Navneet Agarwal


Analysing relevance of Discourse Structure for Improved Mental Health Estimation
Navneet Agarwal | Gaël Dias | Sonia Dollfus
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (CLPsych 2024)

Automated depression estimation has received significant research attention in recent years as a result of its growing impact on the global community. Within the context of studies based on patient-therapist interview transcripts, most researchers treat the dyadic discourse as a sequence of unstructured sentences, thus ignoring the discourse structure within the learning process. In this paper we propose Multi-view architectures that divide the input transcript into patient and therapist views based on sentence type in an attempt to utilize symmetric discourse structure for improved model performance. Experiments on DAIC-WOZ dataset for binary classification task within depression estimation show advantages of Multi-view architecture over sequential input representations. Our model also outperforms the current state-of-the-art results and provide new SOTA performance on test set of DAIC-WOZ dataset.


Calvados at MEDIQA-Chat 2023: Improving Clinical Note Generation with Multi-Task Instruction Finetuning
Kirill Milintsevich | Navneet Agarwal
Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

This paper presents our system for the MEDIQA-Chat 2023 shared task on medical conversation summarization. Our approach involves finetuning a LongT5 model on multiple tasks simultaneously, which we demonstrate improves the model’s overall performance while reducing the number of factual errors and hallucinations in the generated summary. Furthermore, we investigated the effect of augmenting the data with in-text annotations from a clinical named entity recognition model, finding that this approach decreased summarization quality. Lastly, we explore using different text generation strategies for medical note generation based on the length of the note. Our findings suggest that the application of our proposed approach can be beneficial for improving the accuracy and effectiveness of medical conversation summarization.