Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation (MSR 2019)

Simon Mille, Anja Belz, Bernd Bohnet, Yvette Graham, Leo Wanner (Editors)

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Hong Kong, China
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation (MSR 2019)
Simon Mille | Anja Belz | Bernd Bohnet | Yvette Graham | Leo Wanner

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The Second Multilingual Surface Realisation Shared Task (SR’19): Overview and Evaluation Results
Simon Mille | Anja Belz | Bernd Bohnet | Yvette Graham | Leo Wanner

We report results from the SR’19 Shared Task, the second edition of a multilingual surface realisation task organised as part of the EMNLP’19 Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation. As in SR’18, the shared task comprised two tracks with different levels of complexity: (a) a shallow track where the inputs were full UD structures with word order information removed and tokens lemmatised; and (b) a deep track where additionally, functional words and morphological information were removed. The shallow track was offered in eleven, and the deep track in three languages. Systems were evaluated (a) automatically, using a range of intrinsic metrics, and (b) by human judges in terms of readability and meaning similarity. This report presents the evaluation results, along with descriptions of the SR’19 tracks, data and evaluation methods. For full descriptions of the participating systems, please see the separate system reports elsewhere in this volume.

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Learning to Order Graph Elements with Application to Multilingual Surface Realization
Wenchao Du | Alan W Black

Recent advances in deep learning have shown promises in solving complex combinatorial optimization problems, such as sorting variable-sized sequences. In this work, we take a step further and tackle the problem of ordering the elements of sequences that come with graph structures. Our solution adopts an encoder-decoder framework, in which the encoder is a graph neural network that learns the representation for each element, and the decoder predicts the ordering of each local neighborhood of the graph in turn. We apply our framework to multilingual surface realization, which is the task of ordering and completing sentences with their dependency parses given but without the ordering of words. Experiments show that our approach is much better for this task than prior works that do not consider graph structures. We participated in 2019 Surface Realization Shared Task (SR’19), and we ranked second out of 14 teams while outperforming those teams below by a large margin.

DepDist: Surface realization via regex and learned dependency-distance tolerance
William Dyer

This paper describes a method of inflecting and linearizing a lemmatized dependency tree by: (1) determining a regular expression and substitution to describe each productive wordform rule; (2) learning the dependency distance tolerance for each head-dependent pair, resulting in an edge-weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG); and (3) topologically sorting the DAG into a surface realization based on edge weight. The method’s output for 11 languages across 18 treebanks is competitive with the other submissions to the Second Multilingual Surface Realization Shared Task (SR ‘19).

BME-UW at SRST-2019: Surface realization with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars
Ádám Kovács | Evelin Ács | Judit Ács | Andras Kornai | Gábor Recski

The Surface Realization Shared Task involves mapping Universal Dependency graphs to raw text, i.e. restoring word order and inflection from a graph of typed, directed dependencies between lemmas. Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars (IRTGs) encode the correspondence between generations in multiple algebras, and have previously been used for semantic parsing from raw text. Our system induces an IRTG for simultaneously building pairs of surface forms and UD graphs in the SRST training data, then prunes this grammar for each UD graph in the test data for efficient parsing and generation of the surface ordering of lemmas. For the inflection step we use a standard sequence-to-sequence model with a biLSTM encoder and an LSTM decoder with attention. Both components of our system are available on GitHub under an MIT license.

Realizing Universal Dependencies Structures
Guy Lapalme

We first describe a surface realizer forUniversal Dependencies (UD) structures. The system uses a symbolic approach to transform the dependency tree into a tree of constituents that is transformed into an English sentence by an existing realizer. This approach was then adapted for the two shared tasks of SR’19. The system is quite fast and showed competitive results for English sentences using automatic and manual evaluation measures.

IMSurReal: IMS at the Surface Realization Shared Task 2019
Xiang Yu | Agnieszka Falenska | Marina Haid | Ngoc Thang Vu | Jonas Kuhn

We introduce the IMS contribution to the Surface Realization Shared Task 2019. Our submission achieves the state-of-the-art performance without using any external resources. The system takes a pipeline approach consisting of five steps: linearization, completion, inflection, contraction, and detokenization. We compare the performance of our linearization algorithm with two external baselines and report results for each step in the pipeline. Furthermore, we perform detailed error analysis revealing correlation between word order freedom and difficulty of the linearization task.

