Stanley Jungkyu Choi


Local Temperature Beam Search: Avoid Neural Text DeGeneration via Enhanced Calibration
Dongkyu Lee | Gyeonghun Kim | Janghoon Han | Taesuk Hong | Yi-Reun Kim | Stanley Jungkyu Choi | Nevin L. Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Previous studies have constantly observed that a language model repeats itself, creating repetitions in an output sequence. To cope with the issue, stochastic decoding schemes have been the de facto approaches; the strategies add randomness in inference, hence avoiding the “self-loop”. However, the remedy comes at the cost of sacrificing output quality due to the randomness involved. In this work, we introduce a deterministic decoding scheme, local temperature beam search. This inference algorithm is an embarrassingly simple variant of beam search, yet it reduces repetition, whose level is superior to that of a sampling-based decoding algorithm, while maintaining the level of coherence as in beam search. Our idea is rooted in the concept of model calibration; we view a repetition as a casualty from overconfidence in a model. Therefore, our work mitigates the miscalibration present in the course of inference with a post-calibration approach applied in beam-specific manner. Our inference scheme is validated on text completion tasks, in which the repetition problem is seen most clearly, and is exhaustively compared with existing inference schemes.


Extrofitting: Enriching Word Representation and its Vector Space with Semantic Lexicons
Hwiyeol Jo | Stanley Jungkyu Choi
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP

We propose post-processing method for enriching not only word representation but also its vector space using semantic lexicons, which we call extrofitting. The method consists of 3 steps as follows: (i) Expanding 1 or more dimension(s) on all the word vectors, filling with their representative value. (ii) Transferring semantic knowledge by averaging each representative values of synonyms and filling them in the expanded dimension(s). These two steps make representations of the synonyms close together. (iii) Projecting the vector space using Linear Discriminant Analysis, which eliminates the expanded dimension(s) with semantic knowledge. When experimenting with GloVe, we find that our method outperforms Faruqui’s retrofitting on some of word similarity task. We also report further analysis on our method in respect to word vector dimensions, vocabulary size as well as other well-known pretrained word vectors (e.g., Word2Vec, Fasttext).