ProGene - A Large-scale, High-Quality Protein-Gene Annotated Benchmark Corpus
Erik Faessler
Luise Modersohn
Christina Lohr
Udo Hahn
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Genes and proteins constitute the fundamental entities of molecular genetics. We here introduce ProGene (formerly called FSU-PRGE), a corpus that reflects our efforts to cope with this important class of named entities within the framework of a long-lasting large-scale annotation campaign at the Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab. We assembled the entire corpus from 11 subcorpora covering various biological domains to achieve an overall subdomain-independent corpus. It consists of 3,308 MEDLINE abstracts with over 36k sentences and more than 960k tokens annotated with nearly 60k named entity mentions. Two annotators strove for carefully assigning entity mentions to classes of genes/proteins as well as families/groups, complexes, variants and enumerations of those where genes and proteins are represented by a single class. The main purpose of the corpus is to provide a large body of consistent and reliable annotations for supervised training and evaluation of machine learning algorithms in this relevant domain. Furthermore, we provide an evaluation of two state-of-the-art baseline systems — BioBert and flair — on the ProGene corpus. We make the evaluation datasets and the trained models available to encourage comparable evaluations of new methods in the future.
Semedico: A Comprehensive Semantic Search Engine for the Life Sciences
Erik Faessler
Udo Hahn
Proceedings of ACL 2017, System Demonstrations
UIMA-Based JCoRe 2.0 Goes GitHub and Maven Central ― State-of-the-Art Software Resource Engineering and Distribution of NLP Pipelines
Udo Hahn
Franz Matthies
Erik Faessler
Johannes Hellrich
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
We introduce JCoRe 2.0, the relaunch of a UIMA-based open software repository for full-scale natural language processing originating from the Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab. In an attempt to put the new release of JCoRe on firm software engineering ground, we uploaded it to GitHub, a social coding platform, with an underlying source code versioning system and various means to support collaboration for software development and code modification management. In order to automate the builds of complex NLP pipelines and properly represent and track dependencies of the underlying Java code, we incorporated Maven as part of our software configuration management efforts. In the meantime, we have deployed our artifacts on Maven Central, as well. JCoRe 2.0 offers a broad range of text analytics functionality (mostly) for English-language scientific abstracts and full-text articles, especially from the life sciences domain.
Disclose Models, Hide the Data - How to Make Use of Confidential Corpora without Seeing Sensitive Raw Data
Erik Faessler
Johannes Hellrich
Udo Hahn
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Confidential corpora from the medical, enterprise, security or intelligence domains often contain sensitive raw data which lead to severe restrictions as far as the public accessibility and distribution of such language resources are concerned. The enforcement of strict mechanisms of data protection consitutes a serious barrier for progress in language technology (products) in such domains, since these data are extremely rare or even unavailable for scientists and developers not directly involved in the creation and maintenance of such resources. In order to by-pass this problem, we here propose to distribute trained language models which were derived from such resources as a substitute for the original confidential raw data which remain hidden to the outside world. As an example, we exploit the access-protected German-language medical FRAMED corpus from which we generate and distribute models for sentence splitting, tokenization and POS tagging based on software taken from OPENNLP, NLTK and JCORE, our own UIMA-based text analytics pipeline.
Iterative Refinement and Quality Checking of Annotation Guidelines — How to Deal Effectively with Semantically Sloppy Named Entity Types, such as Pathological Phenomena
Udo Hahn
Elena Beisswanger
Ekaterina Buyko
Erik Faessler
Jenny Traumüller
Susann Schröder
Kerstin Hornbostel
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
We here discuss a methodology for dealing with the annotation of semantically hard to delineate, i.e., sloppy, named entity types. To illustrate sloppiness of entities, we treat an example from the medical domain, namely pathological phenomena. Based on our experience with iterative guideline refinement we propose to carefully characterize the thematic scope of the annotation by positive and negative coding lists and allow for alternative, short vs. long mention span annotations. Short spans account for canonical entity mentions (e.g., standardized disease names), while long spans cover descriptive text snippets which contain entity-specific elaborations (e.g., anatomical locations, observational details, etc.). Using this stratified approach, evidence for increasing annotation performance is provided by kappa-based inter-annotator agreement measurements over several, iterative annotation rounds using continuously refined guidelines. The latter reflects the increasing understanding of the sloppy entity class both from the perspective of guideline writers and users (annotators). Given our data, we have gathered evidence that we can deal with sloppiness in a controlled manner and expect inter-annotator agreement values around 80% for PathoJen, the pathological phenomena corpus currently under development in our lab.
A Proposal for a Configurable Silver Standard
Udo Hahn
Katrin Tomanek
Elena Beisswanger
Erik Faessler
Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Event Extraction from Trimmed Dependency Graphs
Ekaterina Buyko
Erik Faessler
Joachim Wermter
Udo Hahn
Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task