Yixiao Ma


CaseEncoder: A Knowledge-enhanced Pre-trained Model for Legal Case Encoding
Yixiao Ma | Yueyue Wu | Weihang Su | Qingyao Ai | Yiqun Liu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Legal case retrieval is a critical process for modern legal information systems. While recent studies have utilized pre-trained language models (PLMs) based on the general domain self-supervised pre-training paradigm to build models for legal case retrieval, there are limitations in using general domain PLMs as backbones. Specifically, these models may not fully capture the underlying legal features in legal case documents. To address this issue, we propose CaseEncoder, a legal document encoder that leverages fine-grained legal knowledge in both the data sampling and pre-training phases. In the data sampling phase, we enhance the quality of the training data by utilizing fine-grained law article information to guide the selection of positive and negative examples. In the pre-training phase, we design legal-specific pre-training tasks that align with the judging criteria of relevant legal cases. Based on these tasks, we introduce an innovative loss function called Biased Circle Loss to enhance the model’s ability to recognize case relevance in fine grains. Experimental results on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that CaseEncoder significantly outperforms both existing general pre-training models and legal-specific pre-training models in zero-shot legal case retrieval. The source code of CaseEncoder can be found at https://github.com/Anonymous-EMNLP2023/CaseEncoder.


CH-SIMS: A Chinese Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Dataset with Fine-grained Annotation of Modality
Wenmeng Yu | Hua Xu | Fanyang Meng | Yilin Zhu | Yixiao Ma | Jiele Wu | Jiyun Zou | Kaicheng Yang
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Previous studies in multimodal sentiment analysis have used limited datasets, which only contain unified multimodal annotations. However, the unified annotations do not always reflect the independent sentiment of single modalities and limit the model to capture the difference between modalities. In this paper, we introduce a Chinese single- and multi-modal sentiment analysis dataset, CH-SIMS, which contains 2,281 refined video segments in the wild with both multimodal and independent unimodal annotations. It allows researchers to study the interaction between modalities or use independent unimodal annotations for unimodal sentiment analysis. Furthermore, we propose a multi-task learning framework based on late fusion as the baseline. Extensive experiments on the CH-SIMS show that our methods achieve state-of-the-art performance and learn more distinctive unimodal representations. The full dataset and codes are available for use at https://github.com/thuiar/MMSA.