images: A Label-aware Sequence-to-Sequence Framework
Zilong Wang | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Entity recognition is a fundamental task in understanding document images. Traditional sequence labeling frameworks treat the entity types as class IDs and rely on extensive data and high-quality annotations to learn semantics which are typically expensive in practice. In this paper, we aim to build an entity recognition model requiring only a few shots of annotated document images. To overcome the data limitation, we propose to leverage the label surface names to better inform the model of the target entity type semantics and also embed the labels into the spatial embedding space to capture the spatial correspondence between regions and labels. Specifically, we go beyond sequence labeling and develop a novel label-aware seq2seq framework, LASER. The proposed model follows a new labeling scheme that generates the label surface names word-by-word explicitly after generating the entities. During training, LASER refines the label semantics by updating the label surface name representations and also strengthens the label-region correlation. In this way, LASER recognizes the entities from document images through both semantic and layout correspondence. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of LASER under the few-shot setting.

Progressive Sentiment Analysis for Code-Switched Text Data
Sudhanshu Ranjan | Dheeraj Mekala | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Multilingual transformer language models have recently attracted much attention from researchers and are used in cross-lingual transfer learning for many NLP tasks such as text classification and named entity recognition.However, similar methods for transfer learning from monolingual text to code-switched text have not been extensively explored mainly due to the following challenges:(1) Code-switched corpus, unlike monolingual corpus, consists of more than one language and existing methods can’t be applied efficiently,(2) Code-switched corpus is usually made of resource-rich and low-resource languages and upon using multilingual pre-trained language models, the final model might bias towards resource-rich language. In this paper, we focus on code-switched sentiment analysis where we have a labelled resource-rich language dataset and unlabelled code-switched data. We propose a framework that takes the distinction between resource-rich and low-resource language into account.Instead of training on the entire code-switched corpus at once, we create buckets based on the fraction of words in the resource-rich language and progressively train from resource-rich language dominated samples to low-resource language dominated samples. Extensive experiments across multiple language pairs demonstrate that progressive training helps low-resource language dominated samples.

Formulating Few-shot Fine-tuning Towards Language Model Pre-training: A Pilot Study on Named Entity Recognition
Zihan Wang | Kewen Zhao | Zilong Wang | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Fine-tuning pre-trained language models is a common practice in building NLP models for various tasks, including the case with less supervision. We argue that under the few-shot setting, formulating fine-tuning closer to the pre-training objective shall be able to unleash more benefits from the pre-trained language models. In this work, we take few-shot named entity recognition (NER) for a pilot study, where existing fine-tuning strategies are much different from pre-training. We propose a novel few-shot fine-tuning framework for NER, FFF-NER. Specifically, we introduce three new types of tokens, “is-entity”, “which-type” and “bracket”, so we can formulate the NER fine-tuning as (masked) token prediction or generation, depending on the choice of the pre-training objective. In our experiments, we apply to fine-tune both BERT and BART for few-shot NER on several benchmark datasets and observe significant improvements over existing fine-tuning strategies, including sequence labeling, prototype meta-learning, and prompt-based approaches. We further perform a series of ablation studies, showing few-shot NER performance is strongly correlated with the similarity between fine-tuning and pre-training.

LOPS: Learning Order Inspired Pseudo-Label Selection for Weakly Supervised Text Classification
Dheeraj Mekala | Chengyu Dong | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Weakly supervised text classification methods typically train a deep neural classifier based on pseudo-labels. The quality of pseudo-labels is crucial to final performance but they are inevitably noisy due to their heuristic nature, so selecting the correct ones has a huge potential for performance boost. One straightforward solution is to select samples based on the softmax probability scores in the neural classifier corresponding to their pseudo-labels. However, we show through our experiments that such solutions are ineffective and unstable due to the erroneously high-confidence predictions from poorly calibrated models. Recent studies on the memorization effects of deep neural models suggest that these models first memorize training samples with clean labels and then those with noisy labels. Inspired by this observation, we propose a novel pseudo-label selection method LOPS that takes learning order of samples into consideration. We hypothesize that the learning order reflects the probability of wrong annotation in terms of ranking, and therefore, propose to select the samples that are learnt earlier. LOPS can be viewed as a strong performance-boost plug-in to most existing weakly-supervised text classification methods, as confirmed in extensive experiments on four real-world datasets.

Fine-grained Contrastive Learning for Relation Extraction
William Hogan | Jiacheng Li | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent relation extraction (RE) works have shown encouraging improvements by conducting contrastive learning on silver labels generated by distant supervision before fine-tuning on gold labels. Existing methods typically assume all these silver labels are accurate and treat them equally; however, distant supervision is inevitably noisy–some silver labels are more reliable than others. In this paper, we propose fine-grained contrastive learning (FineCL) for RE, which leverages fine-grained information about which silver labels are and are not noisy to improve the quality of learned relationship representations for RE. We first assess the quality of silver labels via a simple and automatic approach we call “learning order denoising,” where we train a language model to learn these relations and record the order of learned training instances. We show that learning order largely corresponds to label accuracy–early-learned silver labels have, on average, more accurate labels than later-learned silver labels. Then, during pre-training, we increase the weights of accurate labels within a novel contrastive learning objective. Experiments on several RE benchmarks show that FineCL makes consistent and significant performance gains over state-of-the-art methods.

MGDoc: Pre-training with Multi-granular Hierarchy for Document Image Understanding
Zilong Wang | Jiuxiang Gu | Chris Tensmeyer | Nikolaos Barmpalios | Ani Nenkova | Tong Sun | Jingbo Shang | Vlad Morariu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Document images are a ubiquitous source of data where the text is organized in a complex hierarchical structure ranging from fine granularity (e.g., words), medium granularity (e.g., regions such as paragraphs or figures), to coarse granularity (e.g., the whole page). The spatial hierarchical relationships between content at different levels of granularity are crucial for document image understanding tasks. Existing methods learn features from either word-level or region-level but fail to consider both simultaneously. Word-level models are restricted by the fact that they originate from pure-text language models, which only encode the word-level context. In contrast, region-level models attempt to encode regions corresponding to paragraphs or text blocks into a single embedding, but they perform worse with additional word-level features. To deal with these issues, we propose MGDoc, a new multi-modal multi-granular pre-training framework that encodes page-level, region-level, and word-level information at the same time. MGDoc uses a unified text-visual encoder to obtain multi-modal features across different granularities, which makes it possible to project the multi-granular features into the same hyperspace. To model the region-word correlation, we design a cross-granular attention mechanism and specific pre-training tasks for our model to reinforce the model of learning the hierarchy between regions and words. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed model can learn better features that perform well across granularities and lead to improvements in downstream tasks.

Neural-Symbolic Inference for Robust Autoregressive Graph Parsing via Compositional Uncertainty Quantification
Zi Lin | Jeremiah Liu | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Pre-trained seq2seq models excel at graph semantic parsing with rich annotated data, but generalize worse to out-of-distribution (OOD) and long-tail examples. In comparison, symbolic parsers under-perform on population-level metrics, but exhibit unique strength in OOD and tail generalization. In this work, we study compositionality-aware approach to neural-symbolic inference informed by model confidence, performing fine-grained neural-symbolic reasoning at subgraph level (i.e., nodes and edges) and precisely targeting subgraph components with high uncertainty in the neural parser. As a result, the method combines the distinct strength of the neural and symbolic approaches in capturing different aspects of the graph prediction, leading to well-rounded generalization performance both across domains and in the tail. We empirically investigate the approach in the English Resource Grammar (ERG) parsing problem on a diverse suite of standard in-domain and seven OOD corpora. Our approach leads to 35.26% and 35.60% error reduction in aggregated SMATCH score over neural and symbolic approaches respectively, and 14% absolute accuracy gain in key tail linguistic categories over the neural model, outperforming prior state-of-art methods that do not account for compositionality or uncertainty.

Leveraging QA Datasets to Improve Generative Data Augmentation
Dheeraj Mekala | Tu Vu | Timo Schick | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The ability of generative language models (GLMs) to generate text has improved considerably in the last few years, enabling their use for generative data augmentation. In this work, we propose CONDA, an approach to further improve GLM’s ability to generate synthetic data by reformulating data generation as context generation for a given question-answer (QA) pair and leveraging QA datasets for training context generators. Then, we cast downstream tasks into the same question answering format and adapt the fine-tuned context generators to the target task domain. Finally, we use the fine-tuned GLM to generate relevant contexts, which are in turn used as synthetic training data for their corresponding tasks. We perform extensive experiments on multiple classification datasets and demonstrate substantial improvements in performance for both few- and zero-shot settings. Our analysis reveals that QA datasets that require high-level reasoning abilities (e.g., abstractive and common-sense QA datasets) tend to give the best boost in performance in both few-shot and zero-shot settings.

WeDef: Weakly Supervised Backdoor Defense for Text Classification
Lesheng Jin | Zihan Wang | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Existing backdoor defense methods are only effective for limited trigger types. To defend different trigger types at once, we start from the class-irrelevant nature of the poisoning process and propose a novel weakly supervised backdoor defense framework WeDef. Recent advances in weak supervision make it possible to train a reasonably accurate text classifier using only a small number of user-provided, class-indicative seed words. Such seed words shall be considered independent of the triggers. Therefore, a weakly supervised text classifier trained by only the poisoned documents without their labels will likely have no backdoor. Inspired by this observation, in WeDef, we define the reliability of samples based on whether the predictions of the weak classifier agree with their labels in the poisoned training set. We further improve the results through a two-phase sanitization: (1) iteratively refine the weak classifier based on the reliable samples and (2) train a binary poison classifier by distinguishing the most unreliable samples from the most reliable samples. Finally, we train the sanitized model on the samples that the poison classifier predicts as benign. Extensive experiments show that WeDef is effective against popular trigger-based attacks (e.g., words, sentences, and paraphrases), outperforming existing defense methods.


Sensei: Self-Supervised Sensor Name Segmentation
Jiaman Wu | Dezhi Hong | Rajesh Gupta | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

BFClass: A Backdoor-free Text Classification Framework
Zichao Li | Dheeraj Mekala | Chengyu Dong | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Backdoor attack introduces artificial vulnerabilities into the model by poisoning a subset of the training data via injecting triggers and modifying labels. Various trigger design strategies have been explored to attack text classifiers, however, defending such attacks remains an open problem. In this work, we propose BFClass, a novel efficient backdoor-free training framework for text classification. The backbone of BFClass is a pre-trained discriminator that predicts whether each token in the corrupted input was replaced by a masked language model. To identify triggers, we utilize this discriminator to locate the most suspicious token from each training sample and then distill a concise set by considering their association strengths with particular labels. To recognize the poisoned subset, we examine the training samples with these identified triggers as the most suspicious token, and check if removing the trigger will change the poisoned model’s prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that BFClass can identify all the triggers, remove 95% poisoned training samples with very limited false alarms, and achieve almost the same performance as the models trained on the benign training data.

X-Class: Text Classification with Extremely Weak Supervision
Zihan Wang | Dheeraj Mekala | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

In this paper, we explore text classification with extremely weak supervision, i.e., only relying on the surface text of class names. This is a more challenging setting than the seed-driven weak supervision, which allows a few seed words per class. We opt to attack this problem from a representation learning perspective—ideal document representations should lead to nearly the same results between clustering and the desired classification. In particular, one can classify the same corpus differently (e.g., based on topics and locations), so document representations should be adaptive to the given class names. We propose a novel framework X-Class to realize the adaptive representations. Specifically, we first estimate class representations by incrementally adding the most similar word to each class until inconsistency arises. Following a tailored mixture of class attention mechanisms, we obtain the document representation via a weighted average of contextualized word representations. With the prior of each document assigned to its nearest class, we then cluster and align the documents to classes. Finally, we pick the most confident documents from each cluster to train a text classifier. Extensive experiments demonstrate that X-Class can rival and even outperform seed-driven weakly supervised methods on 7 benchmark datasets.

TaxoClass: Hierarchical Multi-Label Text Classification Using Only Class Names
Jiaming Shen | Wenda Qiu | Yu Meng | Jingbo Shang | Xiang Ren | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Hierarchical multi-label text classification (HMTC) aims to tag each document with a set of classes from a taxonomic class hierarchy. Most existing HMTC methods train classifiers using massive human-labeled documents, which are often too costly to obtain in real-world applications. In this paper, we explore to conduct HMTC based on only class surface names as supervision signals. We observe that to perform HMTC, human experts typically first pinpoint a few most essential classes for the document as its “core classes”, and then check core classes’ ancestor classes to ensure the coverage. To mimic human experts, we propose a novel HMTC framework, named TaxoClass. Specifically, TaxoClass (1) calculates document-class similarities using a textual entailment model, (2) identifies a document’s core classes and utilizes confident core classes to train a taxonomy-enhanced classifier, and (3) generalizes the classifier via multi-label self-training. Our experiments on two challenging datasets show TaxoClass can achieve around 0.71 Example-F1 using only class names, outperforming the best previous method by 25%.

