Ilana Heintz


Claim Extraction via Subgraph Matching over Modal and Syntactic Dependencies
Benjamin Rozonoyer | David Zajic | Ilana Heintz | Michael Selvaggio
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations

We propose the use of modal dependency parses (MDPs) aligned with syntactic dependency parse trees as an avenue for the novel task of claim extraction. MDPs provide a document-level structure that links linguistic expression of events to the conceivers responsible for those expressions. By defining the event-conceiver links as claims and using subgraph pattern matching to exploit the complementarity of these modal links and syntactic claim patterns, we outline a method for aggregating and classifying claims, with the potential for supplying a novel perspective on large natural language data sets. Abstracting away from the task of claim extraction, we prototype an interpretable information extraction (IE) paradigm over sentence- and document-level parse structures, framing inference as subgraph matching and learning as subgraph mining. We make our code open-sourced at


Automatic Extraction of Linguistic Metaphors with LDA Topic Modeling
Ilana Heintz | Ryan Gabbard | Mahesh Srivastava | Dave Barner | Donald Black | Majorie Friedman | Ralph Weischedel
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Metaphor in NLP


Arabic Language Modeling with Finite State Transducers
Ilana Heintz
Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Student Research Workshop