Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Frontier Forum)

Jiajun Zhang (Editor)

Anthology ID:
Harbin, China
Chinese Information Processing Society of China
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基座模型训练中的数据与模型架构(Data and Model Architecture in Base Model Training)
Hang Yan (航 颜) | Yang Gao (扬 高) | Chaoye Fei (朝烨 费) | Xiaopeng Yang (小珪 杨) | Xipeng Qiu (锡鹏 邱)


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Unleashing the Power of Large Models: Exploring Human-Machine Conversations
Liu Yuhan | Chen Xiuying | Yan Rui

“In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention across variousdomains, resulting in profound impacts. In this paper, we aim to explore the potential of LLMsin the field of human-machine conversations. It begins by examining the rise and milestonesof these models, tracing their origins from neural language models to the transformative impactof the Transformer architecture on conversation processing. Next, we discuss the emergence oflarge pre-training models and their utilization of contextual knowledge at a large scale, as wellas the scaling to billion-parameter models that push the boundaries of language generation. Wefurther highlight advancements in multi-modal conversations, showcasing how LLMs bridge thegap between language and vision. We also introduce various applications in human-machine con-versations, such as intelligent assistant-style dialogues and emotionally supportive conversations,supported by successful case studies in diverse fields. Lastly, we explore the challenges facedby LLMs in this context and provide insights into future development directions and prospects. Overall, we offer a comprehensive overview of the potential and future development of LLMs inhuman-machine conversations, encompassing their milestones, applications, and the challengesahead.”

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机器翻译和大语言模型研究进展(Research Development of Machine translation and Large Language Model)
Wenhao Zhu (文昊 朱) | Hao Zhou (昊 周) | Changjiang Gao (长江 高) | Sizhe Liu (斯哲 刘) | Shujian Huang (书剑 黄)


A Systematic Evaluation of Large Language Models for Natural Language Generation Tasks
Ni Xuanfan | Li Piji

“Recent efforts have evaluated large language models (LLMs) in areas such as com-monsense reasoning, mathematical reasoning, and code generation. However, to thebest of our knowledge, no work has specifically investigated the performance of LLMsin natural language generation (NLG) tasks, a pivotal criterion for determining modelexcellence. Thus, this paper conducts a comprehensive evaluation of well-known andhigh-performing LLMs, namely ChatGPT, ChatGLM, T5-based models, LLaMA-basedmodels, and Pythia-based models, in the context of NLG tasks. We select English andChinese datasets encompassing Dialogue Generation and Text Summarization. More-over, we propose a common evaluation setting that incorporates input templates andpost-processing strategies. Our study reports both automatic results, accompanied by adetailed analysis.”

生成式信息检索前沿进展与挑战(Challenges and Advances in Generative Information Retrieval)
Yixing Fan (意兴 范) | Yubao Tang (钰葆 唐) | Jiangui Chen (建贵 陈) | Ruqing Zhang (儒清 张) | Jiafeng Guo (嘉丰 郭)

“信息检索(Information Retrieval, IR)旨在从大规模的语料集合中找到与用户查询相关的信息,已经成为人们解决日常工作和生活中问题的最重要工具之一。现有的IR系统主要依赖于“索引-召回-重排”的框架,将复杂的检索任务建模成多阶段耦合的搜索过程。这种解耦建模的方式,一方面提升了系统检索的效率,使得检索系统能够轻松应对数十亿的语料集合;另一方面也加重了系统架构的复杂性,无法实现端到端联合优化。为了应对这个问题,近年来研究人员开始探索利用一个统一的模型建模整个搜索过程,并提出了新的生成式信息检索范式,这种新的范式将整个语料集合编码到检索模型中,可以实现端到端优化,消除了检索系统对于外部索引的依赖。当前,生成式检索已经成为坉坒领域热门研究方向之一,研究人员提出了不同的方案来提升检索的效果,考虑到这个方向的快速进展,本文将对生成式信息检索进行系统的综述,包括基础概念,文档标识符和模型容量。此外,我们还讨论了一些未解决的挑战以及有前景的研究方向,希望能激发和促进更多关于这些主题的未来研究。”

大模型与知识图谱(Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs)
Yubo Chen (玉博 陈) | Shaoru Guo (少茹 郭) | Kang Liu (康 刘) | Jun Zhao (军 赵)


大语言模型对齐:概念、挑战、路线、评测及趋势(Large Language Model Alignment: Concepts, Challenges, Roadmaps, Evaluations and Trends)
Xiong Deyi (德意 熊)


Through the Lens of Core Competency: Survey on Evaluation of Large Language Models
Zhuang Ziyu | Chen Qiguang | Ma Longxuan | Li Mingda | Han Yi | Qian Yushan | Bai Haopeng | Zhang Weinan | Ting Liu

“From pre-trained language model (PLM) to large language model (LLM), the field of naturallanguage processing (NLP) has witnessed steep performance gains and wide practical uses. Theevaluation of a research field guides its direction of improvement. However, LLMs are extremelyhard to thoroughly evaluate for two reasons. First of all, traditional NLP tasks become inade-quate due to the excellent performance of LLM. Secondly, existing evaluation tasks are difficultto keep up with the wide range of applications in real-world scenarios. To tackle these problems,existing works proposed various benchmarks to better evaluate LLMs. To clarify the numerousevaluation tasks in both academia and industry, we investigate multiple papers concerning LLMevaluations. We summarize 4 core competencies of LLM, including reasoning, knowledge, relia-bility, and safety. For every competency, we introduce its definition, corresponding benchmarks,and metrics. Under this competency architecture, similar tasks are combined to reflect corre-sponding ability, while new tasks can also be easily added into the system. Finally, we give oursuggestions on the future direction of LLM’s evaluation.”

Frontier Review of Multimodal AI
Duan Nan

“Pre-training techniques have enabled foundation models (such as BERT, T5, GPT) to achieveremarkable success in natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal tasks that involve text,audio and visual contents. Some of the latest multimodal generative models, such as DALL·Eand Stable Diffusion, can synthesize novel visual content from text or video inputs, which greatlyenhances the creativity and productivity of content creators. However, multimodal AI also facessome challenges, such as adding new modalities or handling diverse tasks that require signalsbeyond their understanding. Therefore, a new trend in multimodal AI is to build a compositionalAI system that connects existing foundation models with external modules and tools. This way,the system can perform more varied tasks by leveraging different modalities and signals.Inthis paper, we will give a brief overview of the state-of-the-art multimodal AI techniques and thedirection of building compositional AI systems. We will also discuss the potential future researchtopics in multimodal AI.”