Michael Bendersky


Creator Context for Tweet Recommendation
Spurthi Amba Hombaiah | Tao Chen | Mingyang Zhang | Michael Bendersky | Marc Najork | Matt Colen | Sergey Levi | Vladimir Ofitserov | Tanvir Amin
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

When discussing a tweet, people usually not only refer to the content it delivers, but also to the person behind the tweet. In other words, grounding the interpretation of the tweet in the context of its creator plays an important role in deciphering the true intent and the importance of the tweet. In this paper, we attempt to answer the question of how creator context should be used to advance tweet understanding. Specifically, we investigate the usefulness of different types of creator context, and examine different model structures for incorporating creator context in tweet modeling. We evaluate our tweet understanding models on a practical use case – recommending relevant tweets to news articles. This use case already exists in popular news apps, and can also serve as a useful assistive tool for journalists. We discover that creator context is essential for tweet understanding, and can improve application metrics by a large margin. However, we also observe that not all creator contexts are equal. Creator context can be time sensitive and noisy. Careful creator context selection and deliberate model structure design play an important role in creator context effectiveness.


QUILL: Query Intent with Large Language Models using Retrieval Augmentation and Multi-stage Distillation
Krishna Srinivasan | Karthik Raman | Anupam Samanta | Lingrui Liao | Luca Bertelli | Michael Bendersky
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive results on a variety of text understanding tasks. Search queries though pose a unique challenge, given their short-length and lack of nuance or context. Complicated feature engineering efforts do not always lead to downstream improvements as their performance benefits may be offset by increased complexity of knowledge distillation. Thus, in this paper we make the following contributions: (1) We demonstrate that Retrieval Augmentation of queries provides LLMs with valuable additional context enabling improved understanding. While Retrieval Augmentation typically increases latency of LMs (thus hurting distillation efficacy), (2) we provide a practical and effective way of distilling Retrieval Augmentation LLMs. Specifically, we use a novel two-stage distillation approach that allows us to carry over the gains of retrieval augmentation, without suffering the increased compute typically associated with it. (3) We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach (QUILL) on a billion-scale, real-world query understanding system resulting in huge gains. Via extensive experiments, including on public benchmarks, we believe this work offers a recipe for practical use of retrieval-augmented query understanding.


DiPair: Fast and Accurate Distillation for Trillion-Scale Text Matching and Pair Modeling
Jiecao Chen | Liu Yang | Karthik Raman | Michael Bendersky | Jung-Jung Yeh | Yun Zhou | Marc Najork | Danyang Cai | Ehsan Emadzadeh
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Pre-trained models like BERT ((Devlin et al., 2018) have dominated NLP / IR applications such as single sentence classification, text pair classification, and question answering. However, deploying these models in real systems is highly non-trivial due to their exorbitant computational costs. A common remedy to this is knowledge distillation (Hinton et al., 2015), leading to faster inference. However – as we show here – existing works are not optimized for dealing with pairs (or tuples) of texts. Consequently, they are either not scalable or demonstrate subpar performance. In this work, we propose DiPair — a novel framework for distilling fast and accurate models on text pair tasks. Coupled with an end-to-end training strategy, DiPair is both highly scalable and offers improved quality-speed tradeoffs. Empirical studies conducted on both academic and real-world e-commerce benchmarks demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach with speedups of over 350x and minimal quality drop relative to the cross-attention teacher BERT model.


A Dictionary of Wisdom and Wit: Learning to Extract Quotable Phrases
Michael Bendersky | David Smith
Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2012 Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature


Joint Annotation of Search Queries
Michael Bendersky | W. Bruce Croft | David A. Smith
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies