Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Wanxiang Che, Ekaterina Shutova (Editors)

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Abu Dhabi, UAE
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations
Wanxiang Che | Ekaterina Shutova

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CogKTR: A Knowledge-Enhanced Text Representation Toolkit for Natural Language Understanding
Zhuoran Jin | Tianyi Men | Hongbang Yuan | Yuyang Zhou | Pengfei Cao | Yubo Chen | Zhipeng Xue | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao

As the first step of modern natural language processing, text representation encodes discrete texts as continuous embeddings. Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated strong ability in text representation and significantly promoted the development of natural language understanding (NLU). However, existing PLMs represent a text solely by its context, which is not enough to support knowledge-intensive NLU tasks. Knowledge is power, and fusing external knowledge explicitly into PLMs can provide knowledgeable text representations. Since previous knowledge-enhanced methods differ in many aspects, making it difficult for us to reproduce previous methods, implement new methods, and transfer between different methods. It is highly desirable to have a unified paradigm to encompass all kinds of methods in one framework. In this paper, we propose CogKTR, a knowledge-enhanced text representation toolkit for natural language understanding. According to our proposed Unified Knowledge-Enhanced Paradigm (UniKEP), CogKTR consists of four key stages, including knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge injection, and knowledge application. CogKTR currently supports easy-to-use knowledge acquisition interfaces, multi-source knowledge embeddings, diverse knowledge-enhanced models, and various knowledge-intensive NLU tasks. Our unified, knowledgeable and modular toolkit is publicly available at GitHub, with an online system and a short instruction video.

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LM-Debugger: An Interactive Tool for Inspection and Intervention in Transformer-Based Language Models
Mor Geva | Avi Caciularu | Guy Dar | Paul Roit | Shoval Sadde | Micah Shlain | Bar Tamir | Yoav Goldberg

The opaque nature and unexplained behavior of transformer-based language models (LMs) have spurred a wide interest in interpreting their predictions. However, current interpretation methods mostly focus on probing models from outside, executing behavioral tests, and analyzing salience input features, while the internal prediction construction process is largely not understood. In this work, we introduce LM-Debugger, an interactive debugger tool for transformer-based LMs, which provides a fine-grained interpretation of the model’s internal prediction process, as well as a powerful framework for intervening in LM behavior. For its backbone, LM-Debugger relies on a recent method that interprets the inner token representations and their updates by the feed-forward layers in the vocabulary space. We demonstrate the utility of LM-Debugger for single-prediction debugging, by inspecting the internal disambiguation process done by GPT2. Moreover, we show how easily LM-Debugger allows to shift model behavior in a direction of the user’s choice, by identifying a few vectors in the network and inducing effective interventions to the prediction process. We release LM-Debugger as an open-source tool and a demo over GPT2 models.

EasyNLP: A Comprehensive and Easy-to-use Toolkit for Natural Language Processing
Chengyu Wang | Minghui Qiu | Taolin Zhang | Tingting Liu | Lei Li | Jianing Wang | Ming Wang | Jun Huang | Wei Lin

Pre-Trained Models (PTMs) have reshaped the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and achieved significant improvement in various benchmarks. Yet, it is not easy for industrial practitioners to obtain high-performing PTM-based models without a large amount of labeled training data and deploy them online with fast inference speed. To bridge this gap, EasyNLP is designed to make it easy to build NLP applications, which supports a comprehensive suite of NLP algorithms. It further features knowledge-enhanced pre-training, knowledge distillation and few-shot learning functionalities, and provides a unified framework of model training, inference and deployment for real-world applications. EasyNLP has powered over ten business units within Alibaba Group and is seamlessly integrated to the Platform of AI (PAI) products on Alibaba Cloud. The source code of EasyNLP is released at GitHub (

An Explainable Toolbox for Evaluating Pre-trained Vision-Language Models
Tiancheng Zhao | Tianqi Zhang | Mingwei Zhu | Haozhan Shen | Kyusong Lee | Xiaopeng Lu | Jianwei Yin

We introduce VL-CheckList, a toolbox for evaluating Vision-Language Pretraining (VLP) models, including the preliminary datasets that deepen the image-texting ability of a VLP model. Most existing VLP works evaluated their systems by comparing the fine-tuned downstream task performance. However, only average downstream task accuracy provides little information about the pros and cons of each VLP method. In this paper, we demonstrate how minor input changes in language and vision will affect the prediction outputs. Then, we describe the detailed user guidelines to utilize and contribute to the community. We show new findings on one of the representative VLP models to provide an example analysis. The data/code is available at

TweetNLP: Cutting-Edge Natural Language Processing for Social Media
Jose Camacho-collados | Kiamehr Rezaee | Talayeh Riahi | Asahi Ushio | Daniel Loureiro | Dimosthenis Antypas | Joanne Boisson | Luis Espinosa Anke | Fangyu Liu | Eugenio Martínez Cámara

In this paper we present TweetNLP, an integrated platform for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in social media. TweetNLP supports a diverse set of NLP tasks, including generic focus areas such as sentiment analysis and named entity recognition, as well as social media-specific tasks such as emoji prediction and offensive language identification. Task-specific systems are powered by reasonably-sized Transformer-based language models specialized on social media text (in particular, Twitter) which can be run without the need for dedicated hardware or cloud services. The main contributions of TweetNLP are: (1) an integrated Python library for a modern toolkit supporting social media analysis using our various task-specific models adapted to the social domain; (2) an interactive online demo for codeless experimentation using our models; and (3) a tutorial covering a wide variety of typical social media applications.

