Jiangui Chen


生成式信息检索前沿进展与挑战(Challenges and Advances in Generative Information Retrieval)
Yixing Fan (意兴 范) | Yubao Tang (钰葆 唐) | Jiangui Chen (建贵 陈) | Ruqing Zhang (儒清 张) | Jiafeng Guo (嘉丰 郭)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Frontier Forum)

“信息检索(Information Retrieval, IR)旨在从大规模的语料集合中找到与用户查询相关的信息,已经成为人们解决日常工作和生活中问题的最重要工具之一。现有的IR系统主要依赖于“索引-召回-重排”的框架,将复杂的检索任务建模成多阶段耦合的搜索过程。这种解耦建模的方式,一方面提升了系统检索的效率,使得检索系统能够轻松应对数十亿的语料集合;另一方面也加重了系统架构的复杂性,无法实现端到端联合优化。为了应对这个问题,近年来研究人员开始探索利用一个统一的模型建模整个搜索过程,并提出了新的生成式信息检索范式,这种新的范式将整个语料集合编码到检索模型中,可以实现端到端优化,消除了检索系统对于外部索引的依赖。当前,生成式检索已经成为坉坒领域热门研究方向之一,研究人员提出了不同的方案来提升检索的效果,考虑到这个方向的快速进展,本文将对生成式信息检索进行系统的综述,包括基础概念,文档标识符和模型容量。此外,我们还讨论了一些未解决的挑战以及有前景的研究方向,希望能激发和促进更多关于这些主题的未来研究。”


Zewen at SemEval-2018 Task 1: An Ensemble Model for Affect Prediction in Tweets
Zewen Chi | Heyan Huang | Jiangui Chen | Hao Wu | Ran Wei
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper presents a method for Affect in Tweets, which is the task to automatically determine the intensity of emotions and intensity of sentiment of tweets. The term affect refers to emotion-related categories such as anger, fear, etc. Intensity of emo-tions need to be quantified into a real valued score in [0, 1]. We propose an en-semble system including four different deep learning methods which are CNN, Bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM), LSTM-CNN and a CNN-based Attention model (CA). Our system gets an average Pearson correlation score of 0.682 in the subtask EI-reg and an average Pearson correlation score of 0.784 in subtask V-reg, which ranks 17th among 48 systems in EI-reg and 19th among 38 systems in V-reg.