Pradyumna Gupta


DSC-IITISM at FinCausal 2021: Combining POS tagging with Attention-based Contextual Representations for Identifying Causal Relationships in Financial Documents
Gunjan Haldar | Aman Mittal | Pradyumna Gupta
Proceedings of the 3rd Financial Narrative Processing Workshop


DSC IIT-ISM at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Bi-Fusion Techniques for Deep Meme Emotion Analysis
Pradyumna Gupta | Himanshu Gupta | Aman Sinha
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

Memes have become an ubiquitous social media entity and the processing and analysis of such multimodal data is currently an active area of research. This paper presents our work on the Memotion Analysis shared task of SemEval 2020, which involves the sentiment and humor analysis of memes. We propose a system which uses different bimodal fusion techniques to leverage the inter-modal dependency for sentiment and humor classification tasks. Out of all our experiments, the best system improved the baseline with macro F1 scores of 0.357 on Sentiment Classification (Task A), 0.510 on Humor Classification (Task B) and 0.312 on Scales of Semantic Classes (Task C).

MIDAS at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Emphasis Selection Using Label Distribution Learning and Contextual Embeddings
Sarthak Anand | Pradyumna Gupta | Hemant Yadav | Debanjan Mahata | Rakesh Gosangi | Haimin Zhang | Rajiv Ratn Shah
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper presents our submission to the SemEval 2020 - Task 10 on emphasis selection in written text. We approach this emphasis selection problem as a sequence labeling task where we represent the underlying text with various contextual embedding models. We also employ label distribution learning to account for annotator disagreements. We experiment with the choice of model architectures, trainability of layers, and different contextual embeddings. Our best performing architecture is an ensemble of different models, which achieved an overall matching score of 0.783, placing us 15th out of 31 participating teams. Lastly, we analyze the results in terms of parts of speech tags, sentence lengths, and word ordering.