JoeyS2T: Minimalistic Speech-to-Text Modeling with JoeyNMT
Mayumi Ohta | Julia Kreutzer | Stefan Riezler

JoeyS2T is a JoeyNMT extension for speech-to-text tasks such as automatic speech recognition and end-to-end speech translation. It inherits the core philosophy of JoeyNMT, a minimalist NMT toolkit built on PyTorch, seeking simplicity and accessibility. JoeyS2T’s workflow is self-contained, starting from data pre-processing, over model training and prediction to evaluation, and is seamlessly integrated into JoeyNMT’s compact and simple code base. On top of JoeyNMT’s state-of-the-art Transformer-based Encoder-Decoder architecture, JoeyS2T provides speech-oriented components such as convolutional layers, SpecAugment, CTC-loss, and WER evaluation. Despite its simplicity compared to prior implementations, JoeyS2T performs competitively on English speech recognition and English-to-German speech translation benchmarks. The implementation is accompanied by a walk-through tutorial and available on

FairLib: A Unified Framework for Assessing and Improving Fairness
Xudong Han | Aili Shen | Yitong Li | Lea Frermann | Timothy Baldwin | Trevor Cohn

This paper presents FairLib, an open-source python library for assessing and improving model fairness. It provides a systematic framework for quickly accessing benchmark datasets, reproducing existing debiasing baseline models, developing new methods, evaluating models with different metrics, and visualizing their results. Its modularity and extensibility enable the framework to be used for diverse types of inputs, including natural language, images, and audio. We implement 14 debiasing methods, including pre-processing,at-training-time, and post-processing approaches. The built-in metrics cover the most commonly acknowledged fairness criteria and can be further generalized and customized for fairness evaluation.

ELEVANT: A Fully Automatic Fine-Grained Entity Linking Evaluation and Analysis Tool
Hannah Bast | Matthias Hertel | Natalie Prange

We present Elevant, a tool for the fully automatic fine-grained evaluation of a set of entity linkers on a set of benchmarks. Elevant provides an automatic breakdown of the performance by various error categories and by entity type. Elevant also provides a rich and compact, yet very intuitive and self-explanatory visualization of the results of a linker on a benchmark in comparison to the ground truth. A live demo, the link to the complete code base on GitHub and a link to a demo video are provided under .

A Pipeline for Generating, Annotating and Employing Synthetic Data for Real World Question Answering
Matt Maufe | James Ravenscroft | Rob Procter | Maria Liakata

Question Answering (QA) is a growing area of research, often used to facilitate the extraction of information from within documents. State-of-the-art QA models are usually pre-trained on domain-general corpora like Wikipedia and thus tend to struggle on out-of-domain documents without fine-tuning. We demonstrate that synthetic domain-specific datasets can be generated easily using domain-general models, while still providing significant improvements to QA performance. We present two new tools for this task: A flexible pipeline for validating the synthetic QA data and training down stream models on it, and an online interface to facilitate human annotation of this generated data. Using this interface, crowdworkers labelled 1117 synthetic QA pairs, which we then used to fine-tune downstream models and improve domain-specific QA performance by 8.75 F1.

DeepKE: A Deep Learning Based Knowledge Extraction Toolkit for Knowledge Base Population
Ningyu Zhang | Xin Xu | Liankuan Tao | Haiyang Yu | Hongbin Ye | Shuofei Qiao | Xin Xie | Xiang Chen | Zhoubo Li | Lei Li

We present an open-source and extensible knowledge extraction toolkit DeepKE, supporting complicated low-resource, document-level and multimodal scenarios in the knowledge base population. DeepKE implements various information extraction tasks, including named entity recognition, relation extraction and attribute extraction. With a unified framework, DeepKE allows developers and researchers to customize datasets and models to extract information from unstructured data according to their requirements. Specifically, DeepKE not only provides various functional modules and model implementation for different tasks and scenarios but also organizes all components by consistent frameworks to maintain sufficient modularity and extensibility. We release the source code at GitHub in with Google Colab tutorials and comprehensive documents for beginners. Besides, we present an online system in for real-time extraction of various tasks, and a demo video.

AnEMIC: A Framework for Benchmarking ICD Coding Models
Juyong Kim | Abheesht Sharma | Suhas Shanbhogue | Jeremy Weiss | Pradeep Ravikumar

Diagnostic coding, or ICD coding, is the task of assigning diagnosis codes defined by the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) standard to patient visits based on clinical notes. The current process of manual ICD coding is time-consuming and often error-prone, which suggests the need for automatic ICD coding. However, despite the long history of automatic ICD coding, there have been no standardized frameworks for benchmarking ICD coding models. We open-source an easy-to-use tool named AnEMIC, which provides a streamlined pipeline for preprocessing, training, and evaluating for automatic ICD coding. We correct errors in preprocessing by existing works, and provide key models and weights trained on the correctly preprocessed datasets. We also provide an interactive demo performing real-time inference from custom inputs, and visualizations drawn from explainable AI to analyze the models. We hope the framework helps move the research of ICD coding forward and helps professionals explore the potential of ICD coding. The framework and the associated code are available here.

