Thanh Tran


Contrastive Visual and Language Learning for Visual Relationship Detection
Thanh Tran | Maelic Neau | Paulo Santos | David Powers
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association

Visual Relationship Detection aims to understand real-world objects’ interactions by grounding visual concepts to compositional visual relation triples, written in the form of (subject, predicate, object). Previous works have explored the use of contrastive learning to implicitly predict the predicates from the relevant image regions. However, these models often directly leverage in-distribution spatial and language co-occurrences biases during training, preventing the models from generalizing to out-of-distribution compositions. In this work, we examine whether contrastive vision and language models pre-trained on large-scale external image and text dataset can assist the detection of compositional visual relationships. To this end, we propose a semi-supervised contrastive fine-tuning approach for the visual relationship detection task. The results show that fine-tuned models that were pre-trained on larger datasets do not yield better performance when performing visual relationship detection, and larger models can yield lower performance when compared with their smaller counterparts.


HABERTOR: An Efficient and Effective Deep Hatespeech Detector
Thanh Tran | Yifan Hu | Changwei Hu | Kevin Yen | Fei Tan | Kyumin Lee | Se Rim Park
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We present our HABERTOR model for detecting hatespeech in large scale user-generated content. Inspired by the recent success of the BERT model, we propose several modifications to BERT to enhance the performance on the downstream hatespeech classification task. HABERTOR inherits BERT’s architecture, but is different in four aspects: (i) it generates its own vocabularies and is pre-trained from the scratch using the largest scale hatespeech dataset; (ii) it consists of Quaternion-based factorized components, resulting in a much smaller number of parameters, faster training and inferencing, as well as less memory usage; (iii) it uses our proposed multi-source ensemble heads with a pooling layer for separate input sources, to further enhance its effectiveness; and (iv) it uses a regularized adversarial training with our proposed fine-grained and adaptive noise magnitude to enhance its robustness. Through experiments on the large-scale real-world hatespeech dataset with 1.4M annotated comments, we show that HABERTOR works better than 15 state-of-the-art hatespeech detection methods, including fine-tuning Language Models. In particular, comparing with BERT, our HABERTOR is 4 5 times faster in the training/inferencing phase, uses less than 1/3 of the memory, and has better performance, even though we pre-train it by using less than 1% of the number of words. Our generalizability analysis shows that HABERTOR transfers well to other unseen hatespeech datasets and is a more efficient and effective alternative to BERT for the hatespeech classification.