Coarse2Fine: Fine-grained Text Classification on Coarsely-grained Annotated Data
Dheeraj Mekala | Varun Gangal | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Existing text classification methods mainly focus on a fixed label set, whereas many real-world applications require extending to new fine-grained classes as the number of samples per label increases. To accommodate such requirements, we introduce a new problem called coarse-to-fine grained classification, which aims to perform fine-grained classification on coarsely annotated data. Instead of asking for new fine-grained human annotations, we opt to leverage label surface names as the only human guidance and weave in rich pre-trained generative language models into the iterative weak supervision strategy. Specifically, we first propose a label-conditioned fine-tuning formulation to attune these generators for our task. Furthermore, we devise a regularization objective based on the coarse-fine label constraints derived from our problem setting, giving us even further improvements over the prior formulation. Our framework uses the fine-tuned generative models to sample pseudo-training data for training the classifier, and bootstraps on real unlabeled data for model refinement. Extensive experiments and case studies on two real-world datasets demonstrate superior performance over SOTA zero-shot classification baselines.

LayoutReader: Pre-training of Text and Layout for Reading Order Detection
Zilong Wang | Yiheng Xu | Lei Cui | Jingbo Shang | Furu Wei
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Reading order detection is the cornerstone to understanding visually-rich documents (e.g., receipts and forms). Unfortunately, no existing work took advantage of advanced deep learning models because it is too laborious to annotate a large enough dataset. We observe that the reading order of WORD documents is embedded in their XML metadata; meanwhile, it is easy to convert WORD documents to PDFs or images. Therefore, in an automated manner, we construct ReadingBank, a benchmark dataset that contains reading order, text, and layout information for 500,000 document images covering a wide spectrum of document types. This first-ever large-scale dataset unleashes the power of deep neural networks for reading order detection. Specifically, our proposed LayoutReader captures the text and layout information for reading order prediction using the seq2seq model. It performs almost perfectly in reading order detection and significantly improves both open-source and commercial OCR engines in ordering text lines in their results in our experiments. The dataset and models are publicly available at https://aka.ms/layoutreader.

“Average” Approximates “First Principal Component”? An Empirical Analysis on Representations from Neural Language Models
Zihan Wang | Chengyu Dong | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Contextualized representations based on neural language models have furthered the state of the art in various NLP tasks. Despite its great success, the nature of such representations remains a mystery. In this paper, we present an empirical property of these representations—”average” approximates “first principal component”. Specifically, experiments show that the average of these representations shares almost the same direction as the first principal component of the matrix whose columns are these representations. We believe this explains why the average representation is always a simple yet strong baseline. Our further examinations show that this property also holds in more challenging scenarios, for example, when the representations are from a model right after its random initialization. Therefore, we conjecture that this property is intrinsic to the distribution of representations and not necessarily related to the input structure. We realize that these representations empirically follow a normal distribution for each dimension, and by assuming this is true, we demonstrate that the empirical property can be in fact derived mathematically.

Weakly Supervised Named Entity Tagging with Learnable Logical Rules
Jiacheng Li | Haibo Ding | Jingbo Shang | Julian McAuley | Zhe Feng
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We study the problem of building entity tagging systems by using a few rules as weak supervision. Previous methods mostly focus on disambiguating entity types based on contexts and expert-provided rules, while assuming entity spans are given. In this work, we propose a novel method TALLOR that bootstraps high-quality logical rules to train a neural tagger in a fully automated manner. Specifically, we introduce compound rules that are composed from simple rules to increase the precision of boundary detection and generate more diverse pseudo labels. We further design a dynamic label selection strategy to ensure pseudo label quality and therefore avoid overfitting the neural tagger. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms other weakly supervised methods and even rivals a state-of-the-art distantly supervised tagger with a lexicon of over 2,000 terms when starting from only 20 simple rules. Our method can serve as a tool for rapidly building taggers in emerging domains and tasks. Case studies show that learned rules can potentially explain the predicted entities.