SPEAR : Semi-supervised Data Programming in Python
Guttu Abhishek | Harshad Ingole | Parth Laturia | Vineeth Dorna | Ayush Maheshwari | Ganesh Ramakrishnan | Rishabh Iyer

We present SPEAR, an open-source python library for data programming with semi supervision. The package implements several recent data programming approaches including facility to programmatically label and build training data. SPEAR facilitates weak supervision in the form of heuristics (or rules) and association of noisy labels to the training dataset. These noisy labels are aggregated to assign labels to the unlabeled data for downstream tasks. We have implemented several label aggregation approaches that aggregate the noisy labels and then train using the noisily labeled set in a cascaded manner. Our implementation also includes other approaches that jointly aggregate and train the model for text classification tasks. Thus, in our python package, we integrate several cascade and joint data-programming approaches while also providing the facility of data programming by letting the user define labeling functions or rules. The code and tutorial notebooks are available at Further, extensive documentation can be found at Video tutorials demonstrating the usage of our package are available We also present some real-world use cases of SPEAR.

Evaluate & Evaluation on the Hub: Better Best Practices for Data and Model Measurements
Leandro Von Werra | Lewis Tunstall | Abhishek Thakur | Sasha Luccioni | Tristan Thrush | Aleksandra Piktus | Felix Marty | Nazneen Rajani | Victor Mustar | Helen Ngo

Evaluation is a key part of machine learning (ML), yet there is a lack of support and tooling to enable its informed and systematic practice. We introduce Evaluate and Evaluation on the Hub—a set of tools to facilitate the evaluation of models and datasets in ML. Evaluate is a library to support best practices for measurements, metrics, and comparisons of data and models. Its goal is to support reproducibility of evaluation, centralize and document the evaluation process, and broaden evaluation to cover more facets of model performance. It includes over 50 efficient canonical implementations for a variety of domains and scenarios, interactive documentation, and the ability to easily share implementations and outcomes. The library is available at In addition, we introduce Evaluation on the Hub, a platform that enables the large-scale evaluation of over 75,000 models and 11,000 datasets on the Hugging Face Hub, for free, at the click of a button. Evaluation on the Hub is available at

KeywordScape: Visual Document Exploration using Contextualized Keyword Embeddings
Henrik Voigt | Monique Meuschke | Sina Zarrieß | Kai Lawonn

Although contextualized word embeddings have led to great improvements in automatic language understanding, their potential for practical applications in document exploration and visualization has been little explored. Common visualization techniques used for, e.g., model analysis usually provide simple scatter plots of token-level embeddings that do not provide insight into their contextual use. In this work, we propose KeywordScape, a visual exploration tool that allows to overview, summarize, and explore the semantic content of documents based on their keywords. While existing keyword-based exploration tools assume that keywords have static meanings, our tool represents keywords in terms of their contextualized embeddings. Our application visualizes these embeddings in a semantic landscape that represents keywords as islands on a spherical map. This keeps keywords with similar context close to each other, allowing for a more precise search and comparison of documents.

MedConQA: Medical Conversational Question Answering System based on Knowledge Graphs
Fei Xia | Bin Li | Yixuan Weng | Shizhu He | Kang Liu | Bin Sun | Shutao Li | Jun Zhao

The medical conversational system can relieve doctors’ burden and improve healthcare efficiency, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the existing medical dialogue systems have the problems of weak scalability, insufficient knowledge, and poor controllability. Thus, we propose a medical conversational question-answering (CQA) system based on the knowledge graph, namely MedConQA, which is designed as a pipeline framework to maintain high flexibility. Our system utilizes automated medical procedures, including medical triage, consultation, image-text drug recommendation, and record. Each module has been open-sourced as a tool, which can be used alone or in combination, with robust scalability. Besides, to conduct knowledge-grounded dialogues with users, we first construct a Chinese Medical Knowledge Graph (CMKG) and collect a large-scale Chinese Medical CQA (CMCQA) dataset, and we design a series of methods for reasoning more intellectually. Finally, we use several state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques to keep the final generated response more controllable, which is further assured by hospital and professional evaluations. We have open-sourced related code, datasets, web pages, and tools, hoping to advance future research.

Label Sleuth: From Unlabeled Text to a Classifier in a Few Hours
Eyal Shnarch | Alon Halfon | Ariel Gera | Marina Danilevsky | Yannis Katsis | Leshem Choshen | Martin Santillan Cooper | Dina Epelboim | Zheng Zhang | Dakuo Wang

Label Sleuth is an open source platform for building text classifiers which does not require coding skills nor machine learning knowledge.- Project website: []( Link to screencast video: []( AbstractText classification can be useful in many real-world scenarios, saving a lot of time for end users. However, building a classifier generally requires coding skills and ML knowledge, which poses a significant barrier for many potential users. To lift this barrier we introduce *Label Sleuth*, a free open source system for labeling and creating text classifiers. This system is unique for: - being a no-code system, making NLP accessible for non-experts. - guiding its users throughout the entire labeling process until they obtain their desired classifier, making the process efficient - from cold start to a classifier in a few hours. - being open for configuration and extension by developers. By open sourcing Label Sleuth we hope to build a community of users and developers that will widen the utilization of NLP models.

