Yibin Lei


Corpus-Steered Query Expansion with Large Language Models
Yibin Lei | Yu Cao | Tianyi Zhou | Tao Shen | Andrew Yates
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Recent studies demonstrate that query expansions generated by large language models (LLMs) can considerably enhance information retrieval systems by generating hypothetical documents that answer the queries as expansions. However, challenges arise from misalignments between the expansions and the retrieval corpus, resulting in issues like hallucinations and outdated information due to the limited intrinsic knowledge of LLMs. Inspired by Pseudo Relevance Feedback (PRF), we introduce Corpus-Steered Query Expansion (CSQE) to promote the incorporation of knowledge embedded within the corpus. CSQE utilizes the relevance assessing capability of LLMs to systematically identify pivotal sentences in the initially-retrieved documents. These corpus-originated texts are subsequently used to expand the query together with LLM-knowledge empowered expansions, improving the relevance prediction between the query and the target documents. Extensive experiments reveal that CSQE exhibits strong performance without necessitating any training, especially with queries for which LLMs lack knowledge.


Unsupervised Dense Retrieval with Relevance-Aware Contrastive Pre-Training
Yibin Lei | Liang Ding | Yu Cao | Changtong Zan | Andrew Yates | Dacheng Tao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Dense retrievers have achieved impressive performance, but their demand for abundant training data limits their application scenarios. Contrastive pre-training, which constructs pseudo-positive examples from unlabeled data, has shown great potential to solve this problem. However, the pseudo-positive examples crafted by data augmentations can be irrelevant. To this end, we propose relevance-aware contrastive learning. It takes the intermediate-trained model itself as an imperfect oracle to estimate the relevance of positive pairs and adaptively weighs the contrastive loss of different pairs according to the estimated relevance. Our method consistently improves the SOTA unsupervised Contriever model on the BEIR and open-domain QA retrieval benchmarks. Further exploration shows that our method can not only beat BM25 after further pre-training on the target corpus but also serves as a good few-shot learner. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Yibin-Lei/ReContriever.


Phrase-level Textual Adversarial Attack with Label Preservation
Yibin Lei | Yu Cao | Dianqi Li | Tianyi Zhou | Meng Fang | Mykola Pechenizkiy
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Generating high-quality textual adversarial examples is critical for investigating the pitfalls of natural language processing (NLP) models and further promoting their robustness. Existing attacks are usually realized through word-level or sentence-level perturbations, which either limit the perturbation space or sacrifice fluency and textual quality, both affecting the attack effectiveness. In this paper, we propose Phrase-Level Textual Adversarial ATtack (PLAT) that generates adversarial samples through phrase-level perturbations. PLAT first extracts the vulnerable phrases as attack targets by a syntactic parser, and then perturbs them by a pre-trained blank-infilling model. Such flexible perturbation design substantially expands the search space for more effective attacks without introducing too many modifications, and meanwhile maintaining the textual fluency and grammaticality via contextualized generation using surrounding texts. Moreover, we develop a label preservation filter leveraging the likelihoods of language models fine-tuned on each class, rather than textual similarity, to rule out those perturbations that potentially alter the original class label for humans. Extensive experiments and human evaluation demonstrate that PLAT has a superior attack effectiveness as well as a better label consistency than strong baselines.