Contextualized Weak Supervision for Text Classification
Dheeraj Mekala | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Weakly supervised text classification based on a few user-provided seed words has recently attracted much attention from researchers. Existing methods mainly generate pseudo-labels in a context-free manner (e.g., string matching), therefore, the ambiguous, context-dependent nature of human language has been long overlooked. In this paper, we propose a novel framework ConWea, providing contextualized weak supervision for text classification. Specifically, we leverage contextualized representations of word occurrences and seed word information to automatically differentiate multiple interpretations of the same word, and thus create a contextualized corpus. This contextualized corpus is further utilized to train the classifier and expand seed words in an iterative manner. This process not only adds new contextualized, highly label-indicative keywords but also disambiguates initial seed words, making our weak supervision fully contextualized. Extensive experiments and case studies on real-world datasets demonstrate the necessity and significant advantages of using contextualized weak supervision, especially when the class labels are fine-grained.

Empower Entity Set Expansion via Language Model Probing
Yunyi Zhang | Jiaming Shen | Jingbo Shang | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Entity set expansion, aiming at expanding a small seed entity set with new entities belonging to the same semantic class, is a critical task that benefits many downstream NLP and IR applications, such as question answering, query understanding, and taxonomy construction. Existing set expansion methods bootstrap the seed entity set by adaptively selecting context features and extracting new entities. A key challenge for entity set expansion is to avoid selecting ambiguous context features which will shift the class semantics and lead to accumulative errors in later iterations. In this study, we propose a novel iterative set expansion framework that leverages automatically generated class names to address the semantic drift issue. In each iteration, we select one positive and several negative class names by probing a pre-trained language model, and further score each candidate entity based on selected class names. Experiments on two datasets show that our framework generates high-quality class names and outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods significantly.

SynSetExpan: An Iterative Framework for Joint Entity Set Expansion and Synonym Discovery
Jiaming Shen | Wenda Qiu | Jingbo Shang | Michelle Vanni | Xiang Ren | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Entity set expansion and synonym discovery are two critical NLP tasks. Previous studies accomplish them separately, without exploring their interdependencies. In this work, we hypothesize that these two tasks are tightly coupled because two synonymous entities tend to have a similar likelihood of belonging to various semantic classes. This motivates us to design SynSetExpan, a novel framework that enables two tasks to mutually enhance each other. SynSetExpan uses a synonym discovery model to include popular entities’ infrequent synonyms into the set, which boosts the set expansion recall. Meanwhile, the set expansion model, being able to determine whether an entity belongs to a semantic class, can generate pseudo training data to fine-tune the synonym discovery model towards better accuracy. To facilitate the research on studying the interplays of these two tasks, we create the first large-scale Synonym-Enhanced Set Expansion (SE2) dataset via crowdsourcing. Extensive experiments on the SE2 dataset and previous benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of SynSetExpan for both entity set expansion and synonym discovery tasks.

META: Metadata-Empowered Weak Supervision for Text Classification
Dheeraj Mekala | Xinyang Zhang | Jingbo Shang
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Recent advances in weakly supervised learning enable training high-quality text classifiers by only providing a few user-provided seed words. Existing methods mainly use text data alone to generate pseudo-labels despite the fact that metadata information (e.g., author and timestamp) is widely available across various domains. Strong label indicators exist in the metadata and it has been long overlooked mainly due to the following challenges: (1) metadata is multi-typed, requiring systematic modeling of different types and their combinations, (2) metadata is noisy, some metadata entities (e.g., authors, venues) are more compelling label indicators than others. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, META, which goes beyond the existing paradigm and leverages metadata as an additional source of weak supervision. Specifically, we organize the text data and metadata together into a text-rich network and adopt network motifs to capture appropriate combinations of metadata. Based on seed words, we rank and filter motif instances to distill highly label-indicative ones as “seed motifs”, which provide additional weak supervision. Following a bootstrapping manner, we train the classifier and expand the seed words and seed motifs iteratively. Extensive experiments and case studies on real-world datasets demonstrate superior performance and significant advantages of leveraging metadata as weak supervision.