AGReE: A system for generating Automated Grammar Reading Exercises
Sophia Chan | Swapna Somasundaran | Debanjan Ghosh | Mengxuan Zhao

We describe the AGReE system, which takes user-submitted passages as input and automatically generates grammar practice exercises that can be completed while reading. Multiple-choice practice items are generated for a variety of different grammar constructs: punctuation, articles, conjunctions, pronouns, prepositions, verbs, and nouns. We also conducted a large-scale human evaluation with around 4,500 multiple-choice practice items. We notice for 95% of items, a majority of raters out of five were able to identify the correct answer, for 85% of cases, raters agree that there is only one correct answer among the choices. Finally, the error analysis shows that raters made the most mistakes for punctuation and conjunctions.

BotSIM: An End-to-End Bot Simulation Framework for Commercial Task-Oriented Dialog Systems
Guangsen Wang | Samson Tan | Shafiq Joty | Gang Wu | Jimmy Au | Steven C.h. Hoi

We present BotSIM, a data-efficient end-to-end Bot SIMulation framework for commercial task-oriented dialog (TOD) systems. BotSIM consists of three major components: 1) a Generator that can infer semantic-level dialog acts and entities from bot definitions and generate user queries via model-based paraphrasing; 2) an agenda-based dialog user Simulator (ABUS) to simulate conversations with the dialog agents; 3) a Remediator to analyze the simulated conversations, visualize the bot health reports and provide actionable remediation suggestions for bot troubleshooting and improvement. We demonstrate BotSIM’s effectiveness in end-to-end evaluation, remediation and multi-intent dialog generation via case studies on two commercial bot platforms. BotSIM’s “generation-simulation-remediation” paradigm accelerates the end-to-end bot evaluation and iteration process by: 1) reducing manual test cases creation efforts; 2) enabling a holistic gauge of the bot in terms of NLU and end-to-end performance via extensive dialog simulation; 3) improving the bot troubleshooting process with actionable suggestions. A demo of our system can be found at and a demo video at

DeepGen: Diverse Search Ad Generation and Real-Time Customization
Konstantin Golobokov | Junyi Chai | Victor Ye Dong | Mandy Gu | Bingyu Chi | Jie Cao | Yulan Yan | Yi Liu

Demo: present DeepGen, a system deployed at web scale for automatically creating sponsored search advertisements (ads) for BingAds customers. We leverage state-of-the-art natural language generation (NLG) models to generate fluent ads from advertiser’s web pages in an abstractive fashion and solve practical issues such as factuality and inference speed. In addition, our system creates a customized ad in real-time in response to the user’s search query, therefore highlighting different aspects of the same product based on what the user is looking for. To achieve this, our system generates a diverse choice of smaller pieces of the ad ahead of time and, at query time, selects the most relevant ones to be stitched into a complete ad. We improve generation diversity by training a controllable NLG model to generate multiple ads for the same web page highlighting different selling points. Our system design further improves diversity horizontally by first running an ensemble of generation models trained with different objectives and then using a diversity sampling algorithm to pick a diverse subset of generation results for online selection. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed system design. Our system is currently deployed in production, serving ~4% of global ads served in Bing.

ACCoRD: A Multi-Document Approach to Generating Diverse Descriptions of Scientific Concepts
Sonia Murthy | Kyle Lo | Daniel King | Chandra Bhagavatula | Bailey Kuehl | Sophie Johnson | Jonathan Borchardt | Daniel Weld | Tom Hope | Doug Downey

Systems that automatically define unfamiliar terms hold the promise of improving the accessibility of scientific texts, especially for readers who may lack prerequisite background knowledge. However, current systems assume a single “best” description per concept, which fails to account for the many ways a concept can be described. We present ACCoRD, an end-to-end system tackling the novel task of generating sets of descriptions of scientific concepts. Our system takes advantage of the myriad ways a concept is mentioned across the scientific literature to produce distinct, diverse descriptions oftarget concepts in terms of different reference concepts. In a user study, we find that users prefer (1) descriptions produced by our end-to-end system, and (2) multiple descriptions to a single “best” description. We release the ACCoRD corpus which includes 1,275 labeled contexts and 1,787 expert-authored concept descriptions to support research on our task.

