Mohammad Javad Dousti


PMI-Align: Word Alignment With Point-Wise Mutual Information Without Requiring Parallel Training Data
Fatemeh Azadi | Heshaam Faili | Mohammad Javad Dousti
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Word alignment has many applications including cross-lingual annotation projection, bilingual lexicon extraction, and the evaluation or analysis of translation outputs. Recent studies show that using contextualized embeddings from pre-trained multilingual language models could give us high quality word alignments without the need of parallel training data. In this work, we propose PMI-Align which computes and uses the point-wise mutual information between source and target tokens to extract word alignments, instead of the cosine similarity or dot product which is mostly used in recent approaches. Our experiments show that our proposed PMI-Align approach could outperform the rival methods on five out of six language pairs. Although our approach requires no parallel training data, we show that this method could also benefit the approaches using parallel data to fine-tune pre-trained language models on word alignments. Our code and data are publicly available.


SIMULEVAL: An Evaluation Toolkit for Simultaneous Translation
Xutai Ma | Mohammad Javad Dousti | Changhan Wang | Jiatao Gu | Juan Pino
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Simultaneous translation on both text and speech focuses on a real-time and low-latency scenario where the model starts translating before reading the complete source input. Evaluating simultaneous translation models is more complex than offline models because the latency is another factor to consider in addition to translation quality. The research community, despite its growing focus on novel modeling approaches to simultaneous translation, currently lacks a universal evaluation procedure. Therefore, we present SimulEval, an easy-to-use and general evaluation toolkit for both simultaneous text and speech translation. A server-client scheme is introduced to create a simultaneous translation scenario, where the server sends source input and receives predictions for evaluation and the client executes customized policies. Given a policy, it automatically performs simultaneous decoding and collectively reports several popular latency metrics. We also adapt latency metrics from text simultaneous translation to the speech task. Additionally, SimulEval is equipped with a visualization interface to provide better understanding of the simultaneous decoding process of a system. SimulEval has already been extensively used for the IWSLT 2020 shared task on simultaneous speech translation. Code will be released upon publication.