SeNsER: Learning Cross-Building Sensor Metadata Tagger
Yang Jiao | Jiacheng Li | Jiaman Wu | Dezhi Hong | Rajesh Gupta | Jingbo Shang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Sensor metadata tagging, akin to the named entity recognition task, provides key contextual information (e.g., measurement type and location) about sensors for running smart building applications. Unfortunately, sensor metadata in different buildings often follows distinct naming conventions. Therefore, learning a tagger currently requires extensive annotations on a per building basis. In this work, we propose a novel framework, SeNsER, which learns a sensor metadata tagger for a new building based on its raw metadata and some existing fully annotated building. It leverages the commonality between different buildings: At the character level, it employs bidirectional neural language models to capture the shared underlying patterns between two buildings and thus regularizes the feature learning process; At the word level, it leverages as features the k-mers existing in the fully annotated building. During inference, we further incorporate the information obtained from sources such as Wikipedia as prior knowledge. As a result, SeNsER shows promising results in extensive experiments on multiple real-world buildings.


Arabic Named Entity Recognition: What Works and What’s Next
Liyuan Liu | Jingbo Shang | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

This paper presents the winning solution to the Arabic Named Entity Recognition challenge run by Topcoder.com. The proposed model integrates various tailored techniques together, including representation learning, feature engineering, sequence labeling, and ensemble learning. The final model achieves a test F_1 score of 75.82% on the AQMAR dataset and outperforms baselines by a large margin. Detailed analyses are conducted to reveal both its strengths and limitations. Specifically, we observe that (1) representation learning modules can significantly boost the performance but requires a proper pre-processing and (2) the resulting embedding can be further enhanced with feature engineering due to the limited size of the training data. All implementations and pre-trained models are made public.

CrossWeigh: Training Named Entity Tagger from Imperfect Annotations
Zihan Wang | Jingbo Shang | Liyuan Liu | Lihao Lu | Jiacheng Liu | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Everyone makes mistakes. So do human annotators when curating labels for named entity recognition (NER). Such label mistakes might hurt model training and interfere model comparison. In this study, we dive deep into one of the widely-adopted NER benchmark datasets, CoNLL03 NER. We are able to identify label mistakes in about 5.38% test sentences, which is a significant ratio considering that the state-of-the-art test F1 score is already around 93%. Therefore, we manually correct these label mistakes and form a cleaner test set. Our re-evaluation of popular models on this corrected test set leads to more accurate assessments, compared to those on the original test set. More importantly, we propose a simple yet effective framework, CrossWeigh, to handle label mistakes during NER model training. Specifically, it partitions the training data into several folds and train independent NER models to identify potential mistakes in each fold. Then it adjusts the weights of training data accordingly to train the final NER model. Extensive experiments demonstrate significant improvements of plugging various NER models into our proposed framework on three datasets. All implementations and corrected test set are available at our Github repo https://github.com/ZihanWangKi/CrossWeigh.


Efficient Contextualized Representation: Language Model Pruning for Sequence Labeling
Liyuan Liu | Xiang Ren | Jingbo Shang | Xiaotao Gu | Jian Peng | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Many efforts have been made to facilitate natural language processing tasks with pre-trained language models (LMs), and brought significant improvements to various applications. To fully leverage the nearly unlimited corpora and capture linguistic information of multifarious levels, large-size LMs are required; but for a specific task, only parts of these information are useful. Such large-sized LMs, even in the inference stage, may cause heavy computation workloads, making them too time-consuming for large-scale applications. Here we propose to compress bulky LMs while preserving useful information with regard to a specific task. As different layers of the model keep different information, we develop a layer selection method for model pruning using sparsity-inducing regularization. By introducing the dense connectivity, we can detach any layer without affecting others, and stretch shallow and wide LMs to be deep and narrow. In model training, LMs are learned with layer-wise dropouts for better robustness. Experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Learning Named Entity Tagger using Domain-Specific Dictionary
Jingbo Shang | Liyuan Liu | Xiaotao Gu | Xiang Ren | Teng Ren | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent advances in deep neural models allow us to build reliable named entity recognition (NER) systems without handcrafting features. However, such methods require large amounts of manually-labeled training data. There have been efforts on replacing human annotations with distant supervision (in conjunction with external dictionaries), but the generated noisy labels pose significant challenges on learning effective neural models. Here we propose two neural models to suit noisy distant supervision from the dictionary. First, under the traditional sequence labeling framework, we propose a revised fuzzy CRF layer to handle tokens with multiple possible labels. After identifying the nature of noisy labels in distant supervision, we go beyond the traditional framework and propose a novel, more effective neural model AutoNER with a new Tie or Break scheme. In addition, we discuss how to refine distant supervision for better NER performance. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that AutoNER achieves the best performance when only using dictionaries with no additional human effort, and delivers competitive results with state-of-the-art supervised benchmarks.