Automatic Comment Generation for Chinese Student Narrative Essays
Zhexin Zhang | Jian Guan | Guowei Xu | Yixiang Tian | Minlie Huang

Automatic essay evaluation can help reduce teachers’ workload and enable students to refine their works rapidly. Previous studies focus mainly on giving discrete scores for either the holistic quality orseveral distinct traits. However, real-world teachers usually provide detailed comments in natural language, which are more informative than single scores. In this paper, we present the comment generation task, which aims to generate commentsfor specified segments from given student narrative essays. To tackle this task, we propose a planning-based generation model, which first plans a sequence of keywords, and then expands these keywords into a complete comment. To improve the correctness and informativeness of generated comments, we adopt two following techniques: (1) training an error correction module to filter out incorrect keywords, and (2) recognizing fine-grained structured features from source essays to enrich the keywords. To support the evaluation of the task, we collect a human-written Chinese dataset, which contains 22,399 essay-comment pairs. Extensive experiments show that our model outperforms strong baselines significantly. Moreover, we exert explicit control on our model to generate comments to describe the strengths or weaknesses of inputs with a 91% success rate. We deploy the model at A demo video is available at Our code and data are available at

MIC: A Multi-task Interactive Curation Tool
Shi Yu | Mingfeng Yang | Jerrod Parker | Stephen Brock

This paper introduces MIC, a Multi-task Interactive Curation tool, a human-machine collaborative curation tool for multiple NLP tasks. The tool aims to borrow recent advances in literature to solve pain-points in real NLP tasks. Firstly, it supports multiple projects with multiple users which enables collaborative annotations. Secondly, MIC allows easy integration of pre-trained models, rules, and dictionaries to auto label the text and speed up the labeling process. Thirdly, MIC supports annotation at different scales (span of characters and words, tokens and lines, or document) and different types (free text, sentence labels, entity labels, and relationship triplets) with easy GUI operations.

SUMMARY WORKBENCH: Unifying Application and Evaluation of Text Summarization Models
Shahbaz Syed | Dominik Schwabe | Martin Potthast

This paper presents Summary Workbench, a new tool for developing and evaluating text summarization models. New models and evaluation measures can be easily integrated as Docker-based plugins, allowing to examine the quality of their summaries against any input and to evaluate them using various evaluation measures. Visual analyses combining multiple measures provide insights into the models’ strengths and weaknesses. The tool is hosted at and also supports local deployment for private resources.

Arabic Word-level Readability Visualization for Assisted Text Simplification
Reem Hazim | Hind Saddiki | Bashar Alhafni | Muhamed Al Khalil | Nizar Habash

This demo paper presents a Google Docs add-on for automatic Arabic word-level readability visualization. The add-on includes a lemmatization component that is connected to a five-level readability lexicon and Arabic WordNet-based substitution suggestions. The add-on can be used for assessing the reading difficulty of a text and identifying difficult words as part of the task of manual text simplification. We make our add-on and its code publicly available.

LogiTorch: A PyTorch-based library for logical reasoning on natural language
Chadi Helwe | Chloé Clavel | Fabian Suchanek

Logical reasoning on natural language is one of the most challenging tasks for deep learning models. There has been an increasing interest in developing new benchmarks to evaluate the reasoning capabilities of language models such as BERT. In parallel, new models based on transformers have emerged to achieve ever better performance on these datasets. However, there is currently no library for logical reasoning that includes such benchmarks and models. This paper introduces LogiTorch, a PyTorch-based library that includes different logical reasoning benchmarks, different models, as well as utility functions such as co-reference resolution. This makes it easy to directly use the preprocessed datasets, to run the models, or to finetune them with different hyperparameters. LogiTorch is open source and can be found on GitHub.

stopes - Modular Machine Translation Pipelines
Pierre Andrews | Guillaume Wenzek | Kevin Heffernan | Onur Çelebi | Anna Sun | Ammar Kamran | Yingzhe Guo | Alexandre Mourachko | Holger Schwenk | Angela Fan

Neural machine translation, as other natural language deep learning applications, is hungry for data. As research evolves, the data pipelines supporting that research evolve too, oftentimes re-implementing the same core components. Despite the potential of modular codebases, researchers have but little time to put code structure and reusability first. Unfortunately, this makes it very hard to publish clean, reproducible code to benefit a wider audience. In this paper, we motivate and describe stopes , a framework that addresses these issues while empowering scalability and versatility for research use cases. This library was a key enabler of the No Language Left Behind project, establishing new state of the art performance for a multilingual machine translation model covering 200 languages. stopes and the pipelines described are released under the MIT license at

GEMv2: Multilingual NLG Benchmarking in a Single Line of Code
Sebastian Gehrmann | Abhik Bhattacharjee | Abinaya Mahendiran | Alex Wang | Alexandros Papangelis | Aman Madaan | Angelina Mcmillan-major | Anna Shvets | Ashish Upadhyay | Bernd Bohnet | Bingsheng Yao | Bryan Wilie | Chandra Bhagavatula | Chaobin You | Craig Thomson | Cristina Garbacea | Dakuo Wang | Daniel Deutsch | Deyi Xiong | Di Jin | Dimitra Gkatzia | Dragomir Radev | Elizabeth Clark | Esin Durmus | Faisal Ladhak | Filip Ginter | Genta Indra Winata | Hendrik Strobelt | Hiroaki Hayashi | Jekaterina Novikova | Jenna Kanerva | Jenny Chim | Jiawei Zhou | Jordan Clive | Joshua Maynez | João Sedoc | Juraj Juraska | Kaustubh Dhole | Khyathi Raghavi Chandu | Laura Perez Beltrachini | Leonardo F . R. Ribeiro | Lewis Tunstall | Li Zhang | Mahim Pushkarna | Mathias Creutz | Michael White | Mihir Sanjay Kale | Moussa Kamal Eddine | Nico Daheim | Nishant Subramani | Ondrej Dusek | Paul Pu Liang | Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi | Qi Zhu | Ratish Puduppully | Reno Kriz | Rifat Shahriyar | Ronald Cardenas | Saad Mahamood | Salomey Osei | Samuel Cahyawijaya | Sanja Štajner | Sebastien Montella | Shailza Jolly | Simon Mille | Tahmid Hasan | Tianhao Shen | Tosin Adewumi | Vikas Raunak | Vipul Raheja | Vitaly Nikolaev | Vivian Tsai | Yacine Jernite | Ying Xu | Yisi Sang | Yixin Liu | Yufang Hou