Surface Realization Shared Task 2019 (MSR19): The Team 6 Approach
Thiago Castro Ferreira | Emiel Krahmer

This study describes the approach developed by the Tilburg University team to the shallow track of the Multilingual Surface Realization Shared Task 2019 (SR’19) (Mille et al., 2019). Based on Ferreira et al. (2017) and on our 2018 submission Ferreira et al. (2018), the approach generates texts by first preprocessing an input dependency tree into an ordered linearized string, which is then realized using a rule-based and a statistical machine translation (SMT) model. This year our submission is able to realize texts in the 11 languages proposed for the task, different from our last year submission, which covered only 6 Indo-European languages. The model is publicly available.

The Concordia NLG Surface Realizer at SRST 2019
Farhood Farahnak | Laya Rafiee | Leila Kosseim | Thomas Fevens

This paper presents the model we developed for the shallow track of the 2019 NLG Surface Realization Shared Task. The model reconstructs sentences whose word order and word inflections were removed. We divided the problem into two sub-problems: reordering and inflecting. For the purpose of reordering, we used a pointer network integrated with a transformer model as its encoder-decoder modules. In order to generate the inflected forms of tokens, a Feed Forward Neural Network was employed.

The OSU/Facebook Realizer for SRST 2019: Seq2Seq Inflection and Serialized Tree2Tree Linearization
Kartikeya Upasani | David King | Jinfeng Rao | Anusha Balakrishnan | Michael White

We describe our exploratory system for the shallow surface realization task, which combines morphological inflection using character sequence-to-sequence models with a baseline linearizer that implements a tree-to-tree model using sequence-to-sequence models on serialized trees. Results for morphological inflection were competitive across languages. Due to time constraints, we could only submit complete results (including linearization) for English. Preliminary linearization results were decent, with a small benefit from reranking to prefer valid output trees, but inadequate control over the words in the output led to poor quality on longer sentences.

Improving Language Generation from Feature-Rich Tree-Structured Data with Relational Graph Convolutional Encoders
Xudong Hong | Ernie Chang | Vera Demberg

The Multilingual Surface Realization Shared Task 2019 focuses on generating sentences from lemmatized sets of universal dependency parses with rich features. This paper describes the results of our participation in the deep track. The core innovation in our approach is to use a graph convolutional network to encode the dependency trees given as input. Upon adding morphological features, our system achieves the third rank without using data augmentation techniques or additional components (such as a re-ranker).

The DipInfoUniTo Realizer at SRST’19: Learning to Rank and Deep Morphology Prediction for Multilingual Surface Realization
Alessandro Mazzei | Valerio Basile

We describe the system presented at the SR’19 shared task by the DipInfoUnito team. Our approach is based on supervised machine learning. In particular, we divide the SR task into two independent subtasks, namely word order prediction and morphology inflection prediction. Two neural networks with different architectures run on the same input structure, each producing a partial output which is recombined in the final step in order to produce the predicted surface form. This work is a direct successor of the architecture presented at SR’19.

LORIA / Lorraine University at Multilingual Surface Realisation 2019
Anastasia Shimorina | Claire Gardent

This paper presents the LORIA / Lorraine University submission at the Multilingual Surface Realisation shared task 2019 for the shallow track. We outline our approach and evaluate it on 11 languages covered by the shared task. We provide a separate evaluation of each component of our pipeline, concluding on some difficulties and suggesting directions for future work.

Back-Translation as Strategy to Tackle the Lack of Corpus in Natural Language Generation from Semantic Representations
Marco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo | Simon Mille | Thiago Pardo

This paper presents an exploratory study that aims to evaluate the usefulness of back-translation in Natural Language Generation (NLG) from semantic representations for non-English languages. Specifically, Abstract Meaning Representation and Brazilian Portuguese (BP) are chosen as semantic representation and language, respectively. Two methods (focused on Statistical and Neural Machine Translation) are evaluated on two datasets (one automatically generated and another one human-generated) to compare the performance in a real context. Also, several cuts according to quality measures are performed to evaluate the importance (or not) of the data quality in NLG. Results show that there are still many improvements to be made but this is a promising approach.