Evaluations in machine learning rarely use the latest metrics, datasets, or human evaluation in favor of remaining compatible with prior work. The compatibility, often facilitated through leaderboards, thus leads to outdated but standardized evaluation practices. We pose that the standardization is taking place in the wrong spot. Evaluation infrastructure should enable researchers to use the latest methods and what should be standardized instead is how to incorporate these new evaluation advances. We introduce GEMv2, the new version of the Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics Benchmark which uses a modular infrastructure for dataset, model, and metric developers to benefit from each other’s work. GEMv2 supports 40 documented datasets in 51 languages, ongoing online evaluation for all datasets, and our interactive tools make it easier to add new datasets to the living benchmark.

KGI: An Integrated Framework for Knowledge Intensive Language Tasks
Md Faisal Mahbub Chowdhury | Michael Glass | Gaetano Rossiello | Alfio Gliozzo | Nandana Mihindukulasooriya

In this paper, we present a system to showcase the capabilities of the latest state-of-the-art retrieval augmented generation models trained on knowledge-intensive language tasks, such as slot filling, open domain question answering, dialogue, and fact-checking. Moreover, given a user query, we show how the output from these different models can be combined to cross-examine the outputs of each other. Particularly, we show how accuracy in dialogue can be improved using the question answering model. We are also releasing all models used in the demo as a contribution of this paper. A short video demonstrating the system is available at

Twitter-Demographer: A Flow-based Tool to Enrich Twitter Data
Federico Bianchi | Vincenzo Cutrona | Dirk Hovy

Twitter data have become essential to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and social science research, driving various scientific discoveries in recent years. However, the textual data alone are often not enough to conduct studies: especially, social scientists need more variables to perform their analysis and control for various factors. How we augment this information, such as users’ location, age, or tweet sentiment, has ramifications for anonymity and reproducibility, and requires dedicated effort. This paper describes Twitter-Demographer, a simple, flow-based tool to enrich Twitter data with additional information about tweets and users. \tool is aimed at NLP practitioners, psycho-linguists, and (computational) social scientists who want to enrich their datasets with aggregated information, facilitating reproducibility, and providing algorithmic privacy-by-design measures for pseudo-anonymity. We discuss our design choices, inspired by the flow-based programming paradigm, to use black-box components that can easily be chained together and extended. We also analyze the ethical issues related to the use of this tool, and the built-in measures to facilitate pseudo-anonymity.

Azimuth: Systematic Error Analysis for Text Classification
Gabrielle Gauthier-melancon | Orlando Marquez Ayala | Lindsay Brin | Chris Tyler | Frederic Branchaud-charron | Joseph Marinier | Karine Grande | Di Le

We present Azimuth, an open-source and easy-to-use tool to perform error analysis for text classification. Compared to other stages of the ML development cycle, such as model training and hyper-parameter tuning, the process and tooling for the error analysis stage are less mature. However, this stage is critical for the development of reliable and trustworthy AI systems. To make error analysis more systematic, we propose an approach comprising dataset analysis and model quality assessment, which Azimuth facilitates. We aim to help AI practitioners discover and address areas where the model does not generalize by leveraging and integrating a range of ML techniques, such as saliency maps, similarity, uncertainty, and behavioral analyses, all in one tool. Our code and documentation are available at

SynKB: Semantic Search for Synthetic Procedures
Fan Bai | Alan Ritter | Peter Madrid | Dayne Freitag | John Niekrasz

In this paper we present SynKB, an open-source, automatically extracted knowledge base of chemical synthesis protocols. Similar to proprietary chemistry databases such as Reaxsys, SynKB allows chemists to retrieve structured knowledge about synthetic procedures. By taking advantage of recent advances in natural language processing for procedural texts, SynKB supports more flexible queries about reaction conditions, and thus has the potential to help chemists search the literature for conditions used in relevant reactions as they design new synthetic routes. Using customized Transformer models to automatically extract information from 6 million synthesis procedures described in U.S. and EU patents, we show that for many queries, SynKB has higher recall than Reaxsys, while maintaining high precision. We plan to make SynKB available as an open-source tool; in contrast, proprietary chemistry databases require costly subscriptions.

Camelira: An Arabic Multi-Dialect Morphological Disambiguator
Ossama Obeid | Go Inoue | Nizar Habash

We present Camelira, a web-based Arabic multi-dialect morphological disambiguation tool that covers four major variants of Arabic: Modern Standard Arabic, Egyptian, Gulf, and Levantine.Camelira offers a user-friendly web interface that allows researchers and language learners to explore various linguistic information, such as part-of-speech, morphological features, and lemmas. Our system also provides an option to automatically choose an appropriate dialect-specific disambiguator based on the prediction of a dialect identification component. Camelira is publicly accessible at

POTATO: The Portable Text Annotation Tool
Jiaxin Pei | Aparna Ananthasubramaniam | Xingyao Wang | Naitian Zhou | Apostolos Dedeloudis | Jackson Sargent | David Jurgens

We present POTATO, the Portable text annotation tool, a free, fully open-sourced annotation system that 1) supports labeling many types of text and multimodal data; 2) offers easy-to-configure features to maximize the productivity of both deployers and annotators (convenient templates for common ML/NLP tasks, active learning, keypress shortcuts, keyword highlights, tooltips); and 3) supports a high degree of customization (editable UI, inserting pre-screening questions, attention and qualification tests). Experiments over two annotation tasks suggest that POTATO improves labeling speed through its specially-designed productivity features, especially for long documents and complex tasks. POTATO is available at and will continue to be updated.

KGxBoard: Explainable and Interactive Leaderboard for Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Completion Models
Haris Widjaja | Kiril Gashteovski | Wiem Ben Rim | Pengfei Liu | Christopher Malon | Daniel Ruffinelli | Carolin Lawrence | Graham Neubig

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) store information in the form of (head, predicate, tail)-triples. To augment KGs with new knowledge, researchers proposed models for KG Completion (KGC) tasks such as link prediction; i.e., answering (h; p; ?) or (?; p; t) queries. Such models are usually evaluated with averaged metrics on a held-out test set. While useful for tracking progress, averaged single-score metrics cannotreveal what exactly a model has learned — or failed to learn. To address this issue, we propose KGxBoard: an interactive framework for performing fine-grained evaluation on meaningful subsets of the data, each of which tests individual and interpretable capabilities of a KGC model. In our experiments, we highlight the findings that we discovered with the use of KGxBoard, which would have been impossible to detect with standard averaged single-score metrics.

FALTE: A Toolkit for Fine-grained Annotation for Long Text Evaluation
Tanya Goyal | Junyi Jessy Li | Greg Durrett

A growing swath of NLP research is tackling problems related to generating long text, including tasks such as open-ended story generation, summarization, dialogue, and more. However, we currently lack appropriate tools to evaluate these long outputs of generation models: classic automatic metrics such as ROUGE have been shown to perform poorly, and newer learned metrics do not necessarily work wellfor all tasks and domains of text. Human rating and error analysis remains a crucial component for any evaluation of long text generation. In this paper, we introduce FALTE, a web-based annotation toolkit designed to address this shortcoming. Our tool allows researchers to collect fine-grained judgments of text quality from crowdworkers using an error taxonomy specific to the downstream task. Using the taskinterface, annotators can select and assign error labels to text span selections in an incremental paragraph-level annotation workflow. The latter functionality is designed to simplify the document-level task into smaller units and reduce cognitive load on the annotators. Our tool has previously been used to run a large-scale annotation study that evaluates the coherence of long generated summaries, demonstrating its utility.

SEAL: Interactive Tool for Systematic Error Analysis and Labeling
Nazneen Rajani | Weixin Liang | Lingjiao Chen | Margaret Mitchell | James Zou

With the advent of Transformers, large language models (LLMs) have saturated well-known NLP benchmarks and leaderboards with high aggregate performance. However, many times these models systematically fail on tail data or rare groups not obvious in aggregate evaluation. Identifying such problematic data groups is even more challenging when there are no explicit labels (e.g., ethnicity, gender, etc.) and further compounded for NLP datasets due to the lack of visual features to characterize failure modes (e.g., Asian males, animals indoors, waterbirds on land etc.). This paper introduces an interactive Systematic Error Analysis and Labeling (SEAL) tool that uses a two-step approach to first identify high-error slices of data and then, in the second step, introduce methods to give human-understandable semantics to those underperforming slices. We explore a variety of methods for coming up with coherent semantics for the error groups using language models for semantic labeling and a text-to-image model for generating visual features.SEAL is available at

Hands-On Interactive Neuro-Symbolic NLP with DRaiL
Maria Leonor Pacheco | Shamik Roy | Dan Goldwasser

We recently introduced DRaiL, a declarative neural-symbolic modeling framework designed to support a wide variety of NLP scenarios. In this paper, we enhance DRaiL with an easy to use Python interface, equipped with methods to define, modify and augment DRaiL models interactively, as well as with methods to debug and visualize the predictions made. We demonstrate this interface with a challenging NLP task: predicting sentence and entity level moral sentiment in political tweets.

Paraphrastic Representations at Scale
John Wieting | Kevin Gimpel | Graham Neubig | Taylor Berg-kirkpatrick

We present a system that allows users to train their own state-of-the-art paraphrastic sentence representations in a variety of languages. We release trained models for English, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Turkish, and Chinese. We train these models on large amounts of data, achieving significantly improved performance from our original papers on a suite of monolingual semantic similarity, cross-lingual semantic similarity, and bitext mining tasks. Moreover, the resulting models surpass all prior work on efficient unsupervised semantic textual similarity, even significantly outperforming supervised BERT-based models like Sentence-BERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019). Most importantly, our models are orders of magnitude faster than other strong similarity models and can be used on CPU with little difference in inference speed (even improved speed over GPU when using more CPU cores), making these models an attractive choice for users without access to GPUs or for use on embedded devices. Finally, we add significantly increased functionality to the code bases for training paraphrastic sentence models, easing their use for both inference and for training them for any desired language with parallel data. We also include code to automatically download and preprocess training data.

Snoopy: An Online Interface for Exploring the Effect of Pretraining Term Frequencies on Few-Shot LM Performance
Yasaman Razeghi | Raja Sekhar Reddy Mekala | Robert L Logan Iv | Matt Gardner | Sameer Singh

Current evaluation schemes for large language models often fail to consider the impact of the overlap between pretraining corpus and test data on model performance statistics. Snoopy is an online interface that allows researchers to study this impact in few-shot learning settings. Our demo provides term frequency statistics for the Pile, which is an 800 GB corpus, accompanied by the precomputed performance of EleutherAI/GPT models on more than 20 NLP benchmarks, including numerical, commonsense reasoning, natural language understanding, and question-answering tasks. Snoopy allows a user to interactively align specific terms in test instances with their frequency in the Pile, enabling exploratory analysis of how term frequency is related to the accuracy of the models, which are hard to discover through automated means. A user can look at correlations over various model sizes and numbers of in-context examples and visualize the result across multiple (potentially aggregated) datasets. Using Snoopy, we show that a researcher can quickly replicate prior analyses for numerical tasks, while simultaneously allowing for much more expansive exploration that was previously challenging. Snoopy is available at

BMCook: A Task-agnostic Compression Toolkit for Big Models
Zhengyan Zhang | Baitao Gong | Yingfa Chen | Xu Han | Guoyang Zeng | Weilin Zhao | Yanxu Chen | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun

Recently, pre-trained language models (PLMs) have achieved great success on various NLP tasks and have shown a trend of exponential growth in model size. To alleviate the unaffordable computational costs brought by the size growth, model compression has been widely explored. Existing efforts have achieved promising results in compressing medium-sized models for specific tasks, while task-agnostic compression for big models with over billions of parameters is rarely studied. Task-agnostic compression can provide an efficient and versatile big model for both prompting and delta tuning, leading to a more general impact than task-specific compression. Hence, we introduce a task-agnostic compression toolkit BMCook for big models. In BMCook, we implement four representative compression methods, including quantization, pruning, distillation, and MoEfication. Developers can easily combine these methods towards better efficiency. To evaluate BMCook, we apply it to compress T5-3B (a PLM with 3 billion parameters). We achieve nearly 12x efficiency improvement while maintaining over 97% of the original T5-3B performance on three typical NLP benchmarks. Moreover, the final compressed model also significantly outperforms T5-base (a PLM with 220 million parameters), which has a similar computational cost. BMCook is publicly available at

ALToolbox: A Set of Tools for Active Learning Annotation of Natural Language Texts
Akim Tsvigun | Leonid Sanochkin | Daniil Larionov | Gleb Kuzmin | Artem Vazhentsev | Ivan Lazichny | Nikita Khromov | Danil Kireev | Aleksandr Rubashevskii | Olga Shahmatova | Dmitry V. Dylov | Igor Galitskiy | Artem Shelmanov

We present ALToolbox – an open-source framework for active learning (AL) annotation in natural language processing. Currently, the framework supports text classification, sequence tagging, and seq2seq tasks. Besides state-of-the-art query strategies, ALToolbox provides a set of tools that help to reduce computational overhead and duration of AL iterations and increase annotated data reusability. The framework aims to support data scientists and researchers by providing an easy-to-deploy GUI annotation tool directly in the Jupyter IDE and an extensible benchmark for novel AL methods. We prepare a small demonstration of ALToolbox capabilities available online. The code of the framework is published under the MIT license.

TextBox 2.0: A Text Generation Library with Pre-trained Language Models
Tianyi Tang | Junyi Li | Zhipeng Chen | Yiwen Hu | Zhuohao Yu | Wenxun Dai | Wayne Xin Zhao | Jian-yun Nie | Ji-rong Wen

To facilitate research on text generation, this paper presents a comprehensive and unified library, TextBox 2.0, focusing on the use of pre-trained language models (PLMs). To be comprehensive, our library covers 13 common text generation tasks and their corresponding 83 datasets and further incorporates 45 PLMs covering general, translation, Chinese, dialogue, controllable, distilled, prompting, and lightweight PLMs. We also implement 4 efficient training strategies and provide 4 generation objectives for pre-training new PLMs from scratch. To be unified, we design the interfaces to support the entire research pipeline (from data loading to training and evaluation), ensuring that each step can be fulfilled in a unified way. Despite the rich functionality, it is easy to use our library, either through the friendly Python API or command line. To validate the effectiveness of our library, we conduct extensive experiments and exemplify four types of research scenarios. The project is released at the link: